David is a Great Person in Civilization Revolution.
- Type of Great Person: Great Leader
- Tech Required: Monarchy
Give your units that extra muscle with a Great Leader! Any new military unit created in one of your cities that contains a settled Great Leader David will automatically become an Elite version of a military unit. Or you may expend your Great Leader a single time to instantly upgrade all your current military units to Veteran status. (Hint: think twice before doing this.)
The smart tactic is to settle David in a city, preferably with good production and with short, one-move delivery roads to most other cities. If not already present, build a Barracks immediately (needs the Bronze Working technology). When a Barracks is present and David resides in the city, every military unit you afterward create will be an Elite unit and can have one additional ability (of two automatically-offered choices) assigned.
There are several ways to capitalize on David's special benefit. If you're buffing your defenses anywhere on the map, create Elite defensive units with David. Each one to which you can assign a serious defense benefit (e.g., Engineer, Loyalty) gets sent to a defending city. At the same time, two other cities are producing unbuffed versions of the same defensive unit. When the Elite unit arrives where it's needed, ensure that two plain units are already there, and you can make a tough, experienced army immediately.
A second technique is to create custom military units with David, mostly offensive ones, to dominate your opponents. You don't control which abilities are offered when a new military unit is created with David. The system just gives you two random-ish choices, so you'll frequently have two relatively weak abilities (e.g., Medic, Scout) to choose from. You don't want to sacrifice a defensive army by creating it using a David unit with no actual defensive buffs: that's a waste. Ditto for offensive military units.
But you can set aside your less-powerful units and combine them with a more powerful unit you create later. The resulting army can have up to three abilities, and you can choose the three from your "discard pile" as you wish. The Scout ability is handy in one of every three or four armies, so you can easily form a military group with the Scout ability for all its battles (only one unit or army in a group of military units needs Scout, then all attacks from that group automatically use it). The March ability is fitfully useful, for instance in creating defensive armies with one or two good defensive abilities (you still want them to be strong defenders) that can also move at the same speed as spies and settlers. So the weaker abilities are not a waste, but need to be managed with care.
Carrying on with the hand-crafted armies, you can also build formidable offensive armies by combining the right David-assigned abilities. If you ever want to see the view from an opponent's capital, you need potent offensive ground armies. Using the same "discard-pile" approach mentioned above, sort out David-created offensive ground units with Infiltration and Blitz. Every time you can make a pair of these abilities, add one more unit (either an unbuffed unit from another city, or a weak unit from the discard pile) to create a strong offensive army. Suitably defended, a handful of Tank or Artillery armies with Infiltration and Blitz will cleave through (most) enemies like a welding torch through butter.
Fun Facts[]
See also[]
- David in other games
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