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Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth: Rising Tide received its first big update in October 2015, only few weeks after its release. The following is a full list of the patch notes.


  • Added the Spoils of War system – players will now be able to choose what spoils they will offer/claim when declaring peace.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause old Agreements not to clear properly when switching traits.
  • Fixed an issue with War declarations on Stations.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented AI allies from joining a war if they hadn't met the opponent and the war started before the alliance was formed.
  • Fixed an issue where some AI leaders would send communiques inappropriately while at war.


  • Quest update pop-ups now appear each time a new objective is received.
  • Fixed several quests that were not always tracking objectives correctly.
  • Olivia Ross quests will no longer choose tiles with an existing improvement.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the area of effect boarders to no show up around activated minor Marvel nodes on the Fungal biome.

Agents/Covert Ops[]


  • AI will now use Covert Ops better – better prioritization, raising intrigue, and using higher level ops.
  • Increased AI desire for expansion via founding cities.
  • Improved AI ratio of ranged-to-melee naval ships

Art & UI[]

  • Fixed issues where multiple or incorrect units could appear in unit viewer and/or Combat Preview panel.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Diplomacy screen to not close or not show a Leader.
  • Planet description text now shows up in tooltip of Planet Type.
  • Biome is now listed when looking at map type in game menu.
  • FX now play appropriately for all Beacons and Gates.
  • FX now plays appropriately for Creating a Coup
  • FX now plays appropriately for activation of Frigid and Fungal Marvel Nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where water-specific tile improvement visuals would disappear when pillaged.
  • Kozlov's extra strategic resources now show up correctly in top panel tooltip.
  • Added sorting functions to Trade Route Overview.
  • Added notification for when you are pulled into a war because of an alliance.
  • Fixed several issues with incorrect font size.
  • New Tech Web filter for "Aquatic".
  • Fixed an issue where the Artifacts Reward pop-up would reappear after having closed and reopened the window.
  • Fixed an issue where certain expedition icons would not properly clean-up when completed.
  • Attack Range changes now properly update in the unit upgrade panel.



  • Fixed an issue that would prevent players from Razing a city after a capital has been transferred to another city.
  • Fixed an issue where remote players could autoend turn before Planetfall.
  • Fixed an issue in Domination victory when an alien destroys a capital.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause hover units to stop automated exploration.
  • Fixed an issue with the achievement "Silent Service" claiming to require 100 units killed, instead of the actual 10 needed.
  • Moved the button to explore minor Marvel nodes to the upper unit action bar.
  • You may now continue playing after being Defeated (except when defeated by Domination).
  • Fixed an issue where a base-game Achievement wouldn't trigger with DLC turned on.
  • Fixed several reported crashes.
  • Fixed many text errors.