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Gameplay Info

Luxury Resource added in the Gods and Kings expansion.


Copper is found on a variety of terrains, mainly on Hills, and accessed with a Mine, which makes it a good source of Production Production, as well as Gold Gold.

It gains +1 Faith Faith with the Earth Mother Belief. 

Historical Info:

The soft, orange-hued metal known as copper has been used for thousands of years for everything from weapons, to currency, to circuits and electrical wiring in the modern day. Copper has a number of unique qualities, not the least of which are its antimicrobial abilities. Copper is naturally resistant to many forms of bacteria, leading to its use in plumbing and other applications where human contact is frequent, for example in doorknobs. Copper is also valuable for the alloys produced when it is combined with other metals. When mixed with tin, copper forms the alloy known as bronze. When combined with zinc, brass is produced.
