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The Bombard is a Renaissance Era siege unit in Civilization VI. It upgrades from the Trebuchet (or its replacements) and requires Niter Niter.

In the Gathering Storm expansion, the Bombard requires 20 Niter Niter to train.

  • Attributes:
    • Deals bombard-type damage, effective against District District defenses.
    • -17 Bombard Strength Bombard Strength against land units.
    • Without the Expert Crew Promotion Promotion, cannot attack after moving unless its maximum Movement Movement is 3 or more.


As the progressively more elaborate fortifications of enemy civilizations make Trebuchets less and less effective at breaking through, dire necessity spurs on a new invention. Utilizing the miraculous recent developments in gunpowder, Renaissance engineers devised what essentially amounts to an oversized musket, designed to hurl massive metal balls with incredible speed against those pesky, now-obsolete walls.

Thanks to its enormous firepower, the Bombard has little trouble blasting through the defenses of Renaissance-era cities and their districts. Becoming available right after the Musketman, the pair are excellent in tandem with one another, as the swift Musketman can provide support for the ponderous Bombard on the battlefield. A small formation of Bombards positioned on hills or flat land within firing range of a city will easily demolish its defenses, leaving it ripe for the taking. Its decent defensive strength is an additional perk.

For more details on how the move-and-shoot rule works, head here.

Civilopedia entry[]

The oldest representation of a bombard – a muzzle-loading, smoothbore proto-mortar that was used to throw stone balls against fortifications during sieges – was found in China; the 12th Century AD Buddhist cave-sculpture depicts a demon firing one. In the Western world, English monarchs were certainly using them in the 14th Century, for Edward III had some at Crécy in 1346 and Henry V captured Harfleur using bombards in 1415. But with the largest weighing several tons and all notably inaccurate, bombards were not practical for field operations, soon enough being replaced by cannon; emplaced bombards, however, remained in use for centuries, usually protecting ports and sea passages. Among the last and largest, the Dardanelles Gun built by Munir Ali in 1464 weighted in at 16.8 tons and helped protect the straits for the Ottomans for a long, long time (being fired for the last time at a British fleet in 1807).


See also[]

Civilization VI Units [edit]
Civilian SettlerBuilderTraderArchaeologistSpyNaturalistRock Band GS-Only
Land military AT CrewArcher (Hul'che1Pítati Archer1) • ArtilleryBarbarian Horse ArcherBarbarian HorsemanBombardCatapultCavalry (CossackHuszár GS-OnlyLlanero1) • Courser GS-Only (Black Army GS-OnlyOromo Cavalry1) • Crossbowman (Voi Chiến1) • Crouching TigerCuirassier GS-Only (Rough RiderWinged Hussar1) • Field Cannon (Hwacha R&F-Only) • Giant Death Robot GS-OnlyHeavy ChariotHelicopterHorseman (Hetairoi1) • Infantry (Digger1) • Keshig R&F-OnlyKnight (Mandekalu Cavalry GS-OnlyMamlukTagma1) • Line Infantry (Garde ImpérialeRedcoat) • Machine GunMalón Raider R&F-OnlyMan-At-Arms (Khevsur R&F-OnlyBerserkerSamurai) • Maryannu Chariot ArcherMechanized InfantryModern ATModern ArmorMountie GS-OnlyMusketman (ConquistadorJanissary GS-Only) • Nihang1Pike and Shot (Carolean GS-Only) • Pikeman (Impi R&F-Only) • Questing Knight4Ranger (Highlander R&F-Only) • Rocket ArtillerySabum Kibittum1Saka Horse ArcherScout (Okihtcitaw R&F-Only) • Skirmisher GS-Only (Warak'aq GS-Only) • SlingerSpearman (Hoplite) • Spec Ops R&F-OnlySwordsman (Hypaspist1Immortal1LegionNgao MbebaToa GS-Only) • TankTrebuchet (Domrey1) • Vampire3VaruWar-CartWarrior MonkWarrior (Eagle WarriorGaesatae1) • Zombie5
Naval military Aircraft CarrierBattleship (Minas Geraes) • Caravel (Nau1) • DestroyerFrigate (De Zeven Provinciën R&F-OnlyJong1) • Galley (Bireme GS-OnlyViking Longship) • IroncladMissile CruiserNuclear SubmarinePrivateer (Barbary Corsair GS-OnlySea Dog) • Quadrireme (Dromon1) • Submarine (U-Boat)
Aircraft BiplaneBomberFighter (P-51 Mustang) • Jet BomberJet Fighter
Support Anti-Air GunBattering RamCultist3Drone R&F-OnlyMedicMilitary EngineerMobile SAMObservation BalloonSiege TowerSoothsayer2Supply Convoy R&F-Only
Religious ApostleGuruInquisitorMissionary
See also Great PeopleHeroes
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only • 3 Secret Societies mode only • 4 Heroes & Legends mode only • 5 Zombie Defense mode only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.