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The Conquistador is a unique civilian unit of the Spanish civilization in Civilization VII.

Unique Great Person Unit. Can only be built in Cities with a Wharf, and the specific Conquistador received is random. Each Conquistador can only be received once. Cost increases per Conquistador built. A Conquistador can only be activated in Distant Lands, but they gain the ability to embark on Ocean tiles immediately.

Possible Conquistador Units:

  • Ferdinand Magellan: Activated on a Fleet Commander in Distant Lands to receive increased Movement and Sight.
  • Francisco Pizarro: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Infantry Units and a Cavalry Unit.
  • Juan Ponce de León: Activated on a Water tile in Distant Lands to grant additional Movement to Treasure Fleets.
  • Christopher Columbus: Activated on any Water tile in Distant Lands to reveal the world map except for the interior of Distant Lands.
  • Hernán Cortés: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Infantry Units.
  • Hernando de Soto: Activated in an Independent Power's Territory in Distant Lands to make that Independent Power a City-State with you as Suzerain.
  • Francisco de Orellana: Activated on a Navigable River tile in Distant Lands to receive Gold for every tile in that River (effect scales based on game speed).
  • Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca: Activated on or adjacent to a Natural Wonder in Distant Lands to gain Gold for each Natural Wonder tile here or adjacent to this tile (effect scales based on game speed).
  • Miguel López de Legazpi: Activated on a Commander in Distant Lands with a set number of empty slots to grant the Commander a set number of Ranged Units and an Infantry Unit.
  • Inés Suárez: Activated on an eligible Settlement location in Distant Lands to create a new Town.


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Civilopedia entry[]

Conquistador (Civ7)/Civilopedia


See also[]

Template:Units (Civ7)
