Civilization Wiki
Barbarians scenario

Barbarians! scenario

Barbarians! is a scenario for Civilization IV: Warlords.


The objective of this scenario is to destroy Civilization. You will select the number of turns you wish to allow the game to autoplay. After the autoplay finishes, you will be taken to the Barbarian Horde screen. Use the Barbarian Horde Screen (F4) to purchase units and promotions. As you pillage, fight, and conquer civilization you will gain treasure which you can use to buy more units and promotions. You win once you have conquered all of the civilizations.


The goal of this scenario is to destroy all the civilizations on the map to win.

No Victory submenu exists for this scenario; only "To win you must destroy Civilization." While allegedly other victory conditions apply to one's opponents at the start of the game (theoretically the Space Race victory is open to them at the initial game-rules setting), nothing of the sort is listed.

Oftentimes at the beginning of the game, the screen might show "You have been defeated!" when such is not the case.

Interface Changes[]

The leader of the Barbarians is Genghis Khan, as found on the Info Screen's Statistics submenu.

Most of the quick-menus are disabled, though the Military Advisor, Financial Advisor, and Info Screens are available.


No technology research is possible.


Units are generated at the Camp, which seems effectively defenseless; while it has a Strength of 100, it also has a -100% to Melee, Archery, or Mounted unit attack.

Promotions are available when purchasing items; these promotions also cost gold.

Civilization IV Scenarios [edit]
1000 ADAfterworldBAlexander's ConquestsWAmerican RevolutionBarbarians!WBroken StarBCharlemagneBChinese UnificationWCrossroads of the WorldBDefenseBDesert WarFall from Heaven: Age of IceBFinal FrontierBGenghis KhanWGods of OldBGreek WorldMesoamericaBNext WarBOmenWPeloponnesian WarsWRhye's and Fall of CivilizationBRise of RomeWThe Road to WarBVikingsW
W Added in WarlordsB Added in Beyond the Sword