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 "Oh farmers, pray that your summers be wet and your winters clear."
– Virgil

Agriculture is a technology in Civilization IV. The following civilizations start with this technology:


Agriculture allows your workers to build Farms. They may only be built on resource squares or next to rivers and lakes until Civil Service is discovered.

Civilopedia entry[]

Agriculture is the science of cultivating soil, planting and harvesting crops. It can be argued that the mastery of agriculture was the single most important step towards creating a civilization, as agriculture allowed people to stop hunting and gathering and settle down in one place. Villages and cities would be unviable without some form of agriculture.

Evidence of plant cultivation dates back as far as 6000 BC. Apparently, grains were some of the earliest crops cultivated. Grains are incredibly useful foodstuffs; they can be ground into flour and turned into bread, they can be fed to livestock and, perhaps most importantly, they can be stored for months without spoiling.

Over time a number of important tools were invented to aid in cultivation and preparation of grains. The sickle was an early innovation. It allowed the grain to be harvested far quicker than by hand. Hand mills and mortar and pestles were created to grind the finished product, and pots to store it. As man learned about fertilization and irrigation, it became possible to get consistently larger yields, which lessened the chances of famine and increased the numbers that could be fed from each field.

See also[]

Civilization IV Technologies [edit]
Ancient Agriculture Animal Husbandry Archery Bronze Working Fishing Hunting Masonry Meditation Mining Monotheism Mysticism Polytheism Pottery Priesthood Sailing The Wheel Writing
Classical AestheticsB Alphabet Calendar Code of Laws Compass Construction Currency Drama Horseback Riding Iron Working Literature Mathematics Metal Casting Monarchy
Medieval Banking Civil Service Divine Right Engineering Feudalism Guilds Machinery Music Optics Paper Philosophy Theology
Renaissance Astronomy Chemistry Constitution Corporation Democracy Economics Education Gunpowder Liberalism Military ScienceB Military Tradition Nationalism Printing Press Replaceable Parts Rifling
Industrial Artillery Assembly Line Biology Combustion Communism Electricity Fascism Fission Industrialism Medicine Physics Railroad Scientific Method Steam Power Steel
Modern Advanced FlightB Composites Computers Ecology Fiber Optics Flight LaserB Mass Media Plastics Radio Refrigeration Robotics Rocketry Satellites SuperconductorsB
Future Fusion Future Tech Genetics StealthB
B Added in Beyond the Sword