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Colonial Government is a form of government in the Outback Tycoon scenario in Civilization VI. It is the second government available in the scenario.

Civilopedia entry[]

When a penal colony became self-sustaining it needed more than a governor with absolute authority over indentured servants. Harsh colonial justice was not exactly a selling point for accomplished tradesmen and those wishing to change their fortunes. Consequently, a true colonial government provided limited local and regional rule to its residents. Political offices expanded as the colony did, allowing the colonial capital to provide for (and more importantly, to tax) outlying settlements.

Civilization VI Governments [edit]
AutocracyCatholic Monarchy1ChiefdomClassical RepublicColonial Government1CommunismCorporate Libertarianism GS-OnlyDemocracyDigital Democracy GS-OnlyFascismKandake1Merchant RepublicMonarchyOligarchyPenal Settlement1Pharaoh1State Government1Synthetic Technocracy GS-OnlyThalassocracy1Theocracy
1 Specific scenarios only
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.