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The February 13, 2018 Update for Civilization VI was released only a few days after the February 7, 2018 Update. The following is a complete list of change notes.

Civilization VI Update[]

  • Fixed an issue where the user could not access the builder that is awarded when the Eagle Warrior kills an enemy unit in a standard ruleset game.
  • Fixed America's Founding Fathers ability to function when progressing through a Standard Rules match.
  • Fixed an issue where a trader could lose functionality resulting in placeholder/debug string being displayed when war is declared through an emergency with a civ the user has trade routes to.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when starting a new game under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where the user could crash after attempting to join a Full game in the Multiplayer lobby.

"Rise and Fall" Expansion Update[]

Civilization VI Updates [edit]
Fall 2016Winter 2016February 2017March 2017Summer 2017Fall 2017February 7, 2018February 13, 2018March 2018May 2018July 2018February 2019April 2019June 2019September 2019May 2020June 2020July 2020August 2020September 2020October 2020November 2020December 2020January 2021February 2021March 2021April 2021November 2022UDecember 2022January 2023UFebruary 2023UMarch 15, 2023April 2023May 2023UAugust 2023September 2023UNovember 2023UJuly 2024U
U Undocumented update