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The Derwish Cavalry is a unique mounted unit of the Egyptian civilization from the Scramble for Africa scenario in Civilization V: Brave New World.

Game Info[]

Cavalry that spawns Great Generals faster and fights better in open terrain. Only the Egyptians can build it.

  • Special traits:
    • No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
    • Penalty Attaicking Cities (33)
    • Can Move After Attacking
    • Shock I
    • Great Generals I


Egyptian Cavalry replacement. Its promotions allow it to spawn Great Generals faster and fight better in open terrain.

Civilopedia entry[]

Referred to as the "Mad Mullah," the religious leader Mohammed Abdullah al-Hasan established a Dervish state in Somalia that fought an anti-imperialist war for 20 years against the British, Italians and Ethiopians. Of his forces, approximately 10000 were the feared Dervish cavalry, mostly used for interdiction of supply lines and paths of retreat. Unevenly armed and equipped, led by tribal chieftains, the dervish cavalry were marked by their fanaticism, making them fearsome opponents willing to take losses that would deter other units. Until 1920, when the Mullah was finally defeated, his most effective commanders were among the Dervish cavalry.

See also[]
