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The April 2021 Update for Civilization VI was released on April 22nd, 2021.

New features[]

New units[]

Three new units have been added for all civilizations:

  • Trebuchet - Medieval Era Catapult upgrade. Siege promotion class. Upgrades into Bombard. Cannot move and attack on the same turn unless they’ve earned the Expert Crew Promotion.
    • Units now replacing this unit: Khmer Domrey.
  • Man-At-Arms - Medieval Era Swordsman upgrade. Melee promotion class. Upgrades into Musketman.
    • Unique units that will upgrade into this unit: Roman Legion, Kongolese Ngao Mbeba, Macedon Hypaspist, Persian Immortal, Maori Toa, and Gallic Gaesatae.
    • Unique units now replacing this unit: Norwegian Berserker, Japanese Samurai, and Georgian Khevsur.
  • Line Infantry - Industrial Era Musketman upgrade. Melee promotion class. Upgrades into Infantry.
    • Unique units that will upgrade into this unit: Spanish Conquistador and Ottoman Janissary.
    • Unique units now replacing this unit: French Garde Imperiale and English Redcoat.

New maps[]

Four new map scripts have been added:

  • Mediterranean Large Map: A large map of the greater Mediterranean region with resources, terrain, and features reflecting their historic locations.
  • Earth Huge Map: A larger sized representation of Earth with resources, terrain, and features reflecting their historic locations.
  • TSL Earth Huge: Civilizations start at the location of their historical capital on the huge Earth map.
  • TSL Mediterranean: Civilizations start the location of their historic capital on the large Mediterranean map.

Balance changes[]

Updated civ/leader abilities[]


  • Treasure Fleet: Modified. Can still establish Fleets and Armadas with Mercantilism. Spain now receives +3 Gold, +2 Faith, and +1 Production from all Trade Routes (triple these if they travel between multiple continents) instead of the old boosted yields from intercontinental Trade Routes. Cities not on their home continent now receive +25% Production towards districts and a free Builder when founded.
  • El Escorial: Modified. Now gain +5 Combat Strength against units of other Religions, instead of +4.
  • Mission: Modified. Now unlocked with Education instead of Exploration. Gathering Storm version now standardized across all expansions.
  • Now has a start bias towards Geothermal Fissures. No longer has a start bias towards Coast.


  • [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Grand Barays: Reworked. Cities with Aqueducts receive +1 Faith per Population and +1 Amenity. Farms receive +2 Food from adjacent Aqueducts and +1 Faith from adjacent Holy Sites.
  • [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Monasteries of the King: Modified. In addition to its old bonuses, Holy Sites now receive a major adjacency bonus from Rivers and grant Food equal to their adjacency bonus.
  • [Rise and Fall, Gathering Storm] Prasat: Reworked. Now gives +0.5 Culture per population in its home city. After Flight, receives +10 Tourism if city is over 10 population, +20 if city is over 20.
  • Domrey: Now replaces the Trebuchet instead of being standalone.


  • Dynastic Cycle: Modified. When you complete a World Wonder, now receive a Eureka and Inspiration from that Wonder's Era.
  • Crouching Tiger: Modified. Is now cheaper.


  • Toqui: Reworked. Cities with an established Governor receive +5% Culture, +5% Production, and +10% experience to all units trained in the city. These numbers are tripled in cities not founded by the Mapuche. All cities within 9 tiles of a Mapuche city with a Governor gain +4 Loyalty per turn towards the Mapuche. +10 Combat Strength against civilizations in Golden or Heroic Ages has been moved to Lautaro's ability.
  • Swift Hawk: Reworked. Combat Strength bonus is now part of Lautaro's ability, and now applies to Free Cities alongside civilizations in a Golden or Heroic Age. Loyalty penalty from killing units is now doubled against civilizations in a Golden or Heroic Age, but pillaging tiles no longer inflicts a Loyalty penalty.
  • Chemamull: Modified. Now has an inherent yield of +1 Production in addition to its normal Culture.
  • Malón Raider: Modified. Cheaper, and now upgrades to the Cavalry instead of the Helicopter.


  • The Last Best West: Modified. Now grants +2 Production to Mines and Lumber Mills and +2 Food to Farms as long as they are built on Tundra.
  • Mountie: Modified. Cheaper, and gains 1 additional National Park charge.


  • Glory of the World, Kingdom and Faith: Modified. Instead of additional Faith during Protectorate Wars, now grants bonus Faith equal to 50% of the Combat Strength of defeated units.
  • Khevsur: Now replaces the Man-At-Arms instead of being standalone.


  • Mayab: Modified. Now grants +1 Production to Farms adjacent to Observatories.
  • Ix Mutal Ajaw: Modified. Now grants a free Builder to cities founded 6 or less tiles away from the Capital.
  • Now has a Tier 1 start bias towards all Grasslands and Plains, a Tier 2 start bias towards all luxury resources improved with a Plantation, and a Tier 3 start bias towards all other land tiles.


  • Thermopylae: Modified. Now grants +1 Combat Strength to all units for each military policy card slotted.


  • Nkisi: Modified. No longer grants bonus Great Writer points. Great Works affected by the civ bonus now also provide +1 Faith.


  • Ta-Seti: Modified. Now grants 20% less Production towards ranged units.
  • Nubian Pyramid: Modified. Inherent yield is increased to +2 Faith and +2 Food.


  • Adventures of Enkidu: Modified. Now grants +5 Combat Strength to all units belonging to an ally that he is fighting a common enemy with.


  • Kurgan: Reworked. Now provides 2 more Gold, and +1 Faith from adjacent Pastures, increasing to +2 with Stirrups. Now provides Tourism based on Faith with Flight.
  • Saka Horse Archer: Modified. Now upgrades to the Crossbowman.


  • Grand Vizier: Now provides a Governor title with Gunpowder.
  • Now has a Tier 5 start bias towards Niter.


  • Berserker: Modified. -5 Combat Strength penalty on defense now only applies against melee attacks. Now replaces the Man-At-Arms instead of being standalone.


  • Samurai: Modified. Now unlocks with Feudalism. Now replaces the Man-At-Arms instead of being standalone.
  • Now has a Tier 3 start bias towards Coast.


  • Redcoat: Now replaces the Line Infantry instead of being standalone.


  • Château: Modified. Now receives +1 Gold as a base yield, and +2 Gold for being adjacent to a River, but does not provide Gold from adjacent Luxury Resources. Must now be adjacent to a bonus or luxury resource and not another Château.
  • Garde Impériale: Now replaces the Line Infantry instead of being standalone.


  • Mother Russia: Modified. Now only grants +5 bonus tiles upon founding a city, instead of +8.
  • Lavra: Modified. Now only generates Great Writer points if it has a Shrine in it, only generates Great Artist points if it has a Temple in it, and only generates Great Musician points if it has a worship building in it.


  • Lithuanian Union: Modified. Bonuses now function no matter whether Poland founded their religion.
  • Winged Hussar: Modified. Now unlocked with Mercantilism, and replaces the Cuirassier instead of being standalone. More expensive, and has a higher maintenance cost.


  • Tlachtli: Modified. Now provides 1 Culture more than previously. In Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm provides 2 Culture more than previously.


  • Three Kingdoms: Modified. Bonuses to Farm and Mine yields now stack with multiple adjacent Seowon.


  • Now has a Tier 2 start bias towards Coast.


  • Varu: Now upgrades into the Cuirassier instead of the Tank.


  • Ikanda: Modified. Now grants +1 Science and +2 Gold from each building.


  • Now has a Tier 5 start bias towards Rivers.
  • U-Boat: Modified. No longer requires Oil.


  • Mit'a: Modified. Now grants +1 Production to Mountain tiles when the game reaches the Industrial Era.
  • Terrace Farm: Modified. Now grants 0.5 more Housing than previously.
  • Now has a Tier 2 start bias towards all Mountains except Tundra and Snow.


  • Ordu: Modified. Now grants bonus XP to siege units as a hidden stat.
  • Keshig: Modified. Cheaper.


  • Radio Oranje: Reworked. All bonuses are doubled.


  • Pairidaeza: Modified. Now grants +1 Appeal to surrounding tiles, down from +2.


  • Thành: Modified. No longer grants a Great General point.


  • Rough Rider: Modified. Now replaces the Cuirassier and is unlocked with Ballistics. Upgrades to the Tank instead of the Modern Armor.

Updated units[]

  • The Swordsman now has 35 base Combat Strength (down from 36).
  • The Infantry now has 75 base Combat Strength (up from 70).
  • The Pikeman and Impi now have 45 base Combat Strength (up from 41).
  • The AT Crew now has 75 base Combat Strength (up from 70).
  • The Modern AT now has 85 base Combat Strength (up from 80).
  • The Courser now has 46 base Combat Strength (up from 44).
  • The Helicopter now has 86 base Combat Strength (up from 82).
  • The Tank now has 85 base Combat Strength (up from 80).
  • The Modern Armor now has 95 base Combat Strength (up from 90).
  • The Machine Gun now has 70 base Combat Strength and 85 base Ranged Strength (up from 65 and 75 respectively).
  • The Catapult now has 25 base Combat Strength (up from 23).
  • The Bombard now has 45 base Combat Strength (up from 43).
  • The Rocket Artillery now has 100 base Bombard Strength (up from 95).
  • The Destroyer now has 85 base Combat Strength (up from 80).
  • The Missile Cruiser now has 75 base Combat Strength and 90 base Ranged Strength (up from 70 and 85 respectively).
  • The Knight, Mamluk and Tagma now have 50 base Combat Strength (up from 48).
  • The Warrior Monk now has 40 base Combat Strength (up from 35).
  • The Saka Horse Archer now has 20 base Combat Strength (up from 15).
  • The Keshig now has 35 base Combat Strength and 45 base Ranged Strength (up from 30 and 40 respectively).
  • The Hoplite now has 28 base Combat Strength (up from 25).
  • The Berserker now has 48 base Combat Strength (up from 40).
  • The Immortal now has 35 base Combat Strength and 25 base Ranged Strength (up from 30 and 25 respectively).
  • The Domrey now has 40 base Combat Strength and 50 base Bombard Strength (up from 33 and 45 respectively).
  • The Oromo Cavalry now has 48 base Combat Strength (up from 46).
  • The Black Army now has 49 base Combat Strength (up from 47).
  • The Mandekalu Cavalry now has 55 base Combat Strength (up from 49).
  • The Winged Hussar now has 64 base Combat Strength (up from 55).
  • The Sea Dog now has 55 base Ranged Strength (up from 50).
  • The Hypaspist, Ngao Mbeba, and Toa all have 38 base Combat Strength (up from 35).
  • The Conquistador now has 58 base Combat Strength (up from 55).
  • The Redcoat and Garde Impériale now have 70 base Combat Strength (up from 65).
  • The Digger now has 78 base Combat Strength (up from 72).

Updated tech boosts (undocumented)[]

  • Siege Tactics: Now requires building 2 Trebuchets (was 2 Bombards).
  • Replaceable Parts: Now requires building 3 Line Infantries (was 3 Musketmen).

General updates[]

  • [Gathering Storm] Governor Moksha’s base ability (Bishop): +2 Faith for every specialty district in a city.

General Gameplay Fixes[]

  • Allied Civs will no longer be shown as espionage destinations.
  • Buildings with overrides (ex. [Ethiopia Pack] the Alchemical Society which overrides the University) will now correctly receive yields intended for the base building.
  • Idle Governors now must be addressed (assigned to a city or by closing the screen) before advancing to the next turn.
  • Fixed an issue where the Maryannu Chariot Archer was not being counted as Ranged Cavalry.
  • Fixed an issue where the Science Foundations policy card would go obsolete when there were no Great Scientists remaining.
  • Fixed an issue where Mahaviharas would not receive adjacency bonuses when built adjacent to [Maya and Gran Colombia Pack] Observatories or [Base game] Lavras.
  • Fixed an issue where bonuses granting percentage yields from completed items based on cost (ex. [Babylon Pack] Ayutthaya’s 10% Culture from completed buildings) were sometimes larger than intended.
  • Fixes for the Basilikoi Paides and Ordu not giving experience correctly to trained units.
  • Fixed an issue where the Keshig would not receive the +3 Combat Strength from Genghis Khan’s Mongol Horde.
  • Fixed an issue where Imhotep's unique ability did not scale with game speed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Yields Report would show amenity yields for cities that are Content.
  • Fixed an issue where bonus resources would not be removed from a tile after a district is built on it.
  • [Gathering Storm] Fixed an issue where the Invention Policy Card would grant +2 instead of the intended +4 Great Engineer Points.

[Gathering Storm] Tourism Updates[]

  • "Cultural Domination" term clarified in Culture victory sections of World Rankings and Civilopedia.
  • Cultural Domination provides ongoing effects:
    • International Trade Routes to foreign cities you culturally dominate provide +4 Gold.
    • Spy missions in foreign cities you culturally dominate are 50% faster to complete.
    • Your citizens exert 25% more Loyalty pressure on foreign cities you culturally dominate.

Red Death[]

  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect unit icon would be displayed when viewing the Alien faction’s UFO unit in the Unit List.

Ethiopia Pack[]

  • Vampires no longer receive the benefit of ignoring walls during a city attack when adjacent to Siege Towers.
  • Fixed an issue where a notice would fail to appear for the second Secret Society discovered in a single turn.
  • Fixed clipping issues caused by incorrect overrides with Secret Society unique buildings.


  • Fixed an issue where the client will only have 2 active Relic slots after taking over an AI player during a multiplayer game in progress.

[Babylon Pack] Heroes and Legends[]

  • Hero Combat Strength has been adjusted to match the new base unit strengths.
  • Sinbad's Fortunes rewards reduced to 200 gold naval raids (was 300). Sinbad’s Journeys rewards 400 for discovering continents and natural wonders (was 500).
  • Khmer’s unique building, the Prasat, has been updated for Heroes and Legends gameplay: Recalling Heroes in this city costs 15% less Faith.
  • Himiko's "Inspiring" ability grants +5 Combat Strength (was +10).
  • Kongolese Unique Ability, Nkisi, grants +1 Faith for Heroic Relics during Heroes and Legends gameplay.
  • Show the unlocked unit on the project pages for Devotion projects in Heroes and Legends.
  • Fixed an issue where 2 extra Hero relic slots could appear when replacing a Monument with a Hero relic equipped with an Old God Obelisk [Ethiopia Pack – Secret Societies].
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes could remain on the map after their Lifespan expired.
  • Fixed an issue where Questing Knights would not have the correct Melee Strength during the Atomic Era.

Vietnam and Kublai Khan Pack[]

  • Industry improvements cannot be built on Luxury Resources that are on Volcanic Soil.
  • Added failure text when a Product cannot be produced because the necessary Corporation has been pillaged.
  • Fixed an exploit allowing Kublai Khan's bonus to grant multiple boosts from the same city.

Barbarian Clans[]

  • Increased the unit spawn rate for Cavalry-type Barbarian Clans.
  • Added a new notification when a Barbarian Outpost converts into a City-State.
  • Added missing Civilopedia entries for Barbarian Horseman, Horse Archer, and Raider.
  • Treat With Tribe menu now includes clan type name.
  • Barbarian Clans are now searchable in the Map Search panel.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented new Barbarian Camps from spawning.
  • Fixed an issue where dispersing a camp would grant gold instead of XP.
  • Fixed an issue where Gold could be gained by dispersing a Barbarian Outpost through border expansion.
  • Fixed an issue where Barbarian camps would be left undefended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Coastal Raid command would not disperse a Barbarian camp.
  • Fixed an issue where City-States converted from Barbarian Clans would briefly display a negative Garrison Defense Strength.
  • Fixed an issue where Barbarian Bribe indicators would not appear consistently over affected units.
  • Fixed an issue where Hiring units from a Clan would sometimes not pick the best unit available.
  • Fixed an issue where the Culture border would appear as the wrong color when a Barbarian Clan converted to a City-State.
  • Fixed an issue where coastal raiding as Norway would not pillage the tile and end the Norwegian unit’s turn while Barbarian Clans mode was active.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes see “Clan Dispersed” notifications for an unrevealed Clan.
  • Fixed an issue where Barbarian Clan unit tooltips would only display the information for one function while multiple were active.
  • Fixed an issue where Incited Barbarian units would sometimes attack other targets than the one the player selected.

Portugal Pack[]

  • The chance for a new Zombie to spawn after a city attack is affected by the population of the city. The higher the population, the higher the chance a Zombie will spawn.
  • Spies will now be killed by failed Zombie Outbreak spy operations at City-States.
  • Fixed an issue where the VFX for the Modernized Zombie Trap wouldn’t loop properly.


  • Improved ability for naval units to heal.
  • Cities will not build ships for future operations if they are on a lake.
  • Increase desire for Districts and Improvements.


  • Fixed a crash happening in the Espionage system caused by an off-map spy.
  • Various crashes fixed.


  • Saved Game Configurations will now regenerate map seeds and clear leader selections on configuration load to make this feature more useable as a way for players to save game types with various modes and advanced settings turned on/off. Players will still be able to use the Leader Pools as a quick way to save leader selections.
  • Search in the Civilopedia now auto-translates accented and special characters.
  • [Ethiopia Pack] Diplomatic Quarter now has a unique district icon.
  • Updated England and France Eleanor names to be consistent with other dual-civilization leaders.
  • [Gathering Storm] Mounties will now display their National Park charges in the unit panel.
  • Fixed an issue where the Settler Lens would not display on newly discovered tiles when moving a Settler through the Fog of War.
  • Fixed an issue where the Power Lens overlay would fail to display after pressing the Esc key and then re-opening the lens with the hot key during gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where inconsistent colors would display when viewing the CO2 Contribution graph.
  • Fixed an issue where information would be missing when viewing the Resource tooltip for Global Contribution in the World Climate menu.
  • Fixed an issue where users could select “No and stop asking” responses for other human players during multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where a Civ’s icon would fail to “pulse” when a free city was about to flip to them.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Change City Production” button in the City Manager would be disabled when placing a district on a tile.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid City-States would appear in the City-State Selector for True Start Location maps.
  • Fixed an issue where the amount of boost gained from a Eureka would display inconsistently between the Eureka popup and Tech Tree.
  • Fixed an issue where VO triggered from the Civilopedia would continue playing after closing it.
  • Fixed an issue where unit entries were greyed out in the unit list World Tracker panel when they still had movement points left.
  • Fixed an issue where Culture borders would not appear consistently when activating the Power lens.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could see information on an opponent’s Specialists in district tooltips.
  • Fixed an issue where the City-State Picker would save unintended changes after cancelling out of the Advanced Setup menu.
  • Fixed an issue where unit portraits would appear incorrect in the production menu.
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips would fail to appear on slotted Policies when viewing the Government menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the buttons on the Confirm Kick menu would overrun the menu window.
  • Expanded parameters of various menus to accommodate foreign language support.
  • Various text updates.



  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into a new game.
  • Fixed truncated stat titles on units in Polish and Spanish.
  • Fixed an issue where the Random leader Pools icon color changes after creating a Multiplayer game with a Scenario ruleset.
  • Fixed an issue where “Show Resource Icons" and "Show Yield Icons" are present with no function in the Map Options menu within the Pirates scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple options are misaligned after creating a Multiplayer game with a scenario ruleset in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed the forbidden mark from displaying on the appointed Secret Society Governor portrait after loading a save file with Secret Societies mode enabled.
  • Fixed a bad line break from being displayed in the Leader Pool description on the Leader Pool menu in Japanese.
  • Fixed an issue where the leader pool name does not display when selecting a Leader Pool in the Create Game Advanced Setup menu.
  • Fixed the Hero ability description from being misaligned when discovering a Hero.
  • Fixed an issue where the product slot icon was grey in the Monopolies and Corporations mode.
  • Fixed issues where the text, button or icon was smaller than intended in certain locations.
  • Fixed issues with overlapping or overrunning text in several locations throughout the game.

Playstation and XBox[]

  • Fixed an issue where the "Conquest of Alexander" leader information overlaps the scenario description box in the Scenario menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Map Random Seed" option overruns the create game menu when the "Turn Limit" is set to Custom in Multiplayer.
  • Fixed the description of the Secret Society Discovered popup overlapping in Secret Societies mode.
  • Fixed the Natural Wonder Picker's header misalignment in the Multiplayer create game menu.
  • Fixed the "Total income per turn" text from overrunning the container on the Yield Reports menu in Polish.

Playstation and Switch[]

  • Fixed an issue where a City-State’s icon was corrupt after converting from a Barbarian encampment within Barbarian Clans Mode.
  • Fixed a text overlap that occurred in some localizations within the Unit Panel in the Pirates Scenario.

Nintendo Switch[]

  • Fixed an issue where information becomes cutoff on the Culture tab of the World Rankings menu when the Advisor information text is expanded.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading saves from within a game. -
  • Fixed an issue where Leader names overrun if multiple leaders prefer same outcome in World Congress.
  • Fixed the Multiplatform Cloud text from overlapping the text banner in Japanese and Russian.
  • Fixed the text box of “The following player prefer this outcome” overlapping the description in the World Rankings menu.

XBox One[]

  • Fixed the “View Gamercard” button not being present when highlighting other players Gamertag in the right tray menu during Multiplayer.
  • Fixed a hang that could occur during gameplay when a user’s Archer destroys an enemy Eagle Warrior during a Hot Seat game.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Toggle Tooltip" text overruns the Pause menu in French.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gamertag is cutoff in the "Game Name" field on the Multiplayer Game Setup menu in certain localizations.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when accepting an invite while the exit game setup popup is open.
  • Fixed the Leader image and Civilization description from not displaying on the Create Game menu after selecting a Civilization on the Scenarios menu.

Playstation 4[]

  • Fixed a crash that could occur during the loading screen of a new game.

Undocumented changes[]

  • The Scout now has a "Pet" command. If selected, the Scout unit in the overworld will give the dog a pat on the head. However, one cannot pet the cat.


Civilization VI Updates [edit]
Fall 2016Winter 2016February 2017March 2017Summer 2017Fall 2017February 7, 2018February 13, 2018March 2018May 2018July 2018February 2019April 2019June 2019September 2019May 2020June 2020July 2020August 2020September 2020October 2020November 2020December 2020January 2021February 2021March 2021April 2021November 2022UDecember 2022January 2023UFebruary 2023UMarch 15, 2023April 2023May 2023UAugust 2023September 2023UNovember 2023UJuly 2024U
U Undocumented update