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The Artillery is a Modern Era siege unit in Civilization VI. It upgrades from the Bombard (or its replacements) or the Domrey.

In the Gathering Storm expansion, the Artillery requires 1 Oil Oil to train and 1 Oil Oil per turn to maintain.

  • Attributes:
    • Deals bombard-type damage, effective against District District defenses.
    • -17 Bombard Strength Bombard Strength against units.
    • Without the Expert Crew Promotion Promotion, needs 2 Movement Movement Movement remaining to attack after moving.


The Artillery is the logical development of the long-range cannon, fitted with a rifled barrel for both greater accuracy and range. Lobbing explosive shells, it is, in fact, so much better than the lumbering Bombard, that even modern Urban Defenses can't stand against it. In conjunction with an Observation Balloon - a support unit that becomes available upon discovering Flight - it can attack from outside of a city's firing range, bombarding it with impunity. It also requires no resources in vanilla Civilization VI and Rise and Fall, making it easier to build than the Bombard before it. However, it lacks the Strength Combat Strength of other Modern-era military units, so make sure you have Infantry, Tanks, or AT Crews on hand to protect your Artillery.

Civilopedia entry

Field cannons have come a long way since Gustavus Adolphus introduced them, evolving into field artillery of all sorts, small and large. In point of fact, any mechanism capable of throwing or firing a rock or shell is “artillery,” but the term is generally used to refer to large, breech-loading cannon with rifled barrels to improve accuracy. With the advances in metallurgy and industrial production available, and the Crimean War showing the deficiencies of the decrepit British cannons, a government contract was awarded to William Armstrong to design a suitable replacement. The result of his engineering was the first modern artillery piece in 1855 AD, capable of both direct and indirect fire. In 1897 the French improved on the design, producing the French 75, perhaps the most ubiquitous artillery piece in history. The guns have gotten bigger, more reliable, more accurate, more deadly – and the generals more pleased – as the years have passed since.

