The Cybernetic Consciousness is a faction in Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire. Aki Zeta-5 is the faction's leader.
Faction characteristics[]
- +2 RESEARCH: {Human research abilities enhanced by algorithmic control}
- +2 EFFICIENCY: {Cybernetic biologicals extremely efficient}
- -1 GROWTH: {Humans 'possessed by an algorithm' find reproduction awkward}
- Immunity to CYBERNETIC penalty: {Cybernetic social choice is 'rational' and not dissented by citizens}
- Can steal technology when capturing a base
- May not make Fundamentalist choice in Social Engineering
- Aggression Pacifist
- Priorities Cybernetic (social)
- Starting Tech Information Networks, Applied Physics
- Agenda Rational Objectivity
- Aversion Fundamentalist (social)
Leader's defining quote[]
"Those who join us need give up only half of their humanity--the illogical, ill-tempered, and disordered half, commonly thought of as 'right-brain' functioning. In exchange, the 'left-brain' capacities are increased to undreamed potential. The tendency of Biologicals to cling instead to their individual personalities can only be attributed to archaic evolutionary tendencies."
-- Prime Function Aki Zeta-5, "Convergence"
List of bases[]
- Alpha Prime
- Beta Crossing
- Gamma Flats
- Delta Marsh
- Epsilon Center
- Eta Crossroads
- Theta Banks
- Iota Station
- Kappa Hills
- Lambda Farms
- Mu Crescent
- Nu Square
- Xi Ellipse
- Omicron Quadrangle
- Pi Complex
- Rho Yards
- Sigma Complex
- Tau Collective
- Upsilon Depot
- Psi Consensus
- Chi Plains
- Phi Lumiere
- Omega Terminus
- Computational Science
- Data Processing
- Automated Reasoning
- Successive States
- Recursive Function
- Quadratic Equation
- Systematic Solution
- Linear Equations
- Decision Problem
- Recursive Functions
- Turing Machines
- Formulation 1
- Assignment Operation
- Data Structures
- Flow of Control
- Imperative Programming
- Natural Languages
- Pseudocode
- Flowchart
- Control Tables
- State Diagram
- Machine Code
- Assembly Code
- Halting Problem
- Minsky’s Machine
- Church-Turing Thesis
- Spaghetti Code
- If-Then Goto
- Proofs of Correctness
- Mathematical Induction
- Pidgin Code
- Partial Function
- Total Function
- Algorithm Analysis
- Big O Notation
- Binary Search
- Brute Force
- Table Lookups
- Empirical Algorithmics
- Alpha Basin
- Gamma Breakwater
- Beta Mudflats
- Delta Trench
- Epsilon Reef
- Eta Ridge
- Theta Barrier
- Iota Point
- The leader of the Cybernetic Consciousness is voiced by Allie Rivenbark.
External links[]
Alpha Centauri Factions |
Cult of PlanetX • Cybernetic ConsciousnessX • Data AngelsX • FiraxiansX • Free DronesX • Gaia's Stepdaughters • Human Hive • Lord's Believers • Manifold CaretakersX • Manifold UsurpersX • Morgan Industries • Nautilus PiratesX • Peacekeeping Forces • Spartan Federation • University of Planet |
X Added in Alien Crossfire |