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Cliffs are a terrain feature in Civilization VI. They are found on Hills adjacent to Coast tiles.

  • Yields:
    • Nothing
  • Movement needed:
    • Blocks embarking/disembarking from this tile


Cliffs' main function is to present a defense against naval invasion. They usually come in "chains" - that is, in a series of nearby tiles - and you can use that fact to found a city which will be (almost) completely safe from naval invasions, since enemy land units will have great difficulty reaching it from the sea.

Note that a Harbor may still be built next to Cliffs. When your units use it, they will be able to pass the Cliffs to embark or disembark. Enemy units won't, however.


Civilization VI Terrains [edit]
Base CoastDesertDesert (Hills)GrasslandGrassland (Hills)HillsLakeMountainsNile River3OceanPlainsPlains (Hills)SnowSnow (Hills)TundraTundra (Hills)
Features Cataract3CliffsFloodplainsDesert FloodplainsGrassland FloodplainsPlains FloodplainsGeothermal Fissure GS-OnlyIceImpact Zone1 2MarshOasisRainforestBurning Rainforest1Burnt Rainforest1Reef R&F-OnlyRiverVolcanic Soil GS-OnlyVolcano GS-OnlyWoodsBurning Woods1Burnt Woods1
Other Barbarian OutpostMeteor Site1Tribal Village
See also ImprovementNatural WonderResource
1 Requires DLC2 Apocalypse mode only • 3 Specific Scenarios only

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.
