Civilization Wiki
Brasilia (CivBE)
Organization of South American States
Leader Rejinaldo Bolivar
Capital Cidadela

Units have a +10% Strength Strength in melee combat
Units have a +5 Heal when fortified

Also known as Organization of South American Nations.

Most probably consists of Brazil and some other South American countries. They are lead by the strong and charismatic Rejinaldo Bolivar De Alencar-Araripe.

History and Background

Bolivar himself describes Brasilia as a pro-active peacekeeping super-power: "Brasilia was the guardian of the reconstruction during the Great Mistake. We stood guard over the UN camps in central Asia, our planes carried the relief supplies in and the refugees out of the fallout zones, and we took down the warlords and carved out a space where an effective government could be formed. We did what the Norteamericanos or Chinese would not do. We did what the Europeans could not do. We did it because Brasilia was young and strong, and because it is the responsibility of the strong to protect the helpless. We, Brasilia, acquitted ourselves with honor. We have earned the right to settle new worlds." (quote:

Brasílian Strategies

