Advanced Infantry Tactics is an advance in Call to Power II.
The discovery of Advanced Infantry Tactics gives rise to alternative methods of employing foot soldiers in combat. Marines can strike land targets in the same turn that they come out of a transport ship. Paratroopers can paradrop from air units, enabling strikes behind enemy lines.
Great Library entry[]
Infantry have always been the backbone of any military operation. However, traditional infantrymen only had their own feet as a means of transportation. In the early-to-mid 20th century, advanced infantry tactics took advantage of new technological developments to extend the range and flexibility of the modern infantryman.
Aircraft allowed infantry to deploy by air, as paratroopers, to penetrate deep behind enemy lines. They could be used to interrupt supply lines, strike command centers, conduct reconnaissance and, perhaps most important, capture and hold crucial objectives like bridges and key terrain. Aircraft also enabled infantry to deploy quickly over a larger area. Paratroopers and airmobile forces became vital to peacekeeping and humanitarian missions beyond the reach of conventional, land-based transportation.
World War II saw a rise in the use of amphibious landing craft, allowing "marines" to deploy by sea to assault coastal targets. One of the most famous and successful military operations to rely heavily on amphibious assault was the allied invasion of Normandy, which led to the liberation of Europe and the end of the war.
These advances served to enhance the versatility of infantry, making them better able to serve their most vital function: to engage and destroy the enemy at close range, over any terrain, in any weather, by day or night.