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The August 2020 Update for Civilization VI was released on August 27th, 2020. The following is a complete list of change notes.

New features[]

Tech and Civic Shuffle Mode[]

This new game mode adds variety to the tech tree, as it shuffles techs and civics within their historical eras, leading to different costs and prerequisites than normal. The resulting trees are the same for all players. Techs and civics are also hidden until a prerequisite is earned, preserving the mystery of discovery all the way until the end of the game.

Natural Wonder Picker[]

Sick of the Bermuda Triangle? Want to break the Delicate Arch? In Advanced Setup, you can now bring up a new menu to choose which Natural Wonders you would like to include in your next game. Wonders checked are not guaranteed to be in your next game, rather, they are part of the pool of Wonders that will then be randomly selected and placed.


Note: Items in the list below apply to the Gathering Storm ruleset only.

  • Amenities Amenities
    • Removed the free population amenity.
    • Added an amenity to the Palace.
    • Increased the Golf Course amenities by 1.
    • Decreased all negative amenity level thresholds by 1. Increase Happy and Ecstatic's minimum by 2.
  • New city thresholds:
    • Ecstatic at 5+
    • Happy at 3 to 4
    • Content at -1 to 2
    • Displeased at -3 to -2
    • Unhappy at -5 to -4
    • Unrest at -7 to -6
    • Revolt at -8
  • Negative amenities non-food yield decrease changes:
    • Displeased -10%, was -5%
    • Unhappy -20%, was -10%
    • Unrest -30% (stays the same)
    • Revolt -40%, was -60%
  • The Theater Square now gains a major adjacency bonus with the Entertainment Complex and Water Park.
  • The Naturalist unit now initially costs 600 Faith Faith and will increase by 100 Faith Faith after each purchase.
  • Fixed issues that prevented Apostles from receiving all available promotions.
  • The Appeal stat has been added to the trait section of the Districts, Terrains, Improvements, and Features Civilopedia pages.
  • The text for the Acropolis district now correctly shows major adjacency bonuses for adjacent Wonders.


  • Added some bias towards getting governments with lots of wild card slots.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was overvaluing bonuses from governments for cities with governors.
  • Increased desire for civics that unlock new governments. Capped desire for Theology for high Faith income civs (ensures they can move on to tier 3 or 4 governments).
  • Various AI improvements.


  • Governors assigned to a City-State are now displayed in the City-States panel.
  • Fixed an issue that caused map selection to break.
  • Various UI bug fixes and polish.


  • Fixing balanced start positions choosing invalid placements.
  • Added bias for starting in the center of a continent the player does not share with other majors.

Crash fixes[]

  • Fix crash when forming a Corps and the unit that is joining is not on the map.
  • Additional crash fixes.


External links[]

Civilization VI Updates [edit]
Fall 2016Winter 2016February 2017March 2017Summer 2017Fall 2017February 7, 2018February 13, 2018March 2018May 2018July 2018February 2019April 2019June 2019September 2019May 2020June 2020July 2020August 2020September 2020October 2020November 2020December 2020January 2021February 2021March 2021April 2021November 2022UDecember 2022January 2023UFebruary 2023UMarch 15, 2023April 2023May 2023UAugust 2023September 2023UNovember 2023UJuly 2024U
U Undocumented update