I'd like to share 6 Civilizations of the Renaissance-era and modern Italian Civilizations in this post.
Florentine - Lorenzo de' Medici
Civ Ability: Cradle of the Renaissance
Receives +1 additional Era Score upon recruiting a Great Person, constructing or purchasing a building that provides Science or Culture, researching or developing a Technology or Civic belonging to the earlier Era than the current World Era.
Leader Bonus: Laurentian Library
Library receives 2 Great Work of Writing slots. University receives 2 Great Work of Art slots. Research Lab receives 2 Great Work of Music slots. If these bonus slots are empty, each empty slot provides 1 Great Person point of its type per turn during the Golden Age or Heroic Age. If both slots are filled, the theming bonus is activated during the Golden Age or Heroic Age.
Unique Unit: Ribauldequin
Ranged unit of the Renaissance Era. Unlocked by Gunpowder. 250 Production cost, 1000 Gold cost, 4 Gold maintenance cost, 2 Movement, 40 Combat Strength, 50 Ranged Combat Strength, 2 Range, 2 Sight. Upgrades to Field Cannon.
Cannot attack after moving unless its maximum Movement is 3 or more.
Can make +1 additional attack per turn if didn't move in the same turn (does not stack with Expert Marksman promotion).
Unique Building: Medici Bank
Replaces Bank. During the Golden Age of Heroic Age, Commercial Hub with this building receives +1 Adjacency Bonus from each adjacent District, instead of every 2 adjacent Districts.
During the Golden Age or Heroic Age, provides 3 types of Great Person points provided by this District or its adjacent District by 1 per turn (other than Great Prophet point, and can provide +2 Great Person points of certain type).
Agenda: Il Magnifico
Likes Civilizations with few Great Works and is behind him in Civics and Technologies. Dislikes Civilizations with many Great Works or ahead of him in Civics and Technologies.
Civ Ability: Altare della Patria
Upon meeting the condition, can build a Unique Wonder, the Altar of Rome, the Altar of Italy, or the Altar of the Fatherland (if the city with these Wonders is taken to other Civilizations, the Wonder is destroyed at once and provides Gold equal to quadruple the cumulative Production cost of it. in this case, this Wonder can be built again).
Leader Bonus: Risorgimento
Can declare a Formal War to the Civilization that has the city on Italy's home Continent.
Units deal full damage when attacking cities on Italy's home Continent.
Receives a random Eureka and Inspiration upon conquering the city on Italy's home Continent (once per city).
Unique Unit: Alpini
Melee unit of the Modern Era. Unlocked by Steel. 400 Production cost, 7 Gold Maintenance cost, 3 Movement, 85 Combat Strength, 3 Sight. Can't be upgraded but does not obsoleted.
Can't be purchased with Gold or Faith. Can't receive a combat experience bonus by any means.
Suffers no Movement penalty on Hills.
Unique Building: Cinema
Replaces Broadcast Center. Provides more Great Artist points (2 vs. 1) and Great Musician points (3 vs. 2) per turn.
Provides +1 Culture per turn and +1 Amenity to all City Centers within 6 tiles from this Theater Square with this building (Culture bonus is stacked if there are more than 2 of this building within 6 tiles, but Amenity bonus is not. Amenity bonus from this building is stacked with Zoo, Stadium, Aquarium, and Aquatics Center, however).
Unique Wonder: Altar of Rome
Unlocked by Political philosophy. 400 Production cost. Must have more than 5 cities, including the Capital, to unlock this Wonder.
Must be built on a land tile other than Mountains and without terrain features and adjacent to the current Capital.
Cities within the Trade Route range of the Capital receive +5 Loyal per turn. The cities also receive +50% Production while constructing a District that already exists in the Capital and +25% Production while creating land military units.
Unique Wonder: Altar of Italy
Unlocked by Banking. 1060 Production cost. Must research Printing and develop Humanism as well as Banking to unlock this Wonder.
Must be built on a land tile with the Altar of Rome (which means overwriting it).
While constructing this, the Altar of Rome is considered as a Wonder under construction and doesn't provide bonuses.
Provides bonuses of the Altar of Rome.
Increases Trade Route capacity by 3 and provides 3 Traders for free.
Every city receives +100% Production while creating Traders.
While researching or developing Technology or Civic belonging to the previous Era, provides +10% Science or Culture per the gap between the Technology or Civic's Era and the current World Era (Receives +20% Science while researching the Technology belonging to the Ancient Era in the Medieval Era, for example).
Unique Wonder: Altar of the Fatherland
Unlocked by Ideology. 1620 Production cost. More than half of the cities in Italy's home Continent must be Italian to unlock this Wonder.
Must be built on a land tile with the Altar of Italy.
While constructing this, the Altar of Italy is considered as a Wonder under construction and doesn't provide bonuses.
Provides bonuses of the Altar of Italy (and the Altar of Rome).
Harbors currently owned or will be constructed receive free Lighthouse and Shipyard.
Every Commercial Hub provides Production per turn with the same amount of its Gold per turn from the Adjacency Bonus.
City with Harbor, Industrial Zone, or Commercial Hub receives +2 Amenities (does not stack even if with more than 2 of those Districts).
Agenda: From Sardinia to Italy
Try to monopolize his home city and will try to conquer every city belonging to the other Civilizations, Free City, or City-State. Likes Civilizations that remain on a foreign Continent and dislikes Civilizations with a city on his home Continent.
Civ Ability: Armory of Italy
Industrial Zone and its buildings pay no maintenance and can be built at double speed.
Industrial Zone buildings grant +10 Strategic Resource stockpiles.
If there are no Encampment buildings in the city, Industrial Zone buildings can provide combat experience and Corps and Army training bonuses instead (Workshop can replace Barracks and Stable at the same time, Factory can replace Armory, and any type of Power plant can replace Military Academy).
Can create Military Engineers even without an Armory.
Leader Bonus: Arbiter of Italy
Receives an Envoy upon constructing or purchasing a new type of District (other than City Center) for the first time.
Receives +1 Great Writer point per City-State Milan has Suzerainty over. Upon constructing or purchasing the first Workshop, each Suzerainty also provides +1 Great Artist point per turn and +1 Great Musician point per turn upon the first Factory.
Receives +1 Diplomatic Favor per turn from each Suzerainty (this bonus does not doubled with Országház).
Unique Unit: Genoese Crossbowman
Replaces Crossbowman. Higher Production cost (200 vs. 180).
Receives +7 Combat Strength and Ranged Combat Strength if didn't move in the same turn (until the start of the next turn).
Unique Building: Duomo
Replaces Temple. Receives 1 Great Works slot (which can be filled with Great Work of Writing, Great Work of Art, or Great Work of Music). Upon filling, provides +3 Culture per turn and decreases purchasing cost with Faith by 20%.
Agenda: The Moor
Constructs as many Industrial Zones and Theater Squares as possible. Dislikes Civilizations who do the same and likes Civilizations who ignore those Districts.
Papal - Alexander VI, Julius II
Civ Ability: Ring of the Fisherman
Palace receives 2, instead of 1, slots for Great Works.
Receives a Relic upon adopting a Pantheon, founding a Religion, or evangelizing Belief (4 in total).
Upon killing a religious unit from theological combat, receives Culture equal to 25% of its base Faith purchasing cost.
Upon constructing a building placed in the City Center or Holy Site by Production, receives Faith equal to half of its Production cost.
Upon obtaining Era Scores, receives Great Prophet points equal to double the scores. This bonus becomes obsolete when the World enters the Medieval Era.
Unique Unit: Swiss Guard
Replaces Pikeman. Unlocked by Mercenaries instead of Military Tactics. Higher Combat Strength (50 vs. 45). May be purchased with Faith.
Receives +5 Combat Strength if there is a Papal religious unit within 2 tiles (does not stack if there are more than 2 religious units within 2 tiles).
Unique District: Diocese
Replaces Holy Site. Receives +2 Adjacency Bonus from the City Center or Wonder.
Provides 1 Citizen upon construction or purchasing.
Provides +1 Amenity if with more than 4 Adjacency Bonus (before enhanced by Scripture).
Is not considered a specialty District and does not require Population.
Leader Bonus (Alexander VI): House of Borgia
Upon entering the Golden Age or Heroic Age, receives a unique Dedication in addition to the normal Dedication(s). This unique Dedication is automatically activated even without choosing, but it has no Normal/Dark Age Effect.
Receives a free Spy upon constructing or purchasing the first Worship Building.
Upon a Spy success at counterspying, receive an Apostle that follows the majority religion of the city.
Unique Dedication: Cesare Borgia, the Cardinal
Available from the Classical Era to the Medieval Era.
Each Relic decreases purchasing cost with Faith by 5% and Faith cost for patronaging Great People by 2.5%.
Unique Dedication: Cesare Borgia, the Gonfalonier
Available from the Renaissance Era to the Modern Era.
May levying units with Faith instead of Gold. Faith costs 25% more than Gold, but units levied with Faith receive +5 Combat Strength.
Receives a Relic upon levying with Faith.
Unique Dedication: Cesare Borgia, the Duke
Available from the Atomic Era to the Future Era.
Every Specialty District provides Faith per turn equal to 50% of its Adjacency Bonus (round down decimal, excluding Diocese because it's not a Specialty District).
Every unit, building, and District can be purchased with Faith. Each Relic decreases Faith purchasing cost by 2.5%.
Agenda (Alexander VI): Dukedom of Romagna
Likes Civilizations with many Spies and enjoys the Golden or Heroic Era. Dislikes Civilizations that are going through the Dark Age or ignore espionage.
Leader Bonus (Julius II): The Sword and The Cross
Each Relic provides +1 Great General point per turn.
Receives a Governor Title upon recruiting a Great General.
Land military units may be purchased with Faith in the city with an established Governor. Unit purchasing cost is decreased by 5% per each promotion that the Governor has (up to 25%).
Agenda (Julius II): Caesar on the Holy See
Likes Civilizations that follow the same Religion and are on the Continent where he has no cities. Dislikes Civilizations that follow different Religions or have a city on his home continent.
Civ Ability: Religious Coexistence
Each city receives +1 Housing and Amenity and +3% Culture and Science per each Religion spread.
Leader Bonus: Norman Conquest
Theater Square, Campus, and Holy Site provide +2 Adjacency Bonus to each other.
Theater Square buildings provide +3% Food to the city.
Campus buildings provide +3% Gold to the city.
Holy Site buildings provide +3% Production while creating military units.
Unique Unit: Saracen Archer
Replaces Crossbowman. May be purchased with Faith. Pays no maintenance if purchased with Faith.
Receives +1 Combat Strength and +2 Ranged Combat Strength per each Religion spread in the city that created or purchased this unit. If more than 3 Religions are spread in the city, also receives +1 Movement.
Unique Tile Improvement: Latifondo
Unlocked by Feudalism. Must be built on Plains, Plains (Hills), Grassland, or Grassland (Hills).
Provides +1 Production per turn per every 2 adjacent Farm, increasing to +1 Production per turn per every adjacent Farm (with Plastics).
Provides +1 Food per turn per every adjacent Plantation, increasing to +2 Food per turn per every adjacent Plantation (with Capitalism).
Provides +1 Gold per turn per Religion spread to the nearby city.
Provides +0.5 Housing.
Agenda: Cappella Palatina
Likes Civilizations with many Districts with high Adjacency Bonuses. Dislikes Civilizations with many Districts with low Adjacency Bonuses.
Civ Ability: La Serenissima
Commercial Hub and Harbor, instead of Market and Lighthouse, increases Trade Route capacity by 1.
International Trade Route sent from the city with Commercial Hub and Harbor provides +"Tier of the current Government X 4" Gold and +" Tier of the current Government X 2" Great Merchant points per turn.
International Trade Route provides +1 Amenity from luxury resources near the destination city, and Venice doesn't have.
Grants +1 Appeal to every tile nearby Happy city with an established Governor. This bonus doubled for Ecstatic city with an established Governor.
Leader Bonus: Savior of Venice
Receives a free Spy upon adopting the first Tier 2 or Tier 3 Government (2 in total).
May purchase Spies with Gold.
Receives 50 Diplomatic Favor upon a Spy success at an espionage mission other than Gain Sources and Listening Post (including counterspying).
Military units near the city with established Spy that on counterspying mission receives +"(number of Promotions the Spy has X 2) - 1" Combat Strength.
Unique Unit: Galleass
Replaces Frigate. Higher Combat Strength (50 vs. 45). Higher Ranged Combat Strength (65 vs. 55).
Suffers -1 Movement when starting its turn on Ocean tile.
Purchasing cost of this unit is decreased by 15% in Happy city. This bonus doubled for Ecstatic city.
Unique Building: Publishing House
Replaces Library. Provides +1 Great Writer point per turn.
Upon constructing or purchasing a Campus building (including itself), provides Culture equal to 25% of its Production cost. Upon constructing or purchasing a Theater Square building, provides Science equal to 25% of its Production cost.
Upon construction, it provides a random Eureka or Inspiration of a Technology or Civic belonging to an earlier Era than the current World Era (it provides Ancient Eureka or Inspiration if the current World Era is Ancient).
Agenda: Panegyric to the Doge
Likes Civilizations that have more domestic Trade Routes than international ones. Dislikes Civilizations that have more international Trade Routes than domestic ones. Especially loathes Civilizations that have more international Trade Routes than him.