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The Digger is a unique melee unit of the Australian civilization in Civilization VI. It replaces the Infantry.

  • Attributes:
    • Higher Strength Combat Strength (72 vs. 70).
    • +10 Strength Combat Strength on coastal tiles.
    • +5 Strength Combat Strength outside Australian territory.
    • Requires no resources.


The Digger is a great replacement for the Infantry, with bonuses that allow the Australians to take a more active role in global conflicts in the Modern Era and beyond. With +15 Strength Combat Strength on a coastal tile outside its home territory, the Digger can reinforce Australia's naval forces as they attack enemy cities located along or near the coast, or even spearhead assaults on its own. It also provides the Australians with a strong defense against enemies who try to launch land-based assaults against their cities, which will often be located on coastal tiles to take advantage of the Housing Housing Housing bonus.

Civilopedia entry

At the onset of World War I, the British Army's need for soldiers led to the creation of the Australian Imperial Force. For bureaucratic ease, these troops were combined into a corps alongside soldiers from New Zealand. The newly formed corps underwent a baptism of enemy fire at the Battle of Gallipoli, which began with the (then) largest amphibious landing in the modern era. Called "Diggers" for their rapid entrenchment—or by their British comrades who thought all Australians worked in mines—they distinguished themselves until the war's armistice, gaining a courageous and genial reputation despite many hardships. Dissolved after the war's end, the Diggers have been re-formed when Australian and New Zealand troops fight together in larger-scale conflicts (such as World War II and Vietnam).

