"Old" in the title of this post means Civilizations no longer exist today.
Civ Ability: Druidic Lore
Campus, Theater Square, Commercial Hub, and Industrial Zone receive 1 Adjacency Bonus from each adjacent Woods tile. These Districts also provide +1 Faith per turn per adjacent Woods tile.
Holy Site receives 2 Adjacency Bonus from each adjacent Woods tile, instead of 1 Adjacency Bonus from every 2 adjacent Woods tiles.
Until the World Era enters the Medieval Era, the Districts stated above provide +1 Great Prophet point per turn if adjacent to more than 3 Woods tiles.
Upon developing Nationalism, the Districts stated above provide +1 additional Culture per turn from every 2 adjacent Woods tiles, and if adjacent to more than 3 Woods tiles, provide +1 Food per turn.
Leader Bonus: Hare of Andraste
May purchase melee and anti-cavalry units with Faith.
Units purchased with Faith provide double yields (other than healing) from pillaging.
Unique Unit: Karbantos
Light Cavalry unit of the Ancient Era. Unlocked by Wheel. 60 Production cost, 240 Gold cost, 1 Gold maintenance cost, 3 Movement, 20 Combat Strength, 2 Sight. Upgrades to Courser.
Ignores enemy zone of control.
Operates as a Medic, providing extra healing to units within 1 tile (including itself).
Unique Building: Nemeton
Replaces Grove. Grants +1 Production per turn to nearby Woods tiles with Charming Appeal. This bonus increases to +2 Production per turn for Woods tiles with Breathtaking Appeal.
Agenda: Goddess of Victory
Likes Civilizations that have many military units and often pillage. Dislikes Civilizations that have few military units or pillage rarely.
Burgundian - Charles I, Phillip III
Civ Ability: Golden Fleece
International Trade Routes provides Culture per turn instead of Gold per turn (the value is unchanged), and also provide Production per turn as the same number of the value during the sending city constructing District (Gold bonus such as Policy Card, Wonder, Suzerainty are increases Culture and Production bonuses).
Receives 10 Great Merchant points upon obtaining an Inspiration boost. This bonus increases to 20 upon entering the Medieval Era, 40 upon entering the Renaissance Era, 70 upon the Industrial Era, 110 upon the Modern Era, 160 upon the Atomic, and 220 upon the Information Era.
Doesn't pay Gold maintenance for every unit and building.
Gold per turn decreases by 90%.
Unique Unit: Lancer
Replaces Knight. Higher Production cost (250 vs. 220). Higher Combat Strength (55 vs. 50).
Receives +5 Combat Strength against anti-cavalry units.
Provides +5 Great Merchant points from kills (non-Barbarian units only).
Unique Building: Cloth Hall
Replaces Bank. Doesn't provide Gold. Instead, provides more Great Merchant points (3 vs. 1) per turn.
Receives 2 Great Works slots (can be filled with Great Work of Writing, Great Work of Art, or Great Work of Music). Upon filling, each slot provides +1 Great Person point of the type per turn (doesn't have to fill both slots).
Upon developing Capitalism, Great Works within this building provide +2 Tourism per turn.
Leader Bonus (Charles I): Le Téméraire
Receives +50% Production while crating heavy cavalry units. Every unit requires half Horses or Iron to be created (thus, Lancer requires 5 Iron).
Each improved luxury resource provides +2 Production per turn.
Upon recruiting a Great Merchant for the first time, receive a refund of 50% of the Great Merchant points spent as Great General points. This bonus is reactivated upon entering a new World Era.
Units receive +"number of previous attacks made to the unit in this turn X 2" Combat Strength when attacking the enemy unit.
Agenda (Charles I): League of the Public Weal
Likes Civilizations with a weak army and the same form of Government as he does. Dislikes Civilizations with a strong army or a different government, especially those with a different form of Government from the same era as his own. Will often propose establishing an Alliance to Civilizations he likes.
Leader Bonus (Phillip III): Treaty of Arras
City with the Industrial Zone receives +3 Production per turn per City-State Burgundy has Suzerainty over.
Upon recruiting a Great Merchant, receives a refund of 10% of spent Great Merchant points as Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician points.
Receives double Diplomatic Favor from active Alliances.
Agenda (Phillip III): Grand Duke of the West
Tries to build up Culture and Tourism per turn. Likes Civilizations that have many cities and with high Culture per turn. Dislikes Civilizations that have few cities or with low Culture per turn.
Civ Ability: Harjis
Melee and anti-cavalry units pay only 1 Movement point to pillage.
Upon pillaging a tile improvement or District that doesn't provide a healing bonus, the pillaged unit recovers up to 10 hit points.
Yields from pillaging Districts are doubled (including healing bonus, and healing bonus from Civ Ability is also doubled).
Unique Unit: Gadrauht
Replaces Swordsman. Higher Combat Strength (40 vs. 35). No strategic resource requirement.
City that created this unit receives +50% Production during the creation of the next unit.
Unique Tile Improvement: Tumulus
Unlocked by Early Empire. Must be built on a flat land tile without terrain features and adjacent to the District.
Provides +2 Culture per turn and +1 Housing.
Provides +2 Science per turn (with Military Tactics).
Provides +1 Production per turn for the next 10 turns after losing a land military unit by combat (can be stacked up to +5).
Leader Bonus (Alaric I): Ruler of All
Upon destroying a city with at least 1 Wonder nearby, receives Gold equal to double the Wonders' Production costs and receives Science, Culture, Gold, and Faith the city provided during the entire game.
Agenda (Alaric I): No City is Eternal
Will often destroy cities. Dislikes Civilizations with many Wonders and will try to conquer them. Likes Civilizations with few or no Wonders.
Leader Bonus (Theodoric): Restorer of the Empire
Upon conquering the city, Unique Buildings and Districts remain as Unique and Unique Tile Improvements are not removed.
Districts, buildings, and tile improvements that the Goth can't construct provide +1 Science and Culture per turn.
Agenda (Theodoric): Pax Barbaricum
Dislikes Civilizations with many cities having many Districts and buildings and will try to conquer them. Likes Civilizations with many cities having few Districts and buildings.
Civ Ability: Hajib
Districts adjacent to the City Center are constructed 30% faster and receive +2 Adjacency Bonus.
Districts placed 2 tiles away from the City Center are constructed 45% slower and suffer a -3 Adjacency Bonus (this does not act as a penalty even if the value is below 0).
Receives a free Builder upon constructing a District adjacent to the City Center.
Leader Bonus: Glory of Al-Andalus
Specialists consume only half the normal amount of Food.
Gains the Imam unique unit.
Leader Unit: Imam
Civilian Unit. 2 Movement, 2 Sight.
Can't be created or purchased. Only becomes available by accumulating special points like Great People. This number of points is increased by Era (the amount is the same with Great People of the same Era).
Like Great People, cannot be captured by enemy military units and automatically retreat to the nearest City Center rather than being killed. Doesn't provide Era Score upon generation (because this is not a Great Person).
Don't receive an intrinsic name, unlike Great People, and every Imam has the same ability.
Each Campus, Holy Site, Theater Square, and Commercial Hub with at least 2 Specialists provide 1 Score for the generation of this unit.
Receives 1 charge. Upon using this, provides 1 random Eureka and Inspiration boost of Technology and Civic belonging to the Era that this unit was generated; also, every land unit that can make melee attacks (such as melee, anti-cavalry, heavy cavalry, and light cavalry units) and within 3 tiles from this unit gets a refund of every Movement point used during this turn and can make an additional attack.
Unique Unit: Zenata
Ranged Cavalry unit of the Medieval Era. Unlocked by Stirrups. 180 Production cost, 720 Gold cost, 3 Gold maintenance cost, 4 Movement, 30 Combat Strength, 40 Ranged Combat Strength, 2 Range, 2 Sight. Upgrades to Field Cannon.
Ignores enemy zone of control.
Receives refund bonus from Imam within 3 tiles and used its charge like melee-attacking units.
Unique District: Bimaristan
Replaces Entertainment Complex. Provides +2 Science per turn and +2 Housing on the tile with Charming Appeal. Also provides +2 Culture per turn and +1 additional Amenity (+2 in total) on the tile with Breathtaking Appeal.
Agenda: Caliph
Tries to assign as many Specialists as possible. Likes Civilizations who do the same and dislikes Civilizations who ignore Specialists.