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The Confederacy is a playable civilization from the American Civil War scenario in Civilization V: Brave New World. They are led by Jefferson Davis. Their unique ability is Rebel Yell, which grants their units a +10% combat promotion.


The Civil War scenario has no diplomacy, religion, or social policies and focuses heavily on military and military technology. The goal is to conquer the U.S. capital of Washington, DC in less than 50 turns and to defend the Confederate capital of Richmond to end the Civil War early.

As the Confederacy one should start off by moving soldiers in the south to the frontier cities. Technological advancements are crucial and it is advised to research infantry technology first, as replacing the Confederate Infantry Divisions with superior Infantry Corps will grant a great advantage against the Union units.

The United States will first attempt to conquer Fairfax, the closest Confederate city to Washington, with a combination of artillery and infantry. Since it takes 7 turns for the southern units to arrive at Fairfax, one should retreat from Fairfax if defeated and save units. Once you have reinforced the area with your Confederate troops, you should try to conquer Alexandria. Once Alexandria is conquered the Confederates can station their artillery along the coast and fire on Washington.

The Confederacy also has the option to conquer less-guarded cities beforehand in order to weaken the Union. Such cities are Harpers Ferry and Hagerstown to the north and the coastal city of Fort Monroe. Blockade Runners are a good asset to gain money: the Confederates can try to either first conquer Fort Monroe or bypass it and simply reach the ocean.

Civilopedia entry[]

The Confederate States of America, also known as the Confederacy, was the name chosen by the southern states that opted to secede from the U.S. following Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860. Viewing Lincoln's perspectives on slavery as leading to an infringement upon the individual rights of each state, including their right to break from the constitution and secede, the southern states did just that.

The Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, sought to directly oversee not only the logistical issues of the war effort, but also the military strategies and appointments of the southern armies (much like his counterpart in the North). The Confederacy was faced with war against an opponent armed with superior equipment, greater manpower, and more raw materials dedicated to the conflict. These concerns did little to hamper the southern forces' enthusiasm for the fight ahead, as they viewed this as a battle for their way of life and the individual rights of every state versus the federal government.

