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The Art Museum is an advanced cultural building in Civilization VI. It is built in the Theater Square district and requires an Amphitheater (or one of its replacements).


The Art Museum is the second building inheriting the features of the old Museum building from Civilization V: Brave New World, and this one is exclusively dedicated to artwork rather than artifacts. That means that you cannot display any Artifact Artifacts at all in it! You can, however, display any of the multiple types of Great Works of Art in the game.

Activating its theming bonus is more challenging, though. You must fill all three of the Art Museum's slots with one of the following types of Great Works of Art, each of which must be created by a different Great Artist:

  • Sculpture Sculptures
  • ReligiousArt6 Religious
  • Landscape Landscapes
  • Portrait Portraits

This means that a single Great Artist can fill an Art Museum's slots, but they cannot activate its theming bonus. You will either need to trade with other players to get Great Works of the same type from Great Artists they had, or wait for a Great Artist who produces the type of Great Works you need and attract them to your civilization. Displaying a Great Work of Art in an Art Museum that's already displaying a Great Work of Art by the same Great Artist reduces its Culture Culture and Tourism Tourism yields to 1, so moving your Great Works of Art between Art Museums is essential to maximize the Culture Culture and Tourism Tourism you get from them.

In Rise and Fall, each cultural city-state with 6 or more Envoy Envoys gives an additional +2 Culture Culture in each Art Museum.

Civilopedia entry[]

Art museums (or art galleries) are public spaces - paid for by the public, usually in the form of taxes – to house artwork meant to edify and uplift the masses. The art objects may take many forms: paintings, sketches, sculptures, ceramics, metalwork, prints, and now even video. Perhaps the first such effort at bringing high culture to the public took place in 1671 AD, the Amerbach-Cabinet in Basel (now the Kunstmuseum). But the whole idea of such collections for public edification really took off during the Renaissance, with the likes of the Capitoline, Vatican, and Uffizi galleries established. The 1700s saw another wave of iconic collections open: the Hermitage, the Prado, the Louvre, and the first American museum, the Charleston Museum, in 1773. The Louvre was established in 1793, soon after the French Revolution when the royal collection of art was declared the property of the people, beginning the trend of removing art from the grasp of the wealthy and putting it on tasteful display for the public to gawk at.

See also[]

Civilization VI Buildings [edit]
City Center Buildings PalaceGranaryMonument (Old God Obelisk3) • Water Mill (Palgum1) • Ancient WallsMedieval WallsRenaissance Walls (Tsikhe R&F-Only) • SewerFlood Barrier GS-OnlyFortress2Headquarters2Nilometer2
Campus Buildings LibraryUniversity (Alchemical Society3MadrasaNavigation School1) • Research Lab
Theater Square Buildings Amphitheater (Marae GS-Only) • Archaeological MuseumArt MuseumBroadcast Center (Film Studio)
Holy Site Buildings Shrine (Gifts of the Nile Shrine2) • Temple (Prasat1Stave Church) • CathedralDar-e MehrGurdwaraMeeting HouseMosquePagodaStupaSynagogueWatObelisk2Temple to Amun2Orthodox Church2
Encampment Buildings Barracks (Basilikoi Paides1) • Stable (Ordu R&F-Only) • ArmoryMilitary Academy
Commercial Hub Buildings Market (Sukiennice1) • Bank (Gilded Vault3Grand Bazaar GS-Only) • Stock ExchangeGuildhall2
Harbor Buildings LighthouseShipyardSeaport
Industrial Zone Buildings WorkshopFactory (Electronics Factory) • Power PlantCoal Power Plant GS-OnlyOil Power Plant GS-OnlyNuclear Power Plant GS-Only
Preserve1 Buildings Grove1Sanctuary1
Entertainment Complex Buildings Arena (Tlachtli) • Zoo (Thermal Bath GS-Only) • Stadium
Water Park R&F-Only Buildings Ferris Wheel R&F-OnlyAquarium R&F-OnlyAquatics Center R&F-Only
Neighborhood Buildings Food Market R&F-OnlyShopping Mall R&F-Only
Dam GS-Only Building Hydroelectric Dam GS-Only
Aerodrome Buildings HangarAirport
Government Plaza R&F-Only Buildings Ancestral Hall R&F-OnlyAudience Chamber R&F-OnlyWarlord's Throne R&F-OnlyForeign Ministry R&F-OnlyGrand Master's Chapel R&F-OnlyIntelligence Agency R&F-OnlyQueen's Bibliotheque GS-OnlyNational History Museum R&F-OnlyRoyal Society R&F-OnlyWar Department R&F-Only
Diplomatic Quarter1 Buildings Consulate1Chancery1
Walled Quarter2 Buildings Keep2Mass Grave2Plague Hospital2
1 Requires DLC2 Specific scenarios only • 3 Secret Societies mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.