Civ Ability: Lion of Brabant
If at least one active Alliance is at Level 2 or 3, newly formed Alliances start at that Level.
Every city receives the "sum of level of every active Alliance X 2"% Production.
Exerts +50% Loyalty pressure to the Free Cities.
Leader Bonus: Fortress of Liège
Fort is unlocked by Castles instead of Siege Tactics.
During the war declared by other Civilizations, units on or adjacent to the Fort receive +"number of active Alliance X 2" Combat Strength when defending.
Receives +25% Science and Culture for the next 10 turns after signing a peace treaty.
Unique Unit: Chasseur
Ranged unit of the Modern Era. Unlocked by Steel. 400 Production cost, 1600 Gold cost, 6 Gold maintenance cost, 2 Movement, 60 Combat Strength, 70 Ranged Combat Strength, 2 Range, 2 Sight. Upgrades to Machine Gun.
City creating this unit receives +5% Production per each active Alliance.
Receives +10% combat experience per each active Alliance.
Unique Building: Waffle Shop
Replaces Zoo. If this city is Happy or Ecstatic, buildings or Wonders that provide Amenity provide +2 Culture and Tourism per turn (including this building itself).
Doesn't Grant Science to nearby Rainforest and Marsh tiles. Instead, grants +1 Food per turn to nearby Farms on resources and +1 Culture per turn to nearby Plantations.
Agenda: Knight King
Will never attack Civilizations who didn't wage war with him or his Allies. Likes Civilizations that accumulate low Grievances and dislikes Civilizations that accumulate high Grievances.
Civ Ability: Šahovnica
Eureka/Inspiration boost also provides a 20% boost to a random Civic/Technology belonging to the same Era.
Receives a random Eureka upon constructing or purchasing a Bank. Receives a random Inspiration upon constructing or purchasing a Shipyard.
Leader Bonus: Crown of Zvonimir
Receives a random Eureka or Inspiration upon constructing or purchasing a Worship Building.
Each Holy Site owned provides +2% Gold and Culture (up to +30%).
Unique Unit: Uskok
Melee unit of the Renaissance Era. Unlocked by Mercantilism. 240 Production cost, 960 Gold cost, 4 Gold maintenance cost, 2 Movement, 60 Combat Strength, 2 Sight. Upgrades to Line Infantry.
Suffers no Movement penalty for embarking and disembarking.
While embarked, receives 60 Combat Strength instead of distinct value for embarked units and +2 Movement, and can attack and retaliate against the enemy unit's melee attack.
While embarked, becomes invisible except when within the Sight range of Destroyers, other naval raiders, or when there is a unit in an adjacent tile, reveals stealth units within Sight range, and can perform Coastal Raids.
Ignores enemy zone of control (including while embarked).
Unique Building: Bunja
Replaces Granary. Provides more Food (2 vs. 1) per turn and Housing (3 vs. 2).
Provides +2 Production per turn.
Upon creating units or constructing a building, District, or Wonder with Production, provides Gold equal to 10% of its Production cost.
Agenda: Baška Tablet
Likes Civilizations with a strong Gold and Culture output. Dislikes Civilizations with a weak Gold or Culture output.
Civ Ability: Metsähallitus
Upon construction of the District other than the City center, native yields of the tile are included in the District's yield instead of removed (this doesn't mean bonus resources will be spared, so resource value from it won't be included).
Each city receives +1 Housing and Amenity per each tile with Natural Wonder and within 3 tiles from the City Center.
Leader Bonus: Winter War
All units receive +4 Combat Strength when fighting in Tundra or Snow tiles. This bonus doubled in tiles inside Finnish territory.
All units receive +1 Movement when starting their turn on Tundra or Snow tiles within Finnish territory.
Unique Unit: Sissi
Replaces Field Cannon. Only adjacent enemy units can reveal this unit when on Tundra or Snow tiles. Suffers no Movement penalty on these tiles.
Unique Tile Improvement: Sauna
Unlocked by Medieval Faires. Must be built on Tundra or Snow. Cannot be adjacent to another Sauna.
Provides +1 Culture per turn per each adjacent Tundra or Snow.
Provides +1 Gold per turn per every 2 adjacent Tundra or Snow (with Natural History).
Provides +1 Production per turn per each Lake within 2 tiles from this tile improvement.
City with more than 3 of this tile improvement receives +1 Amenity, increasing to +2 Amenities (with Mass Media).
Agenda: Mannerheim Line
Focuses on building up the military. Likes Civilizations with a strong army and high Production. Dislikes Civilizations with a weak army or weak Production.
Icelander – Hallveig Fróðadóttir, Snorri Sturluson
Civ Ability: Alþingi
Upon adopting a Government of the higher tier for the first time, every military unit receives one free Promotion.
Upon unlocking a new form of Government, unlocks four random Policy cards ignoring Civic development (excluding Government legacy cards).
Government Plaza is not considered a specialty District and does not require Population. Specialty Districts adjacent to this District provide double Great Person points of their type (for Theater Square, Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician points are all doubled).
Unique Unit: Einhleypingar
Replaces Man-At-Arms. Receives +7 Combat Strength when fighting in tiles adjacent to a River or land tiles within 2 tiles from the Coast.
Suffers no Movement penalty on tiles adjacent to a River (including crossing the River).
Unique District: Torfbæir
Replaces Neighborhood. Unlocked by Exploration instead of Urbanization. Can't be built on Desert (or its variants).
Provides +5 Housing regardless of the Appeal of the tile.
Provides +2 Food and +1 Production per turn.
Provides +2 Science per turn if adjacent to the Geothermal Fissure (does not stack even if adjacent to more than 2 Geothermal Fissures).
If this city has at least one Volcano nearby, it receives +1 Amenity for every 2 of this District (up to +3).
Leader Bonus (Hallveig Fróðadóttir): Landnámabók
Cities on foreign Continents receive double the bonuses from Amenity.
Cities on the home Continent suffer double penalties from Amenity. If the city has a Volcano or Geothermal Fissure nearby, this penalty decreases by 50% (stacks with each other but does not stack even if there are more than 2 Volcanoes or Geothermal Fissures nearby).
City with at least one Volcano or Geothermal Fissure nearby receives +1 Amenity (stacks to +2 if both are nearby). These terrain features grant +1 Appeal to adjacent tiles.
Districts, improvements, and units are immune to damage from Volcanic eruptions.
Agenda (Hallveig Fróðadóttir): Settlement of Iceland
Dislikes Civilizations that have many cities on their foreign Continent. Likes Civilizations that stay on their home Continent.
Leader Bonus (Snorri Sturluson): Lawspeaker
Receives +5% Production while constructing Districts per each Military policy card in the current Government (up to +30%).
Receives +5% Gold per each Economic policy card in the current Government (up to +30%)
Every city receives +1 Amenity per every 2 Diplomatic policy cards in the current Government (up to +3).
Agenda (Snorri Sturluson): Prose Edda
Refrains from using Wildcard policy cards. Likes Civilizations that do the same and dislikes Civilizations that use many Wildcard policy cards.
Maltese - Jean Parisot de la Valette
Civ Ability: Great Siege of Malta
Each level of Walls provides +2 Production, Science, Culture, and Faith per turn.
City with Ancient Walls receives +100% Production while creating Medieval Walls or Renaissance Walls.
Medieval Walls provides +100 Outer Defense Strength.
City with Renaissance Walls can make an additional Ranged Strike per turn (does not stack with Embrasure promotion).
Walls can still be built even after researching Steel (base defensive bonuses of Walls are still non-functional).
Leader Bonus: Construction of Valletta
Receives +100% Production for the next 10 turns after signing a peace treaty.
Land military units within 2 tiles from Fort within Maltese territory receive +7 Combat Strength.
Gains the Galiot unique unit with Reformed Church.
Leader Unit: Galiot
Replaces Privateer. Unlocked by Reformed Church instead of Mercantilism. May be purchased with Faith.
Receives +7 Ranged Combat Strength when attacking the enemy unit belonging to the Civilization or City-State following a different religion.
Provides additional Faith from pillaging or coastal raid.
Provides double yields from plundering Trade Route.
Unique Unit: Knight Hospitaller
Replaces Knight. Unlocked by Apprenticeship instead of Stirrups. May be purchased with Faith.
Lower Movement (2 vs. 4). Receives +15 Combat Strength against anti-cavalry units.
Operates as a Medic, providing extra healing to units within 1 tile (including itself).
Unique Building: Filigree Workshop
Replaces Workshop. No Gold maintenance cost.
Grants +1 Gold, Culture, and Faith to nearby Mines on luxury resources.
Agenda: Shield of Europe
Builds high-level walls around his cities. Likes Civilizations that follow the same religion and refrain from plundering Trade Routes. Dislikes Civilizations that follow the different religions or often plunder Trade Routes.