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A Forest Fire is a natural disaster in Civilization VI, introduced in the Maya & Gran Colombia Pack. When it occurs, a tile with Woods or Rainforest catches fire, which may later spread to nearby tiles with the same feature. Any tile with these features is vulnerable, whether or not it has additional resources or improvements.

  • Effects:
    • Reduces the Citizen Population of the city that owns the tile by 1. The affected city will lose Citizen Population even if it isn't working any of the tiles that catch fire.
    • Pillages improvements.
    • Destroys civilian units and damages other units that pass through it (i.e., those that end their turn in a burning tile).
    • The Burning and Burnt variants of Woods and Rainforests reduce the Appeal ratings of nearby tiles by 1. They cannot be removed.


Forest Fires burn for 3 turns. On the second and third turns, the fire has a 50% chance to spread to any adjacent Woods or Rainforest tiles. Rivers do not prevent the fire from spreading, and fires do not spread from Woods to Rainforest or vice versa (which is important to remember when planning to use Soothsayers to fertilize tiles).

Once the fire has burned out, the Woods and Rainforest is replaced with a Burnt variant, boosting the tile's Food Food yield by 1. Over the next 3 turns, it regrows until it returns to its normal state, at which point it also boosts the tile's Production Production yield by 1. Note that Fertilization affects the tile, not the feature, so chopping the Woods/Rainforest will not remove the bonus yields from the tile.

Note that Burning and Burnt Woods and Rainforests are distinct terrain features, so effects that apply to regular Woods and Rainforests (such as Movement Movement bonuses, adjacency bonuses, Brazil's civilization ability, recon units' Sentry promotion, and the Highlander's combat bonus) don't apply to them.


To counter Forest Fires, you can shape forested areas into smaller clusters or have Builders nearby to remove features in key locations when a fire breaks out. Liang with Reinforced Materials, when established in a city, will prevent Forest Fires from spreading within its borders. You could, in theory, also choose which city loses the Citizen Population by swapping tiles between cities where possible.

In the Apocalypse game mode, Forest Fires can be summoned by a Soothsayer standing on a tile with Woods or Rainforest.

In-game disaster descriptions[]

Type Description
Forest Fire The trees catch alight, creating an unstoppable fire that will rage across the landscape. Only you could have prevented this.

Terrain variants[]


See also[]

Civilization VI Disasters [edit]
Comet Strike1 2DroughtFloodForest Fire1Meteor Shower1Nuclear accidentSolar Flare1 2Storm (Blizzard • Dust Storm • Hurricane • Tornado)Volcanic eruption
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only