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Citrus Citrus is a luxury resource in Civilization VI. It is found on Grassland or Plains tiles.


Citrus Citrus provides a very serious boost to your Food Food production, which is a great boon to early settlement growth. You can assign Citizen Citizens to work its tiles in order to turbo-grow your city until you reach its Housing Housing limit, and then use the serious workforce thus acquired on more balanced tiles.

Civilopedia entry[]

The genus Citrus includes a number of flowering plants that produce a variety of fruits – including oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, limes, lemons, and others that have been a staple in the human diet for millennia. First cultivated in Southeast Asia, the fruits from these trees and shrubs are a fine source of vitamin C, a shortage of which brings scurvy … a debilitating condition that can lead to a rather nasty form of death. Hence, on long voyages, commanders found it beneficial to keep a store of citrus on hand.

See also[]

Civilization VI Resources [edit]
Luxury Amber R&F-OnlyCinnamonSCitrusClovesSCocoaCoffeeCosmeticsGCottonDiamondsDyesFursGold Ore3GypsumHoney1IncenseIvoryJadeJeansGMarbleMercuryOlives R&F-OnlyPearlsPerfumeGSaltSilkSilverSpicesSugarTeaTobaccoToysGTrufflesTurtles R&F-OnlyWhalesWine
Bonus BananasCattleCopperCrabsDeerFishMaize1RiceSheepStoneWheat
Strategic AluminumCoalHorsesIronNiterOilUranium
Special Antiquity SiteLey Line2Shipwreck
G: Accessed by Great MerchantS: Suzerainty with Zanzibar
1 Added in Maya & Gran Colombia Pack2 Secret Societies mode only • 3 Specific scenarios only
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.