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The Barracks is replaced by the following unique building:


Barracks grant experience points to troops built in their cities. Build them in all cities that will produce military units.

Civilopedia entry[]

Warfare has been a recurring phenomenon throughout the history of mankind, and it continues to plague the world today. Although war is not a desirable situation, it is important that even the most peaceful of societies be prepared for the possibility of war. When warring nations are closely matched in technology and manpower, the army with the best training usually wins battles. Military schools and academies exist all over the world, established for the purpose of training military personnel in the latest methods, tactics, and technology. Men and women who graduate from such facilities possess higher than average command and military technological skills, making them more effective in combat situations.

Civilization IV Buildings [edit]
Academy Airport Aqueduct (BarayB HammamW) Bank (Stock ExchangeW) Barracks (IkhandaW) Bomb Shelter Broadcast Tower Bunker Castle (CitadelW) Cathedral (Buddhist Stupa Christian Cathedral Confucian Academy Hindu Mandir Islamic Mosque Jewish Synagogue Taoist Pagoda) Coal Plant (Shale PlantW) Colosseum (Ball CourtB GardenB OdeonW) Courthouse (RathausB Sacrificial AltarW ZigguratB) Customs HouseB (FeitoriaB) Drydock Factory (Assembly PlantW) Forge (MintW) Granary (TerraceW) Grocer (ApothecaryW) Harbor (CothonW) Hospital Hydro Plant Industrial ParkB Intelligence AgencyB Jail (MausoleumW) Laboratory (Research InstituteW') LeveeB (DikeB) Library (MadrassaW) Lighthouse (Trading PostW') Market (ForumW) Military Academy Monastery Monument (ObeliskW SteleB Totem PoleB) Nuclear Plant Observatory (SalonW) Public TransportationB Recycling Center Scotland Yard Security BureauB Stable (GerW) Supermarket (MallW) Temple Theatre (HippodromeB PavilionW) University (SeowonW) Walls (DunW)
W Added in WarlordsB Added in Beyond the Sword