New Unique Unit: Gallowglass
Replaces Man-At-Arms. Higher Melee Combat Strength (48 vs. 45).
Receives +3 Melee Combat Strength when within 3 tiles from the city with more than 76 Loyalty. This bonus doubles for the city is at maximum Loyalty. Suffers -3 Melee Combat Strength when within 3 tiles from the city with less than 25 Loyalty. These effects are not stacked if there are more than two cities within 3 tiles and the highest value applied.
Happy cities receive +30% Production while creating this unit. This bonus doubles for Ecstatic cities.
New Unique Unit: Kern
Replaces Pikeman. Higher Melee Combat Strength (48 vs. 45).
Receives one free Promotion when created, purchased, or upgraded from an earlier unit.
Happy cities receive +30% Production while creating this unit. This bonus doubles for Ecstatic cities.
Receives +2 Melee Combat Strength per each Promotion obtained. Receives +1 Movement per every 2 Promotions obtained.
New Unique Building: Crannog
Replaces Lighthouse. Unlocked by Construction instead of Celestial Navigation.
Grants +1 Food to nearby Lakes.
Provides +1 Housing for each Lake and +0.5 Housing for each Coast near this city (up to 3).
New Unique Building: Dùn
Replaces Ancient Walls. Provides +2 Production per turn if this city is built on Hills.
Provides +2 Amenities if this city is built on Hills and a land military unit that does not belong to an earlier Era than the current World Era is garrisoned.
For Scotland, keeping cities happy is essential. And it now has another way to do so in this design. In addition to Production, Dùn provides Amenities when a land military unit is garrisoned in the city. Just remember to settle cities on Hills and upgrade the unit from time to time.
Again, maintaining cities happy is vital to Scotland. And now, it's so because of the two new Unique Units. Kern is created fast in happy cities and receives Combat Strength and Movement bonuses from promotions. Although it might be preferable to upgrade veteran Spearman to this unit, it's still a good idea to create it because it receives a promotion immediately.
Along with Kern, Gallowglass seals the military advantage of Scotland during the Medieval Era. This unit is also created fast in happy cities and receives a Combat Strength bonus if these cities are also loyal. There is no restriction that the loyal cities must be Scottish; you can use this unit on the offensive. However, pay attention to the newly conquered city because when the loyalty is low, this unit is no better than ordinary Man-At-Arms.
Lastly, with many ways to increase Amenities, you may want to grow your cities into megalopolises. If so, you might consider settling near Lake or Coast. Crannog grants additional Food to Lakes and provides Housing from nearby Lake and Coast. But since Scotland is unfamiliar with the waters, you may want to build some fleets in case the enemy invades.
The clever Scottish will keep their independent spirit till the end if you wisely use their new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
New Unique Unit: Amazon
Replaces Courser. Unlocked by Mercenaries instead of Castles.
Has a ranged attack (46 Ranged Strength, 1 Range). Can still make melee attacks.
Receives +1 Sight if obtained more than 1 Promotion. Can move after attacking if obtained more than 3 Promotions. Receives +1 Range if obtained more than 5 Promotions.
Receives +2 Ranged Strength per each Promotion obtained.
New Unique Unit: Sagaris Axeman
Replaces Swordsman. Lower Production cost (75 vs. 90). Requires 5 Iron to train.
Receives a higher Melee Combat Strength bonus (10 vs. 5) vs. anti-cavalry units.
New Unique Building: Goldsmith
Replaces Workshop. No Gold maintenance cost. Provides +2 Gold per turn and +2 Amenities.
If no Luxury Resource exists in this city's territory, provides +1 additional Amenity.
New Unique Building: Hemp Smoke Tent
Replaces Granary. Unlocked by Astrology instead of Pottery.
Doesn't provide +1 Food per turn. Instead, provides +2 Faith per turn.
If this city is Happy, provides +20% Production while constructing District or building within 2 tiles from the City Center and +10% Production while constructing Wonder within 2 tiles from the City Center.
If this city is Ecstatic, provides +30% Production while constructing District or building and +15% Production while constructing Wonder.
Each of these buildings decreases War Weariness by 3% (up to 45%).
Scythia is an aggressive Civilization that revolves around light cavalry units. Because of this, anti-cavalry units can be the bane. Sagaris Axeman perfectly solves this problem. It's quite cheaper than Swordsman and receives a double Combat Strength bonus against anti-cavalry units. If your neighbor relies on anti-cavalry units, create some of this and clear the way for the cavalry. This unit can even fight against Pikeman toe-to-toe while costing less than half of Production.
In the Medieval Era, Scythia now can create Amazon. This unit is similar to Immortal or Saka Horse Archer. Both units can make ranged attacks for the former, and for the latter, both units have 1 Range. However, unlike these units, Amazon can become even more potent by obtaining promotions. Mass-produce this unit if you prefer quantity over quality, and upgrade Horseman with promotion if you prefer quality over quantity.
In addition to the two Unique Units, Scythia also received two Unique Buildings in this design. Unlike Workshop, Goldsmith provides Gold and Amenities. Judging that Workshop requires 1 maintenance, you can count that this building provides +3 more Gold per turn than Workshop. Also, Amenity bonus is always appreciated by aggressive Civilizations like Scythia.
Amenity bonus also goes well with Hemp Smoke Tent. Like the Civ Ability of the Scottish, this building provides bonuses for happy cities. Maintaining your cities' happiness while you continuously attack your neighbors could be a little difficult, but the rewards will undoubtedly be enormous. And just in case, this building decreases War Weariness.
The wind in the steppe will always remind the spirit of the Scythians if you wisely use their new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
New Unique Unit: Jinete
Ranged Cavalry unit of the Medieval Era. Unlocked by Divine Right. 180 Production cost, 720 Gold cost, 3 Gold maintenance cost, 4 Movement, 35 Melee Combat Strength, 50 Ranged Combat Strength, 1 Range, 2 Sight. Requires 10 Horses to train. Upgrades to Field Cannon.
Ignores enemy zone of control.
Receive +1 Range in the territory of the enemy city following other religions.
Killing a unit provides Faith equal to 50% of its Combat Strength.
New Unique Unit: Galleon
Replaces Frigate. Receives +2 Combat Strength per each enemy unit within range (up to +15).
Upon the enemy naval military unit or embarked unit moving to the tile within this unit's range, the unit immediately loses up to 2 Movement points. This effect does not stack if moving to the range of more than 2 Galleons, and occurs only once per each enemy unit.
New Unique Building: Bullring
Replaces Arena. Grants +1 Faith and Culture to each Pasture in this city.
If there is no Pasture in this city's territory, provides +2 Amenities.
New Unique Building: Cabildo
Replaces Bank. Provides +5 Loyalty per turn if built in the Capital or the city follows the same Religion as the Capital.
Provides +2 Food per turn if built in the city founded by Spain. Provides +3 Production per turn if built in the occupied city. Provides +2 Culture per turn if built in the Capital or the city on the same continent. Provides +3 Science per turn if built in the city on a foreign continent.
Conquistador is a mighty unit indeed, but it needs many things to use this unit properly. High amount of Science is required to unlock this unit quickly, and high amount of Culture is needed to unlock Government and Policy Cards such as Theocracy, Wars of Religion, and Faith to purchase religious units. However, while the Mission provides Science, Spain has no bonus directly related to Culture and Faith. However, Bullring now provides Culture and Faith from Pasture. Additional Amenity is also helpful to aggressive Civilizations such as Spain.
If it is proved that the conditions for using Conquistador are challenging to meet, Jinete can fill the role of the unit. This unit, unlocked one Era earlier, deals powerful damage from afar. This unit also provides Faith, which can be used for purchasing religious units for Conquistadors, from kill.
In addition to the two land Unique Units, Galleon contributes to claiming naval hegemony for Spain. This unit causes some trouble for enemy vessels by exerting some kind of modified zone of control. This unit also becomes stronger when there are more enemy units nearby.
Lastly, Cabildo is the true jewel of Spain. It contributes to maintaining the city by providing Loyalty and various yields, depending on the city's origin and location. Although controlling which yields will be given may be difficult, any of these bonuses will be helpful.
Spain will advance further beyond for its wealth and glory if you wisely use its new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
New Unique Unit: Aga-Ush
Replaces Spearman. Available without any technological research. Lower Production cost (55 vs. 65). No Gold maintenance cost.
Killing a unit provides Science and Culture equal to 25% of its Combat Strength.
New Unique Unit: Shublugal
Replaces Archer. Receives +5 Melee Combat Strength, +7 Ranged Combat Strength, and +1 Movement when starting its turn within 2 tiles from Holy Site with Temple.
New Unique Building: Eduba
Replaces Library. Lower Production cost (60 vs. 90).
Provides +1 Science/Culture per turn upon researching/developing certain Technology/Civic before any other civilizations research/develop it (up to 3/3). This bonus Science and Culture applies to every Eduba, including those not yet built.
New Unique District: E-Gal
Replaces Holy Site. Available without any technological research. May be purchased with Faith.
Can't receive ordinary Adjacency Bonuses. Instead, receive 1 Faith per turn from each adjacent Ziggurat or District.
Allows to purchase buildings placed in this District or Districts adjoins with this District with Faith (excluding the City Center).
This District is not considered a specialty District and does not require Population.
It's no secret that Sumer should use War-Cart to go on the offensive as soon as possible. Now, however, it would be a fine idea to create some Aga-Ush, send this unit with War-Cart, and earn some Science and Culture by delivering the final blow with this unit. Sumer could widen the gap between itself and other Civilizations in this way.
Eduba is a cheaper Library by itself, but it provides additional Science and Culture whenever Sumer is the first to research specific Technology or Civics. Upon reaching the maximum, this bonus can't be ignored. Furthermore, it won't be too hard to obtain the upper hand early in the game, thanks to the Ziggurat and Aga-Ush.
Upon entering the Classical Era, Sumer loses its military advantage in the vanilla game. But in this design, its offense can be continued thanks to Shublugal. This unit replaces Archer, but since Holy Site with Temple strengthens this unit, you may consider this unit belongs to the Classical Era. With this buff, stats of Shublugal become suitable for the Classical Era unit, and the cost, of course, is not increased.
From the middle stage of the game and onwards, E-Gal contributes to maintaining the edge of Sumer. Among other effects, this District enables the purchase of buildings with Faith. And Sumer will have a good flow of Faith because this District is not a Specialty District, which means you can construct this in every city.
The first-came Sumer will get the last dance if you wisely use its new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
New Unique Unit: Hakkapeliitta
Light Cavalry unit of the Renaissance Era. Unlocked by Gunpowder. 280 Production cost, 1120 Gold cost, 4 Gold maintenance cost, 4 Movement, 55 Melee Combat Strength, 2 Sight. Requires 10 Horses to train. Upgrades to Cavalry.
Ignores enemy zone of control.
When starting its turn not adjacent to the enemy unit, make an extra attack with 40 Ranged Combat Strength when attacking the enemy unit. This extra attack doesn't effected from this unit's promotions or abilities and doesn't provide experience unless the enemy unit was killed by this (if so, this unit receives experience as if it made a ranged attack).
Can move after attacking.
New Unique Unit: Sverige
Replaces Ironclad. Lower Gold maintenance cost (3 vs. 5). Higher Movement (6 vs. 5). Higher Sight (4 vs. 3). No strategic resource requirement.
Suffers -5 Combat Strength when attacking but receives +10 Combat Strength when defending.
New Unique Building: Royal Academy
Replaces University. There are 3 varieties that provide different bonuses. Only one of these can be built per city.
Art Academy: Provides +4 Culture per turn. Upon built, provides 12 Great Writer, Great Artist, or Great Musician points at random. This bonus increases to 24 in the Renaissance Era, 42 in the Industrial Era, 66 in the Modern Era, 96 in the Atomic Era, and 132 in the Information Era.
Science Academy: Provides more Science per turn (6 vs. 4). Upon being built, triggers a random Eureka of Technology that belongs to earlier Eras than Sweden's current Era.
War Academy: Provides +4 Production while creating units. Military units created or purchased in this city receive +25% combat experience.
New Unique Tile Improvement: Bastu
Unlocked by Medieval Faires. Must be built on Tundra, Tundra (Hills), Snow, or Snow (Hills). Cannot be adjacent to another Bastu.
Provides +1 Culture per turn per every 2 adjacent Tundra, Tundra (Hills), Snow, or Snow (Hills) without tile improvement, increasing to +1 Culture per turn per every adjacent Tundra, Tundra (Hills), Snow, or Snow (Hills) without tile improvement (with Urbanization).
Provides +1 Gold per turn per every Lake in this city's territory.
A city with at least 4 of these tile improvements nearby receives +2 Amenities.
Changed Civ Ability: Nobel Prize
+1 Great Engineer points from Factories and +1 Great Scientist points from Universities. → +1 Great Engineer points from Factories and +1 Great Scientist points from Royal Academies.
In this design, Sweden received two Unique Components designed to support Open-Air Museum. First, to get the most out of this excellent tile enhancement, you should found at least one city on Snow and Tundra, albeit these terrains are often worthless. But now, Bastu provides ample Culture from these terrains, and if some Lakes are nearby, this tile improvement also provides Gold. Even though these yields are below expectation for some reason, this tile improvement also provides Amenities.
It may seem a little odd that a unit aggressive in nature was given to a cultural Leader like Kristina, but Hakkapeliitta also supports Open-Air Museum. Swedish cities must be built on various terrain types, as is already known. But if there is not enough space for a new city to be founded, you may consider taking the city by military force. Hakkapeliitta and Carolean will show their value in this situation.
Sweden practically has three Unique Buildings in this design because Royal Academy has 3 varieties, and you can freely choose which one should be built. Art Academy even accelerates Cultural Victory, while Science Academy provides a free Eureka upon construction as well as additional Science. War Academy enhances the military ability of Sweden, and this bonus will contribute to playing some defense.
Speaking of defense, Sverige is an excellent unit for coastal defense. This unit suffers a Combat Strength penalty when attacking, but in return, it receives an enormous Combat Strength bonus when defending. Since this unit doesn't require Coal, it can be produced in large quantities.
The era of great power will come to Sweden once again if you wisely use its new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
New Unique Unit: Jiaozhi Arquebusier
Replaces Musketman. Requires 5 Niter to train.
The Capital receives +100% Production while creating this unit. Receives one free Promotion and pays no Gold maintenance cost when created or purchased in the Capital.
Receive +3 Melee Combat Strength by the number of Promotion against the enemy unit with fewer Promotion (if this unit has 4 Promotions and the enemy unit has 1, for example, this unit receives +9 Melee Combat Strength).
New Unique Unit: Nguyễn Cannon
Replaces Bombard. Does not suffer Bombard Combat Strength against land units when garrisoned on a tile improvement that provides a defensive bonus (such as Fort).
New Unique Building: Water Puppetry Theatre
Replaces Amphitheater. When killing the enemy unit within this city's territory, receive 5 Great Writer points.
Great Works of Writing stored in this building provide +2 Culture per turn.
New Unique District: Văn Miếu
Replaces Campus. Receives 1 Adjacency Bonus from each District instead of every 2 Districts.
If built on Woods, buildings in this District provide +3 Faith per turn. If built on a Rainforest, the Gold purchasing cost of a unit, building, District, or tile decreases by 20%. If built on Marsh, provides +50% Production while creating Settler or Builder. If none of these cases, provides +4 Loyalty per turn.
One of the most important things when playing Vietnam is researching Medieval Faires as fast as possible. And Water Puppetry Theatre will be helpful in this regard. Let your enemies enter the city's territory with this building and destroy them. Great Writer points and Great Works of Writing, in the end, will be yours, and Great Works in this building even provide additional Culture.
Văn Miếu is another interesting Unique Infrastructure for Vietnam. Based on the terrain features beneath, this District provides different bonuses. The bonus from Woods can be the weakest, but the bonus from Marsh will be helpful, especially in the early stage of the game, and the bonus from Rainforest will be substantial in the long run. Even in the conquered city, when no terrain features are beneath, this District provides Loyalty.
Vietnam received two helpful Unique Units belonging to the Renaissance Era in this design. Nguyễn Cannon is a siege unit, but what makes it special is how well it defends. When on the Fort-like tile improvement, you may think of this unit as a range unit standing between the Crossbowman and Field Cannon. Naturally, you are free to bring this unit to the siege because there is no penalty for this.
You might have some Man-At-Arms or Swordsman with some promotions if you played offensively or endured through the enemy invasion for a long time. And Jiaozhi Arquebusier can provide the military advantage if such is the case. Each promotion makes this unit more powerful, and when you produce it in the capital, it will be created quickly and with one free promotion.
Vietnam's distinct culture and spirit will not be tarnished if you wisely use its new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.
New Unique Unit: Isikhulu
Replaces Swordsman. Unlocked by Iron Working instead of Mining. Lower Production cost (75 vs. 90). Lower Melee Combat Strength (25 vs. 35). No strategic resource requirement.
Doesn't upgraded from Warrior (thus, Zulu Warrior directly upgrades to Man-At-Arms).
Receives +5 Melee Combat Strength upon researching Bronze Working, Iron Working, or Construction (+15 in total). Receives +50% combat experience after developing Military Training.
New Unique Unit: Umpakati
Replaces Pike and Shot. Higher Movement (3 vs. 2). Higher Melee Combat Strength (58 vs. 55).
Grants +3 Combat Strength and +50% combat experience to units within 2 tiles from this unit and with lower level. This bonus can't be given to other Umpakatis and does not stack if there are more than 2 Umpakatis within 2 tiles.
New Unique Building: Isicathulo
Replaces Arena. Grants +1 Gold per turn to Mines adjacent to a District with this building. Provides +1 Amenity per every 2 Mine adjacent to a district with this building.
New Unique Building: Iziko
Replaces Granary. Provides more Food (2 vs. 1) per turn.
Provides Culture equal to 25% of the unit's cost when a support or civilian unit is created in this city.
Upon developing Mercenaries, doesn't provide Culture by creating units anymore. Instead, each Iziko already built provides a random Inspiration bonus.
Provides +1 Production (with Mercenaries).
Changed Unique Unit: Impi
Upgrades to Pike and Shot. → Upgrades to Umpakati.
As always, the Zulus are the offensive Civilization. But they are not that exceptional before researching Mercenaries and Military Tactics. This weakness is intended to be mitigated by two Unique Components. Isikhulu replaces Swordsman but is weaker and unlocked earlier. However, in the end, with Technological and Civic development, this unit will become stronger than its counterpart. Creating some of this unit, research Technologies and Civic will make this unit strong until Impi and Corps are unlocked.
Iziko provides various bonuses, but the main point is that it provides Culture when a unit is created. In contrast to the Leader Bonus of Ambiorix or Basilikoi Paides, this bonus is given when a non-military unit is designed and only activates before researching Mercenaries. Needless to say, this aids in researching the Civic in trouble much earlier. Also, each Iziko already built provides a random Inspiration upon researching Mercenaries. With some luck, this farewell service will also help research Nationalism fast.
The Zulus now receive Umpakati as an improved form of Impi. Besides its increased stats, this unit gives bonuses to new-born units nearby. There is little reason not to use Impi actively, so it's likely that first some Umpakatis will have many promotions, making it an excellent instructor to the raw recruits.
Last but not least, Isicathulo makes the Zulu war machine run more smoothly. This building provides additional Gold that can be used for unit purchase and maintenance and Amenities to compensate for War Weariness. If there are some bonus resources that can be improved by Mine, it may be considerable not to harvest those for this building.
Warcry of the Zulus will tremble even the most brave enemies if you wisely use their new Unique Components in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.