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==Game info:== The Russian civilization Unique Unit. Replaces the Cavalry. Requires Horses

  • Common traits:
    • Can move after attacking 
    • No defensive terrain bonuses
    • Penalty vs Cities -33%
  • Special traits:
    • Combat bonus against damaged units.


A nice replacement for the Cavalry. Always try to use it on weakened enemy units in order to activate its bonus.


The Cossacks were military communities living in the wilds of the Ukraine and Russia. Originally the term referred specifically to Tatar tribesmen, but by the end of 15th century it was also used to refer to a number of peasants who had fled from serfdom in Poland, Lithuania and Moscow and had established homes in the wild. Some of the greatest natural horsemen since the Mongols, the Cossacks served in the Russian military in return for special privileges for themselves and their communities. The Russian military employed the Cossack cavalry in all of their major external and internal conflicts right up to the 20th century, and Cossack units fought on both sides during the Russian Civil War. The Cossacks were all but wiped out under Stalinism, however, some survivors are attempting to regain their heritage following the collapse of the Soviet Union. 
