Notice, and American ~ Byzantine
Carthaginian ~ Greek
New Unique Unit: Steppe Lancer
New Unique Great Person: Tarkhan
Replaces Great General. Higher Movement (5 vs. 2).
Replaces Great General. Mounted units, Armored units, and Horse Archers receive +15% additional Combat Strength and pay no movement point cost to pillage within 2 tiles from this unit.
Unique Building: Cauldron Maker
Replaces Water Mill. May be built in all cities, including ones not built next to a River.
Lower Production cost (60 vs. 75). Pays no maintenance. Provides +1 Culture per turn.
New Unique Tile Improvement: Yurt
Requires Horseback Riding. Must be built on flat Plains, Grassland, or Desert which is not Flood Plains.
When adjacent to a tile provides more than 2 Food per turn than this tile's base yield (yield without this Tile Improvement), provides +1 Food per turn per each such tile.
When adjacent to a tile provides more than 2 Production per turn than this tile's base yield, provides +1 Production per turn per each such tile.
Along with the Mongols, the Huns are mighty conquerors who relied heavily on their mighty cavalry. In this design, the Hunnic Horse Archer is upgraded to Steppe Lancer, instead of Knight. Most promotions Horse Archer obtained will be wasted because Steppe Lancer is not a ranged unit but receives bonus Combat Strength per level. Tarkhan provides additional bonuses to cavalry units, making them even more powerful.
In addition to the improved Pasture, The Huns have two more ways to create an army quickly. First, they can build a Water Mill that provides Food and Production in every city. This Cauldron Maker costs less Production and maintenance and even provides a small amount of Culture. Second, although it may be a little tricky, Yurt will provide additional Food and Production, mainly Production.
New Unique Unit: Chasqui
Replaces Scout. Lower Combat Strength (4 vs. 5). Lower Production cost (20 vs. 25).
Receives Double Defense Bonuses From Terrain and Quipu (provides an additional 25 Gold upon activating Ancient Ruins) promotions.
New Unique Building: Kancha
Replaces Granary. Higher maintenance cost (2 vs. 1).
Doesn't provide Food or grant additional Food to Wheat, Bananas, and Deer. Instead, grants +3 Food per turn to nearby Mountains and makes Citizens can work Mountain tiles.
New Unique Building: Pukara
Replaces Castle. Pays 1 maintenance per turn.
If this city is built on Hills, grants +2 Production per turn to nearby Mountains and makes Citizens can work Mountain tiles.
Expands the city's borders whenever a new Citizen is born in the city.
New Unique Building: Tambo
In this design, the Incas’ new Unique Unit, Chasqui, replaces Scout, a decent recon unit. It costs less and provides Gold upon activating Ancient Ruins. Despite having less Combat Strength than Scout, it will survive longer than Scout, thanks to its unique promotion. This promotion is retained upon upgrade, making feeble Slinger and its later units tougher.
You can turn your eyes to Tambo once you’ve done your early-game scouting. It's constructed much faster and provides Food and Happiness when the city is connected to the Capital. And thanks to the Civ Ability, the maintenance of Roads will be affordable.
But the most unique components of the Incas are Kancha and Pukara. Like the Incas in Civ 6, these two buildings allow Citizens to be placed on Mountain titles. At the cost of additional maintenance costs, these buildings make Mountain titles profitable in Food and Production. But remember that to get a Production boost from Pukara, you should settle on Hills. And if there is no Mountain tile near the city, Kancha will actually do nothing.
New Unique Unit: Mysorean Rocket
Replaces Cannon. No bonus vs. cities. Higher Ranged Combat Strength (25 vs. 20).
Receives Rocket Launcher (upon attacking, deals half of the damage delivered to a random enemy unit adjacent to the attacked unit. If there is no adjacent enemy unit, deals +50% damage to the attacked unit) promotion.
New Unique Building: Harrapan Reservoir
Replaces Aqueduct. Requires Agriculture instead of Engineering. Pays no maintenance.
+75%, instead of +40%, of Food is carried over after a new Citizen is born. This bonus decreases to +68% with more than 3 Citizens, +61% with more than 5 Citizens, +54% with more than 7, +47% with more than 9.
New Unique Building: Katra
Replaces Caravansary. If an International Trade Route was sent from this city, not just luxury and strategic resources but also bonus resources of both cities would provide Gold.
Trade Route capacity is increased by 1 per every 3 Katra owned.
New Unique Tile Improvement: Baori
Requires Masonry. Must be built on flat Plains or Grassland and not adjacent to another Baori.
Grants +1 Food per turn to adjacent Farms. Counted as a source of fresh water.
Provides +1 Food and +2 Faith per turn for every adjacent Holy Site.
The Indians experience the Happiness penalty before a specific threshold (dependent on map size) is reached for each city's population. Therefore, expanding your territory by conquering is generally quite difficult. Mysorean Rocket was designed with this in mind. It is no use for the siege but practically attacks 1.5 times per turn.
The Indians have two ways for city growth in this design. First, Boari grants additional Food to adjacent Farms and provides fresh water, which practically grants even more Food to adjacent Farms. Second, although it becomes less and less efficient as the city grows, Harrapan Reservoir provides an incredible growth bonus to the new-born city.
Lastly, Katra is distinctive in two aspects. First, it provides more Gold from the International Trade Route because the diversity of bonus resources also generates Gold. Furthermore, you'll get additional Trade Route capacity with every three Katras.
New Unique Unit: Bhayangkara
Replaces Crossbowman. Higher Production cost (140 vs. 120).
Receives Intervention (when an enemy unit within range is killed, receives experience as if this unit killed the enemy, even if it's not the case) and Veterancy (+10% Combat Strength per each level-up) promotions.
Units leveled up within the attack range of this unit can reset every promotion the unit has and choose the promotions from the start. Consumed opportunity of promotion by Heal Instantly won't be refunded.
New Unique Unit: Jong
Replaces Caravel. Lower Production cost (100 vs. 120).
Can't withdraw when faced with a melee attack. Instead, receives +25% Combat Strength When Defending promotion.
New Unique Building: Wayang Kulit
New Unique Tile Improvement: Kampung
Requires Optics. Must be built on a Coast or Lake adjacent to Fishing Boats or Atoll by Work Boat. The unit is not consumed after constructing this tile improvement.
Provides +1 Production per turn.
Provides +1 Food per turn for each adjacent Fishing Boats or Atoll.
Although one of my exes was Indonesian, the Indonesians of Civ 5 had some design flaws. Their Civ Ability forces you to expand overseas, but there is no other bonus about seafaring, exploring, or expanding. On the other side, while Kris Swordsman with Invulnerability, Restlessness, or Recruitment promotions is strong indeed, it often fails you with Enemy Blade or Evil Spirits promotions. This means this unit is highly unreliable and unavailable to win the game with this unit only.
This design now aims to address those issues. Jong lost its temporal ability in exchange for low Production cost and a permanent defense bonus. Wayang Kulit provides additional Production and Culture, and coastal cities always appreciate Production. Kampung, the only Unique Tile Improvement not built on land tiles nor by Workers, provides additional Food and Production and greatly helps the growth of coastal cities.
Lastly, Bhayangkara can quickly obtain many promotions, thanks to its unique promotion, and receives a mighty Combat Strength bonus by another unique promotion. The last ability, which may reset every promotion, including Kris Swordsman's unique to Mystic Blade promotion, was introduced at the last minute to save Kris Swordsman.
New Unique Unit: Tomahawk
Replaces Longswordsman. Receives Throwing Axe (when attacking the enemy unit in the Forest, receives half damage from the enemy's retaliation, and when attacking in the Forest in Iroquois territory, doesn't receive damage from retaliation) promotion.
Does not require Iron.
New Unique Great Person: Sachem
Replaces Great Scientist. Whenever the Great General, Great Merchant, or Great Writer points are obtained, the same amount of points for this Great Person is also given. For Great General points, the points are added in the Capital.
Can expend by starting a Golden Age.
New Unique Building: Fur Trading Post
Replaces Bank. Provides +1 Gold per turn per each luxury resource near this city by itself.
If there is no luxury resource on Iroquois territory or neutral tiles within 3 tiles from this city, creates Furs on the city tile.
New Unique Tile Improvement: Three Sisters Farmstead
Requires Civil Service. Must be built on flat Plains or Grassland.
Provides +1 Food per turn, and an additional +1 Food per turn after researching Civil Service on fresh water tiles and after researching Fertilizer on non-fresh water tiles.
Provides +1 Food for every 2 adjacent Three Sisters Farmsteads.
Provides +1 Production per turn on tiles near a city with a Longhouse.
With this design, the Iroquois receive many small bonuses from various fields. First, Mohawk Warrior is now upgraded to Tomahawk instead of Longswordsman. This unit shares the same concept with Mohawk Warrior: a master of forest warfare who doesn't require Iron, but is more defensive in nature.
Sachem is no better than Great Scientist, except for having the ability to start a Golden Age. But because Great General, Great Merchant, and Great Writer points are attributed to the generation of Sachem, it will be generated quite often. It would be pretty difficult to earn a Great Merchant because Great Engineer, Merchant, and Scientist "pooled" together, but if you need some Gold, start a Golden Age instead.
If you still need some more Gold, you can rely on Fur Trading Post. It provides Gold from nearby luxuries, and if there is no luxury, it will create Furs.
Lastly, the Iroquois now can build Three Sisters Farmstead. Like Farms of Civ 6, Farmstead provides additional Food from adjacent Farmsteads. But unlike Civ 6 Farms, Farmsteads can't be built on Hills. Still, after Farmstead is unlocked, you'll want to replace most of your Farms with it. Finally, Longhouse grants additional Production to Farmsteads, allowing you to cut off the Forests without much deliberation when you need some Production right away.
New Unique Unit: Shinobi
New Unique Building: Dojo
New Unique Building: Electronics Factory
New Unique Tile Improvement: Jinja
Requires Philosophy. Must be built on a land tile adjacent to the city or Forest (no need to clear the Forest) and not adjacent to another Jinja.
When built adjacent to the city, provides +2 Faith per turn. Also provides +2 Gold per turn after researching Scientific Theory.
When built on Forest, provides +2 Faith per turn. Also provides +2 Culture per turn after researching Scientific Theory.
When built on a Forest adjacent to the city, provides Faith, Gold, and Culture altogether. Provides only +2 Faith per turn in this case.
The Japanese in this design have a decent recon unit called Shinobi. Shinobi, unlike Pathfinder of the Shoshone, don’t receive additional bonuses from Ancient Ruins. Instead, thanks to its unique promotions, it excels at surviving. Make the most of this unique advantage by scouting wide from the beginning of the game.
After doing some scouting in the early stage of the game, the Japanese gain strength as the game goes on. Dojo provides additional Culture, but more than that, it provides bonus Production while creating land military units. This bonus becomes stronger the more Great Works and Artifacts you have. Although finding many identical locations may be challenging, Jinja is another impressive Tile Improvement for the Japanese. It provides Faith in the early stage and Gold and Culture later.
Lastly, in the Industrial Era, the last bonus for the Japanese kicks in. Although it’s a mere 5%, Electronics Factory automatically adds Culture per turn based on the city’s Production. Every Production bonus, including Autocracy or Republic policies, also counts.
New Unique Unit: Gaemamusa
Replaces Horseman. Lower Movement (3 vs. 4). Can't move after attacking.
Receives Barding (+33% Combat Strength when defending against ranged attacks) and Barding II (+66% Combat Strength when defending against ranged attacks) promotions.
New Unique Building: Celadon Workshop
Replaces Mint. Can be built in cities with at least one luxury resource improved by Mine, including Gold or Silver, nearby.
Doesn't grant +2 Gold to Gold and Silver. Instead, provides +2 Gold per turn by itself and Celadon, a unique luxury resource.
New Unique Building: Jangseung
Replaces Monument. Pays no maintenance.
Provides +15 experience to ranged units created or purchased in a city with this building after researching Construction.
Provides +15 experience to siege weapons created or purchased in a city with this building after researching Physics.
New Unique Building: Seowon
Unique Luxury Resource: Caledon
One of the main reasons I designed all of these was the Koreans. Although there are many historical elements that can become unique components, like all other Civilizations, every mode I consulted seems to not know about these. After seeing some weird, even ahistorical, unique components, I decided to make my own version.
First, the Koreans receives a new Unique Unit in the Classical Era. Gaemamusa has lower Movement than Horseman and can’t move after attacking, but it’s far more resistant against ranged attacks. The Koreans, who are late bloomers in the game, will be safe throughout the early stage of the game if they watch out for the enemy’s Spearman and its replacements.
In addition to Gaemamusa, Jangseung also contributes to surviving the hostile neighbor’s attack. After researching Construction, similar to the Native American Totem Pole of Civ 4, it provides additional experience to ranged units. After researching Physics, it also provides additional experience to siege weapons, including Hwach'a.
Celadon Workshop is another Unique Building available during the Classical Era. Although it can’t be built in every city, its restriction is more lenient than Mint’s. It provides Gold by itself and Celadon, a unique luxury resource that can only be acquired by trading the Koreans for this.
Last but not least, the familiar Seowon becomes available during the Medieval Era. It's much cheaper than a University and provides Culture for every Scientist in the city. This goes well with the Civ Ability of Korea, which grants additional Science to every specialist.
New Unique Unit: Hadzab
New Unique Building: Pitz
New Unique Building: Temazcal
Replaces Forge. May be built in all cities, including ones not having Iron nearby. Instead, requires Pyramid.
Doesn't grant +1 Production per turn to Iron. Instead, provides +2 Faith per turn and +1 Happiness by itself.
New Unique Tile Improvement: Chultun
Requires Trapping. Must be built in the Jungle (no need to clear the Jungle).
Provides +2 Production per turn. Counted as a source of fresh water.
Provides +1 Culture per turn after researching Archaeology.
Because of their Civ Ability, the Mayans should research Theology as fast as possible. And Hadzab, a unit given at the start of the game, can be pretty valuable. Create or purchase some Atlatlist, attack the Barbarian unit, deliver the final blow with Hadzab, and a Production bonus will be given. This bonus even doubles for Wonder, so you can attempt to build a Great Library.
After researching Theology, you’ll get around to paying attention to other Unique Components. Pitz provides +1 Gold and Culture in contrast to Colosseum, and it’s not impressive enough. However, if the condition is met, it will be constructed at double speed. Chultun provides Production, often lacking in a city in the middle of the Jungle, and some Culture. You might consider constructing Farms adjacent to it since it gives fresh water.
Temazcal replaces Forge, but it differs significantly from the base building, for it doesn’t grant a Production bonus to Iron. Instead, it provides Faith and Happiness and still provides a Production bonus while creating land units.
New Unique Unit: Hui Hui Pao
Replaces Trebuchet. Higher Production cost (135 vs. 120), higher Ranged Combat Strength (17 vs. 14)
Receives +1 Movement. Instead, depletes its Movement points upon setting up.
New Unique Building: Örtöö
Replaces Caravansary. Grants +1 Gold per turn to improved strategic resources near the city.
When a city with this building sends a domestic Trade Route, provides +3 Production per turn while creating mounted units, armored units, or Keshik. This bonus does not stack even if this city sends multiple Trade Routes but doubles if this building is built in the destination city, too.
New Unique Building: Ovoo
Replaces Shrine. Pays no maintenance. Provides +1 Gold per turn.
Grants an extra 15 XP for mounted unit, armored unit, or Keshik produced in this city.
New Unique Tile Improvement: Ger
Requires Horseback Riding. Must be built on flat Plains, Grassland, or Desert which is not Flood Plains adjacent to Pasture and not adjacent to another Ger.
Provides +1 Production per turn for every adjacent Pasture. Provides +1 Food per turn if adjacent to more than 3 Pastures.
Upon being built, adds every neutral Plains, Grassland, and Desert tile around Ger to Mongolian territory.
Receives 1 copy of Horses per each Ger built. Horses obtained by Ger can't trade with other Civilizations.
Three of the four new Unique Components in this design are somehow connected to the legendary cavalry of the Mongols.
First, although finding the right spot may be a little challenging, Ger provides some Food and Production that can be used to create cavalry faster. It also provides some territories upon construction, and each Ger provides one copy of Horses.
Although the Mongols can't receive additional Combat Strength from Trade Routes, it's still essential in this design. With Örtöö, you can receive additional Production while creating cavalry. It's even doubled if this building is constructed in both cities.
Similar to the Polish Ducal Stable of the official game, Ovoo strengthens cavalry. Although it provides relatively less Gold than Polish Stable, you can build this in any city you like.
Because all you need is a Khan, a horde of Keshik, and a few Horseman to conquer the Medieval or Renaissance world, Hui Hui Pao may look like an odd piece in the Mongolian arsenal. But they keep their Movement bonus upon upgrading. Create some of these if you can afford them, upgrade to Cannon or Artillery, and carry on with your world-conquering project!
New Unique Unit: Black Guard
Replaces Lancer. Receives +30 experience if created, purchased, or upgraded to this unit in the city celebrating We Love the King Day.
Receives +100% Production while creating this unit during the Golden Age.
During the Golden Age, provides "the number of current level X 50" Gold upon promotion.
New Unique Unit: Zenata
Replaces Crossbowman. Higher Movement (3 vs. 2). Can't receive defensive terrain bonuses.
Receives Can Move After Attacking promotion.
Receives Volley promotion when created, purchased, or upgraded to this unit in a city on or next to Desert.
New Unique Building: Riad
Replaces Garden. Provides +3 Culture per turn if a city with this building is connected with a Trade Route.
Provides Tourism equal to the Culture this building provides.
May be built in all cities.
New Unique Building: Souq
Replaces Market. Does not provide +1 Gold. Instead, provides +1 Gold per every 3 Citizens in this city (up to 4).
Provides +1 Food if a city with this building is connected with the Trade Route.
The Moroccans receive a new, powerful Unique Unit comparable to Keshik or Camel Archer in this design. Unlike those two, this Zenata upgrades to an archery unit. However, as Zenata has only 3 Movements, employing hit-and-run tactics might be more challenging. It also receives Volley promotion when created in a desert city, and you'll have enough reasons to found at least one.
Another impressive Unique Unit is Black Guard. It doesn’t receive additional Combat Strength or Movement, but if the condition is met, it starts with an additional 30 experiences. It also created much faster and provides Gold by promoting during the Golden Age.
The Moroccans have a Civ Ability related to Trade Route, and their two Unique Buildings are also associated with that element. Riad, a Garden replacement that can be built in every city, provides a satisfactory amount of Culture and Tourism when connected with the Trade Route. Souq provides Food with the same condition and more Gold than the Market if there are enough Citizens in the city.
New Unique Unit: Bombard
New Unique Building: Hammam
New Unique Building: Külliye
Replaces Garden. May be built in cities not built next to a River or Lake. Instead, requires Temple.
Provides +3 Faith per turn.
Upon researching Flight, provides Hotel for free in the city with this building.
Hotel and Airport in a city with this building provides Tourism equal to 50% of Faith from Wonders and Tile Improvements per turn.
New Unique Building: Tophane
Replaces Armory. Provides +2 Production per turn.
Receives Science equal to "10 X the number of religions spread in this city" % of the unit's cost when gunpowder units, siege units, or naval military units are created in the city with this building (up to 50%).
From the Renaissance Era, the Osmans can start to realize their dream of world domination with two Unique Units. In this design, they receive the third Unique Unit: Bombard. It is unlocked by Gunpowder instead of Chemistry and receives a higher Combat Strength bonus against cities. With three Unique Units, you can take down at least one or two Civilizations during the Renaissance Era.
Also, the Osmans now have a religious tinge. The more religions are spread in the city, the more bonuses they receive. Hammam boosts the Great Person generation and carries more Food after a new Citizen is born, while Tophane provides more Science after creating some units. Although you don't have to found your own religion, investing some Faith in spreading various religions may be a good idea.
Lastly, the Osmans now have a backup plan other than the Domination Victory: the Cultural Victory. Although its requirement can be demanding because it requires Temple, Külliye provides a free Hotel with Flight. And Hotel and Airport in the city with Külliye provide Tourism not just from Culture but also from Faith.