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Game Info[]

Great tile improvement. Constructed by a Great Merchant.


The Customs House is a great improvement for civilizations that want more Gold Gold. It is best to build it in cities that have nearby luxury resources and the most advanced economic buildings available to maximize their Gold Gold output.

The Venetians can use their Merchants of Venice to build Customs Houses, but they're usually better off sending these units to conduct trade missions or purchase city-states instead.

Civilopedia entry[]

A Customs House is a governmental building where taxes are paid on a country's imported and exported goods. It ensures that the government gets its cut (or "fair share," if you prefer) of profits on every cargo moving through a harbor. Given the amount of money involved, the opportunity for corruption is unlimited. Throughout history customs officials have not been famous for resisting temptation.

See also[]

Civilization V Improvements [edit]
Standard CampFarmFishing BoatsFortLumber MillMineOffshore PlatformOil WellPasturePlantationQuarryRailroadRoadTrading Post
Unique Brazilwood Camp BNW-onlyChateau BNW-onlyFeitoria BNW-onlyKasbah BNW-onlyMoai1Polder GodsKings5 clearTerrace Farm1
Great People AcademyCitadelCustoms HouseHoly Site GodsKings5 clearLandmarkManufactory
Scenario specific Hadrian's WallMotte and BaileyPontoon BridgeTipiWajo
1 Requires a DLC
GodsKings5 clear Added in the Gods & Kings expansion pack.
BNW-only Added in the Brave New World expansion pack.