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Cultural Diplomacy is a social policy in Civilization V. It is part of the Patronage tree and requires Scholasticism.
In order to reach the highest levels of influence with Allied States, wise rulers send them the country's best Artists. They enchant the locals with mesmerizing musical performances, exhibitions of great Art and dazzling shows of ballet and dancing. Demonstrating how superior the empire's art is, compared to local art, has the power of impressing the City-State's traders, who do their best to present the Luxuries they offer on your market at the best prices and conditions.
Game Info[]
- Quantity of Resources gifted by City-States increased by 100%.
- Happiness from gifted Luxuries increased by 50%.
The effect of this high-end Policy is easy to misunderstand. The quantity increase is, in fact, useful only for strategic resources - an increase in a luxury resource wouldn't mean much anyway, since you can't trade away the extra resource. And the Happiness increase from the luxuries is only valid if a City-State is your only provider of that resource.
Nevertheless, the effect of this Policy is immediately seen, and very useful. It enables resource-poor empires to keep up with bigger and richer ones, especially in the late game. But again, this Policy works better the more Allied city-states you have; if you have only 1-2 Allies you won't see much difference.
Civilopedia entry[]
Cultural Diplomacy is the policy of lending out a civilization's most beautiful and treasured items to other civilizations in order to promote peace and understanding between all people. One of the most enduring forms of cultural diplomacy is the World's Fair, also known as the Universal Exposition, which is held in a different city every two to five years. The World's Fair features samples of many nations' arts, crafts, agriculture, and industry. The first World's Fair was held in 1851 in the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London. It was the brainchild of Prince Albert, husband to Queen Victoria. There were some 13,000 exhibits in total, seen by some six million people. The next World's Fair is scheduled to run in Shanghai, China in 2010. Some 70 million visitors are expected.