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After Peter Stuyvesant has joined the Continental Congress, your carpenters may construct custom houses. A custom house serves as a permanent arrangement between the colony that constructs it and the mother country. Once completed, you sell goods and commodities on a regular basis to Europe, and the logistics are taken care of for you. You no longer have to load and unload cargo or move the ships.


See also[]

Colonization Buildings

ArmoryArsenalBlacksmith's HouseBlacksmith's ShopCarpenter's ShopCathedralChurchCigar FactoryCollegeCustom HouseDocksDrydockFortFortressFur FactoryFur Trader's HouseFur Trading PostIron WorksLumber MillMagazineNewspaperPrinting PressRum Distiller's HouseRum DistilleryRum FactorySchoolhouseShipyardStableStockadeTextile MillTobacconist's HouseTobacconist's ShopTown HallUniversityWarehouseWarehouse ExpansionWeaver's HouseWeaver's Shop
