What bothers me every time I play Beyond Earth is that there's no way to know beforehand what new units I get with a new Affinity level. Our Affinities (CivBE) page lists only the Affinity level bonuses such as " Harmony 8: Units take no damage from Miasma" but I usually want to know if my units would become better with this or that new Affinity level. The List of units in CivBE does list the Affinity level that each unit requires, but it's not very clear. Instead, I'd like either a table where there's the Affinity level number in one column and then each Affinity in its own column, with the table cells for each row and column then telling the new units for that level; or just a table of two columns where the left one has the Affinity level number and the right one has all the units with the relevant Affinity symbol. Or, come to think of it, the table should probably have the units listed in the form "Missile Rover (CivBE) upgrades to Artillery" and "Artillery upgrades to Tier 3", because it's not always easy to remember what an Educator actually is. Any thoughts?