Civilization Wiki

The Coracle is a unit in Call to Power II.


  • Can Transport one land unit


The Coracle is the first naval Transport unit made available in the game and is, as such, integral to the expansion of your empire. It is capable of transporting one land unit. It is not a ship suited to Deep Water travel, however, and must stick to Beaches and Shallow Oceans.

Great Library entry[]

The Coracle is a boat native to ancient Wales and Ireland. Some coracles were round-bottomed skin boats, whereas others were akin to large, waterproof baskets, employing a framework of woven willow shoots. Although their light build made them unfit to survive as archaeological finds, evidence of skin boat and coracle use can be found in the iconographic representations of rock carvings at Kalnes and Gjerpen in Norway. Historians believe that skin boats like the coracle did not lead to significant steps in the evolution of boat construction, and more settled societies opted for more durable, timber-based boats for intercontinental exploration and conquest.

Call to Power II Units
Abolitionist Aircraft Carrier Archer Artillery Battleship Bomber Cannon Caravan Cargo Helicopter Carrack Catapult Cavalry Cleric Coracle Corporate Branch Crawler Cruise Missile Cyber Ninja Destroyer Diplomat Dreadnaught Eco-Ranger Eco-Terrorist Empathic Diplomat Fascist Fighter Fire Trireme Freight Transport Fusion Tank Hoplite Hover Infantry Infantryman Infector Interceptor Ironclad Knight Kraken Lawyer Leviathan Light Mech Longship Machine Gunner Marine Mobile SAM Moray Striker Mounted Archer Nuclear Submarine Nuke Paratrooper Pikemen Plasma Destroyer PT Boat Samurai Scout Sub Sea Engineer Settler Ship of the Line Slaver Space Plane Spy Spy Plane Stealth Bomber Stealth Fighter Submarine Tank Televangelist Troop Ship Urban Planner War Walker Warrior