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 "Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind."
– Johannes Brahms
 "Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets."
– Tom Stoppard

Craftsmanship is an Ancient Era civic in Civilization VI. It can be hurried by building 3 tile improvements.


After many years of everyone building whatever they needed, ancient societies finally figured out that if one trains in a certain activity and takes time to become skilled in it, he manages to do this activity much better and more quickly than others. This was the beginning of specialization, which was known to the ancient people as craftsmanship.

Discovering Craftsmanship unlocks Agoge and Ilkum, policy cards which allow a civilization to train three classes of military units and Builders (respectively) more quickly.

Civilopedia entry[]

Craftsmanship is simply the application of skill in the making of something, be it functional or just some decorative but otherwise useless knick-knack. Since there were so many unskilled laborers, ancient craftsmen were highly valued, whether slave or free. In Athens craftsmanship interacted with art and culture in intriguing ways; Socrates, for instance, was fond of analogies concerning craftsmanship and was reputedly himself the son of a skilled stonemason. Many a Greek grew wealthy from their craftsmen-slaves, such as those Demosthenes owned: some 120 tanners, flute-makers and cutlers. So valued were the skills of slaves that craftsmen themselves became a high-priced commodity in Rome, where weavers and tailors, metal-workers and engravers, leather tanners and shoemakers, and other pairings could be brought together in urban workshops to produce high-quality goods.

In the Middle Ages, craftsmen began to organize themselves into guilds to promote their skills and their standards. In the guilds, those seeking to progress to being a master craftsman progressed through the stages of apprentice and journeyman first, insuring a level of excellence in their craft. But industrialization – the mass production of all those things – ended the need for craftsmanship, and in the decades after the French Revolution most of the guilds collapsed. Corporations could manufacture goods quicker and cheaper, substituting standardization for craftsmanship.

Today, in the popular mindset, craftsmanship has come to mean “made by hand” rather than “skilled production” … and these are certainly not the same.

See also[]

Civilization VI Civics [edit]
Ancient Code of LawsCraftsmanshipEarly EmpireForeign TradeMilitary TraditionMysticismState Workforce
Classical Defensive TacticsDrama and PoetryGames and RecreationMilitary TrainingPolitical PhilosophyRecorded HistoryTheology
Medieval Civil ServiceDivine RightFeudalismGuildsMedieval FairesMercenariesNaval Tradition
Renaissance Diplomatic ServiceExplorationHumanismMercantilismReformed ChurchThe Enlightenment
Industrial Civil EngineeringColonialismNationalismNatural HistoryOpera and BalletScorched EarthUrbanization
Modern CapitalismClass StruggleConservationIdeologyMass MediaMobilizationNuclear ProgramSuffrageTotalitarianism
Atomic Cold WarCultural HeritageProfessional SportsRapid DeploymentSpace Race
Information Distributed Sovereignty GS-OnlyEnvironmentalism GS-OnlyGlobalizationNear Future Governance GS-OnlyOptimization Imperative GS-OnlySocial MediaVenture Politics GS-Only
Future GS-Only Cultural HegemonyExodus ImperativeFuture Civic*Global Warming MitigationInformation WarfareSmart Power Doctrine
* Future Civic is an Information Era civic until the Gathering Storm expansion.
