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The Airport is a building in Civilization III.


A city with an Airport produces veteran air units instead of regulars.

An Airport is a link in the trade network, allowing luxuries and strategic resources to be traded to other Airports.

A city with an Airport can be used to upgrade air units and airlift land units.


A city with an Airport produces veteran air units instead of regulars. An Airport is a link in the trade network, allowing luxuries and strategic resources to be traded to other Airports. Note that Airports produce pollution.

Each Airport and Airfield can airlift one unit per turn, transporting it to another Airport or Airfield. The unit can't move again in that turn. Can't airlift armies or artillery.

Civilopedia entry[]

Since the middle of the 20th century, the airplane has been one of the chief means of long-distance transport in the world. Nearly every major metropolitan area today has at least one airport, with facilities to handle passengers and ticketing, as well as facilities for refueling and repairing the aircraft that land there. Beginning in the 1940s, the growing role of airplanes as combat vehicles led to the widespread construction of military air bases. Nearly 400 of these facilities in the U.S. alone act as bases and maintenance facilities for aircraft assigned to all branches of the military.


See also[]

Civilization III Buildings [edit]
AirportAqueductBankBarracksCathedralCivil DefensePCoal PlantCoastal FortressColosseumCommercial DockPCourthouseFactoryGranaryHarborHospitalHydro PlantLibraryManufacturing PlantMarketplaceMass Transit SystemNuclear PlantOffshore PlatformPalacePolice StationRecycling CenterResearch LabSAM Missile BatterySolar PlantSS CockpitSS Docking BaySS EngineSS Exterior CasingSS Fuel CellsSS Life Support SystemSS Planetary Party LoungeSS Stasis ChamberSS Storage/SupplySS ThrustersStock ExchangePTempleUniversityWalls
P: Added in the Play the World expansion pack