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A District is an essential part of a city in Civilization VI that manifests the city's development and specialization over time. Districts are a brand new feature in Civilization VI.

Districts and World Wonders around a city
What is a district?[]
The district system organizes the larger city area into distinct tile locations. Individual districts are placed onto tiles within the city territory and they are used to structure the city as a region. Initially, the main city tile where a city is originally founded is considered the City Center district. As the first part of a city, the City Center can only host a few essential buildings such as the Granary and Ancient Walls, yet it still remains the most important part of a city, and a seat of power which controls the rest of the city territory.
In contrast to the City Center, most districts are "specialty districts," which are found on tiles outside the City Center and focus on developing some gameplay aspect in this city. Think of districts as a visual manifestation of the aspects of a city: a military part, a scientific part, a cultural part, etc. While implied in other Civilization games, Civilization VI separates these parts from the City Center, giving them a degree of individuality which makes them at the same time more potent and yet also more vulnerable to enemy attacks.
What does a district do?[]
Once built, specialty districts will confer yields and bonuses and unlock new possibilities for their parent city. City buildings which were before implicitly related to different gameplay aspects are now explicitly allocated to the respective city district, are unlocked only after building that district, and will physically reside there. For example, the Library and University will appear in the Campus district (the Science-oriented part of the city), not in the City Center. Similarly, if an Encampment district is built, your land-based military units will start appearing there instead of in the City Center (reinforcing the notion that troops are now trained in the special facilities there). Once you've built a Harbor district, you will be able to build naval units there even if your City Center is far away from the shore. Specialty districts can also confer other bonuses to their city (for example, additional
Combat Strength) and determine its eligibility for many policy cards' bonuses. Most specialty districts also have a project attached to them: these projects are undertaken from the city production queue, award a set amount of yields and
Great Person points (depending on the district) upon completion, and may be done as many times as desired.
While districts interact with the tiles of the game, they are quite different from the more familiar tile improvement system in the following ways:
- Districts are directly connected to cities. They must be built by cities and cannot be removed or changed without razing the city. They also cannot flip ownership between cities of a civilization.
- Districts replace any other tile yield like
Food or
Production. The district tile itself will initially provide yields from adjacency, but after district completion, it cannot intrinsically be worked. Even when some buildings are placed within the district, they provide Specialist slots only, with specifically defined yields.
- Districts have adjacency bonuses. Placing them near other districts and certain other terrain features like resource tiles can improve their yield performance.
- Specialty districts have build limits. Districts are subject to
Population constraints, meaning that the current
Population of the city determines the maximum number of specialty districts which it may construct.
Some districts are special because they do not count towards the build limit, and they informally fall into a separate category from the specialty districts. These are the Neighborhood, Spaceport, and "engineering districts" (i.e., the Aqueduct, Dam, and Canal), which are exceptional - despite being built outside of the City Center, they are considered an integral part of the city systems and may be built in any city where the necessary prerequisites are met, regardless of Population and how many other districts it has. Also, in Gathering Storm, the construction of engineering districts can be rushed by Military Engineers. Different districts will be unlocked via technological or civic development as the game plays out.
Building a district[]
Districts are built via the normal production process of the city - just look in the Production list.
Basic requirements[]
In order to build any district, you must first unlock it by making the necessary technological or civic advancements. Most districts are unlocked within the first three eras of the game, but the Spaceport is only unlocked in the Atomic Era, so you should plan accordingly.
Since districts are built outside the City Center, you will need a suitable hex within the borders of a city. Each district will occupy an entire hex, which you won't be able to use for anything else. In the early stages of developing a city there will be very few choices for district placement (since these are limited by the number of tiles the city controls), but if the city has good Culture output its borders will grow quickly, adding more choices.
Finally, for specialty districts you will need to increase the city's Population first. New cities won't have enough
Citizens to populate and work more than a single district; over time, this situation will change, and you will be able to build a new district in the city. Each 3 additional
Citizens beyond the first allow the city to support one additional district (i.e., two districts with 4
Population, three districts with 7
Population, and so on).
Note that a city may have only one of each specialty district. Non-specialty districts may be built multiple times in a city, with the exception of the Aqueduct (although you may only build multiple Dams if there are multiple rivers with Floodplains in the city). Also, once a district is under construction, you won't be able to move it to another tile. These two facts mean that you should really think very carefully before placing your districts so as to maximize your future gains and prevent conflicts of interest (e.g., with wonders).
Suitable locations[]
After you unlock a district and have enough Population to build it, just select it from the menu and an interface to select a location will appear. Valid locations will be highlighted in green. Each city can only build districts on tiles which are included in its own territory. You cannot place districts in another city's territory, even if this city belongs to you and the tile in question is up within 3 hexes of its City Center.
Districts can only be built on "clean" land. You cannot place a district on a Floodplains tile (except in Gathering Storm, in which you can construct districts on all types of Floodplains), on a tile with a Strategic or Luxury Resource, a tile containing an Antiquity Site or a
Shipwreck (you may use these tiles later, after you excavate its
Artifact), or a tile containing another district or wonder. The tile may contain a Bonus Resource or a removable feature (Woods, Rainforest or Marsh), but you won't be able to place a district there unless you've researched the technology needed to harvest/remove it. Moreover, placing a district on a tile with a resource/feature will remove it without granting you the yield bonus for removing/harvesting it, so you should either reconsider the placement or clear the tile first.
Note that hidden strategic resources do not block placement of districts! It is thus often the case that later, after you develop technologies which reveal them, resources will be revealed on tiles which already contain a district (or a wonder). In this case you will be granted access to that resource, even though you don't have the appropriate improvement on it, and even though you haven't discovered the appropriate technology to access it (which is the case with Oil when found in the sea - its access technology is more advanced than the one revealing it).
The Harbor and Water Park districts may only be placed on a Coast tile adjacent to land; the Aerodrome and Spaceport districts may only be placed on flat land (no Hills), and the Encampment and Preserve districts cannot be placed next to the City Center. Also, the Aqueduct district must be placed adjacent to both the City Center and to a tile with River, Lake, Oasis, or Mountain. The idea here is that you can decide for strategic purposes to found a City close (but not adjacent) to these features, and later connect the city to them by an Aqueduct to get the Fresh Water Housing bonus. In Gathering Storm, Dam districts may only be placed on a Floodplains tile of the same river the city is built on, and Canal districts may be placed so as to connect bodies of water either with other bodies of water or with a City Center. Also, districts cannot be placed adjacent to the City Center of another city, regardless of the type of district or the ownership status of that other city. With that being said, settling a new city adjacent to a district is still allowed.
Finally, note that the native yields of the target tile will be removed, and replaced later with yields associated with the district itself (adjacency bonus yields, as well as Specialist yields). In Gathering Storm bonus yields from Disasters which happen to fall on tiles with districts will have no actual effect - that is, they will be wasted. So, take care where you place your districts! Theoretically, the best locations for districts are tiles with little or no native yield, such as Desert or Tundra. But of course, you should pay attention to the adjacency bonuses (current and potential) first and foremost.
The perfect location for a district will depend on many additional factors. When you choose to build a district, a special lens will appear, showing the city and its surroundings. Possible locations for the new district will be highlighted, along with some special info:
- Little icons, combined with colored arrows show possible adjacency bonuses from nearby tiles, also indicating their exact source. These depend wildly on the type of district you're attempting to place; one common icon, a 5-pointed star, signifies "Bonus from Districts". Pay attention to these, as they may show you how you can expand adjacency bonuses in the future.
- A red exclamation mark means that an existing feature, resource and/or improvement will be removed if you place a District there. This feature may include terrain features such as Woods, resources, or an improvement.
- A yield icon and a number (+1, +2 and more) means that if you place a district in this tile, it will benefit from bonus yields. Mouse over to see exactly what affects these bonuses.
Production cost[]
Cost formula[]
The Production cost of a district is progressive. Each completed technology or civic increases the price of a district as determined by the following formula:
T = proportion of technology tree researched, from 0 to 1 C = proportion of civics tree researched, from 0 to 1 District Cost = [1 + 9 * max(T, C)] * base_cost
In other words, the cost of a district increases by a factor of 10 over the course of the game, and the current district cost modifier is determined by how much of the tech or civic tree (whichever is greater) has been completed.
The only exception to this formula is the Spaceport, whose base cost is 1800 Production but will not scale. The base price for most districts is 54
Production, with the exception of the Aqueduct (whose base cost is 36
Production), the Government Plaza and the Diplomatic Quarter (whose base cost is 30
Production), and the Dam and Canal in Gathering Storm, both of which have a base cost of 81
Production. The base cost of a unique district is half of the original district it replaces, so most of them will have a base cost of 27
Production, except for the Roman Bath, which has a base cost of 18
As a result of price scaling, districts become increasingly difficult to construct as the game progresses. For old, big cities this usually isn't much of a problem (since their Production potential also increases gradually), but for newly established cities in the Modern Era and beyond it becomes a great hindrance. Therefore, it is highly important to place your districts the moment your city population and the relevant tech allows, or you risk wasting construction time unnecessarily. This means you need to plan in advance where and in what order you want to build your districts in each city. Usually, there is a generic ordering based on the phase of the game and the victory type you are pursuing.
District discount mechanics[]
Most specialty districts can have their Production costs discounted by 40%, or 25% for the Government Plaza and Diplomatic Quarter. Generally speaking, for a given empire, the districts that have been built least often will be discounted - this is intended to encourage players to build a wide variety of districts.[1]
For a given empire, the discounting conditions are calculated using the following values:
- : the number of specialty districts unlocked
- : the number of specialty districts completed
- : the number of districts of type that have been completed or placed
Districts of type are discounted if the following conditions are satisfied:
- : That is, the number of specialty districts completed must be greater than or equal to the number researched.
- : The number of copies of district must be less than the average number of completed districts across all district types.
The following points are worth noting:
- Because of the conditions, if only one type of district has been unlocked then no discount is possible.
- is updated only after a district is finished, and then a tech or civic is completed. is updated as soon as a district is placed.
- A district's
Production cost is locked in when it is placed, and will not change based on future discounting or tech-based scaling.
- When purchasing districts with Reyna or Moksha, the discount is applied only if the district being purchased is not the first of its kind.
- In captured cities, districts that have not been unlocked do not count towards any of the above numbers.
- The Preserve is currently bugged. While it does affect the calculations above, it cannot receive a discount.
- When playing as the Vietnamese, the Thành counts towards neither nor .
The following examples illustrate the mechanics above:
- Suppose the Government Plaza, Holy Site, and Campus have been unlocked. Then , so if there are 2 or fewer completed districts in the empire, no discount will be applied.
- Suppose the Campus, Government Plaza, Holy Site, and Commercial Hub have been unlocked. Then . If 2 Holy Sites, 2 Campuses, and the Government Plaza have been completed, the average number of completed districts is .
- Since , the first placed Commercial Hub will be discounted.
- After placing the first Commercial Hub, , so the second placed Commercial Hub will also be discounted. The third one, however, will not be.
District and building construction can be accelerated via industrial city-states. The Capital receives a +1
Production bonus from every such city-state where you have at least 1
Envoy. All other cities which have an Industrial Zone will receive a +2
Production bonus from every such city-state where you have 3
Envoys, and another +2
Production if you have 6
Each district you construct will come with a Road improvement underneath, starting with the City Center.
Purchasing and speeding up districts[]
Districts, unlike buildings, generally cannot be purchased with Gold. A few mechanics exist that allow such purchases.
- Reyna with the Contractor title allows districts to be purchased with
Moksha with the Divine Architect title allows districts to be purchased with
Assigning these Governors to newly founded or captured cities can greatly speed up a city's development.
- Builders can harvest resources and remove features (e.g., Woods) for an immediate
Production boost.
- Aztec Builders can use their
build charges to pay 20% of district's
Production cost.
Military Engineers can spend a charge to complete 20% of an engineering type of district (Aqueduct, Bath, Canal, Dam).
District mechanics[]
Specialty districts in the game are focused on particular gameplay aspects, most of which are also associated with a particular yield. For example, the Campus is focused on Science, and the Theater Square on
Culture. If you manage to activate their adjacency bonuses (either at district completion, or later after placing other game objects nearby), these districts will start producing the stat corresponding to their gameplay aspect (
Science from the Campus,
Culture from the Theater Square, etc.) even before you construct any buildings in them. These yields may be enhanced further through policy cards. For more information, see below. Furthermore, most districts will immediately start contributing
Great Person points towards a specific
Great Person aligned with the district's domain; for example, the Campus will contribute towards a Great Scientist.
As mentioned above, most districts unlock specific buildings associated with them. In fact, even the main city is now considered a separate district: the Monument, Granary and all other buildings available to a city right from the start are actually available only because they are associated with the only district this city has for now, the City Center. So, when you build additional districts later, all buildings associated with them will also unlock.
It is also important to note that, unlike most tiles, ownership of a district cannot be swapped between cities, even if that district is within range of those other cities. Only the city that builds a district will enjoy any "ownership" benefits from it for the duration of the game, although some districts radiate indirect benefits to other nearby cities. Also note that, once placed, a district cannot be removed in any way barring Razing the city.
Buildings add more functionality to districts, enhancing their usefulness considerably and fulfilling their potential. This usually means more of the yield the district is focused on, but it may also mean contributing certain types of Great Person points, additional
Housing, and also additional
Citizen slots where you can assign Specialists. This is particularly important for very large cities, as they won't have enough terrain slots to put their
Citizens to work. Some buildings also provide Great Work slots to house special items and
Artifacts produced by your civilization.
The buildings in most districts are organized in three tiers. Tier 1 is typically unlocked by the tech or civic which also unlocks the district itself (so you will be able to construct it right away); Tiers 2 and 3 unlock much later with game progression. Tier 3 buildings are the most advanced, and besides a slew of bonuses usually add a Power requirement to the city (in Gathering Storm only, of course). After the June 2019 Update the Tier 3 building of specialty districts will also enhance Specialist yields for the entire district.
District adjacency bonuses[]
Most specialty districts may gain additional bonuses from surrounding features: terrain (such as Mountains or Rainforests), wonders, tile improvements, or even other districts. For example, a Campus (the research district) will get a bonus for each adjacent Mountain and Rainforest tile, because they are useful to scientists; while a Holy Site (the religious district) will get bonuses from adjacent natural wonders and Woods, which help inspire people. These adjacency bonuses may also extend to certain buildings within the district (particularly unique buildings). You should study the individual requirements of each district and plan its placement accordingly.
Production-oriented districts[]
Certain districts are focused on producing specific types of units: the Encampment is focused on land unit production, the Harbor on naval unit production, and the Aerodrome on air unit production. After building these districts in a city, all relevant units will be built there in the future, not in the City Center. What's more, in certain circumstances these districts are required for you to be able to produce units:
- Air units may only be produced in a city with an Aerodrome district.
- In vanilla Civilization VI and Rise and Fall:
- Naval units which require certain strategic resources, of which you only have 1 count, may only be produced in a city with a Harbor (even if the city itself is on the coast). This restriction is lifted if you have 2 counts of the resource.
- Land units which require certain strategic resources, of which you only have 1 count, may only be produced in a city with an Encampment. This restriction is lifted if you have 2 counts of the resource.
There are several more situations where production of a certain unit requires a district:
- Religious units may only be produced in a city with a Holy Site, and certain buildings in it (Shrine for the Missionary, Temple for the other units).
- Military Engineers may only be produced in a city with an Encampment district that contains an Armory.
- An Archaeologist may only be produced in a city with a Theater Square with an Archaeological Museum. In addition, only 1 Archaeologist may exist per city at the same time.
Buildings in production-oriented districts may confer a bonus to experience (that is, the rate at which the units earn experience) for some or all units of the particular domain produced in this city. For example, buildings in a Harbor will confer an experience bonus to all ships built in the city, while an Encampment confers a bonus to all land units (although there's a further distinction based on whether you constructed a Barracks or Stable in the district).
The final buildings of the Encampment and Harbor districts - the Military Academy and the Seaport, respectively - permit training of combined units (Corps, Armada, etc.). They also boost the Production speed of these combined units, so as to be cheaper and faster to build them than individual units.
Area-effect bonuses[]
Finally, the effects of certain district-specific buildings extend not only to their own city, but also to all other cities whose City Center is up to 6 tiles away from the relevant district. This is the case with the Factory, the Zoo and some other buildings. To make best use of this ability, try to make cities close to other cities' Industrial or Entertainment centers - they will greatly benefit their neighbors!
In Gathering Storm Power Plants also produce Power for all cities within 6 tiles.
Note that bonuses from the same type of buildings in different districts do not stack. Thus, if you have two Factories within 6 tiles of two different City Centers, both these cities will get only a +3 Production bonus, not +6.
Unique districts[]
Some civilizations possess unique districts that replace generic ones. For example, the Greek Acropolis replaces the Theater Square. As a rule, unique districts have half the Production cost of standard ones, and usually follow the rules of the district they replace in regard to
Population requirements to build. For example, the German Hansa replaces the Industrial Zone specialty district and does have a
Population requirement. However, the Roman Bath replaces the Aqueduct and does not have a
Population requirement since Aqueducts do not have a
Population requirement. The only exception to this rule is the Vietnamese Thành, which does not have a
Population requirement despite the Encampment having one.
Unique districts often have more powerful - or outright different - adjacency bonuses than the standard districts they replace. Read their descriptions carefully before deciding where to place them.
When a city with a unique district changes hands, this district will be replaced by its generic equivalent unless the new owner has a unique district of the same type, in which case it will be removed instead. An Acropolis, for example, will be replaced by a Theater Square if another civilization captures a Greek city, whereas a Thành will be removed instead of being replaced by an Ikanda if the Zulus capture a Vietnamese city.
From Rise and Fall onward, a unique district grants +4 Era Score the first time it is built; however, there is a difference between two "types" of unique district:
- The unique versions of districts that have adjacency bonuses (Seowon, Lavra, Acropolis, Hansa, Cothon, Royal Navy Dockyard, Suguba, Observatory, Oppidum) will only grant Era Score for building them. You will not get extra Era Score for high starting adjacency bonus (e.g., Korea cannot unlock the Splendid Campus Historic Moment even though their Seowon can start with +4
- The unique versions of districts that don't have adjacency bonuses (Ikanda, Thành, Street Carnival, Copacabana, Hippodrome) will grant Era Score when built and will still grant more Era Score when you build all three tiers of building in them.
- The Mbanza is an exception. It only grants Era Score when built but will not unlock the First Neighborhood Historic Moment.
List of districts[]
The new district mechanic is a real game changer for the Civilization series, on several levels:
- It forces you to consider how to use the land around your City Center. Of course, this is only a part of the new decentralization drive introduced in Civilization VI, but it is arguably the much more important part than the wonder construction. Districts are essential to city development; wonders are not. And in any case, districts will compete directly with tile improvement placement, as permanent standard improvements of the land.
- It blocks the buildings you have available for construction. Most of these are now tied to a specific specialty district, and if you don't construct it in the city, you won't have access to the buildings in question.
- Since most districts are specialty districts (i.e., limited by
Population), you are forced to plan the order of the districts you want constructed in each city ahead of time.
Of all these factors, the first one is maybe the most immediately problematic: each district needs to occupy a tile within the city's limits (that city, not a nearby city). This creates the immediate question of whether you have a suitable tile at all within current city limits! Although most districts aren't limited as regards their disposition, there are still rules to follow (e.g., you can't place a district on a resource tile or a tile with a non-removable feature). And then there is the secondary consideration of adjacency bonuses - most specialty districts will have some ideal locations around the city, and others not that good. Many times bonuses for different kinds of specialty districts will overlap, forcing you to think which one you need the most at the moment. In short, you'll find that on many occasions you will be forced to buy suitable tiles if you want to maximize your future district's effectiveness; on other occasions you will be forced to make sacrifices. In all cases planning ahead will help you immensely here - settle cities and then immediately plan which districts you want to build and where. Don't hesitate to remove Bonus Resources (Harvesting them, of course) to make space for districts. You will be rewarded well.
Planning is also the key to the second and third problematic points: the fact is you are only able to build specialty districts as your current Population allows. This means in practice that you will need to think ahead about which specialty districts and buildings you need right now, and which you can delay and build later. Here is where technological and civic progress comes into focus: although most specialty districts get unlocked in the first three eras, there are some pretty important ones that don't come online until much later in the game. And when you unlock them, you often won't have enough
Population to build and make use of them right away.
As most things in this game, specialty district building depends on your overall strategy: what aspect of the game is the most important for you in general, and what your empire's deficiencies are right now. Also, tech/civic development somewhat limits what types of districts you can construct in the early stages of the game.
The first group of specialty districts you can unlock are the Holy Site (potentially unlocked with the first tech you research), Campus, and Encampment (potentially unlocked with the second tech). Around 70% of the time you'll want to build the Holy Site first, so as to attempt to Found a Religion - this is an asset which can help immensely with most victory conditions in the game. But if you decide you're not that keen on Religion (or the competition is too stiff, especially on higher difficulty levels), you should go with a Campus as your first district - the potential benefits are much quicker tech progression (which also unlocks more advanced military tech, helping even militaristic players) and an early Great Scientist. Only the die-hard, early-conquest players should go straight for an Encampment, which will yield an early Great General and help them conquer a neighboring empire within the first 100 turns.
The Government Plaza is a special case: it also unlocks early, but it's not related to specific strategies, and rather to general development of your empire. It has several benefits:
- It yields
Governor Titles for each building constructed in it, including the district itself (i.e., 4 in total).
- Its buildings provide great bonuses, each different one tailored to specific game strategies.
- It provides a standard adjacency bonus to other nearby districts, in addition to the Minor one.
- It provides +8 Loyalty to its city.
Plus, its Production cost is roughly half that of other districts, which makes it easy to construct even in newly-established cities! However, you can only have a single Government Plaza in your empire, so you have to carefully consider where and when construct it. You could choose to build it ASAP, which most probably will mean having it in your
Capital. This will give you early access to the extra
Governor Titles, which could be priceless. However, you will forego the Loyalty boost effect, which will be useless in the Capital. Or, you could wait a bit and build it in a fringe city. where the Loyalty boost will matter, but you may have troubles constructing the Buildings of the district (which, unlike the district itself, are very expensive, and can't be bought with
Gold) - this will have the unwanted side effect of delaying access to their awesome bonuses. But whatever you do, try to build it in such a way as to be able to build other districts around it, in order to use the standard adjacency bonus. The ideal location would be somewhere between a River and a Mountain, in a flat area - this way you can construct a Commercial Hub, a Campus, and possibly an Industrial Zone nearby, all with their respective bonuses activated and enhanced by the Plaza.
In the Classical Era the rest of the main specialty districts will be unlocked (save one): the Theater Square, Commercial Hub, Harbor, as well as the less important Entertainment Complex. Of these the most important, maybe the second most important overall after the Campus and Holy Site, is the Commercial Hub - besides an easily-activated Gold adjacency bonus, it allows an additional
Trade Route, which is sorely needed by everyone, and starts your progress towards Great Merchants - one of the universally useful
Great People in the game. However, seafaring civs will want a Harbor instead of a Commercial Hub - its benefits are even greater, especially for cities along the coast. And of course, the Theater Square will boost civic development for everyone. It is, however, especially important for players who pursue a Cultural Victory - both for the
Great Person points it provides (one for each culturally-oriented
Great Person), and for the Great Work slots. They might consider building it as their second specialty district, if they can progress fast enough.
At this early stage of the game, the Entertainment Complex can be important in two cases: for aggressive conquerors which have problems with Amenities, and for cities with Loyalty problems. Later, Entertainment Complexes could turn into nice boosters for 'special' city stats, such as
Tourism, also cities with Rainforests can use the Zoo to get
Science yields there. But there is one more use for these districts: a Loyalty flip! Build them in border cities with good
Population, then use their Bread and Circuses project to apply Loyalty pressure to your neighbors, and maybe eventually flip them to your civ!
The last of the "main" specialty districts, the Industrial Zone, unlocks in the early Medieval Era. Its Production bonuses benefit all strategies, so constructing it is a no-brainer. However, try to plan strategically and build an Industrial Zone within 6 tiles of multiple cities, so that you can use it to generate
Power for them.
At this stage of the game you will be constructing multiple specialty districts in each city. Here comes the next challenge: the Population constraints, which will force you to evaluate which specialty districts you need the most, both in any given city, and in your empire as a whole. Multiple Campuses will speed up your technological progress; multiple Commercial Hubs will give you lots of
Gold to spend as you will; multiple Theater Squares will speed up your civic development. Of course, players with a Religion will want multiple Holy Sites to fuel its expansion; although good
Faith generation has other uses as well, and Tier 3 Holy Site buildings have nice additional bonuses. And seafaring civs will want a Harbor in all their coastal cities; militaristic players, however, do not necessarily need multiple Encampments. An Encampment has two main purposes: to improve the quality of produced units (by boosting their XP gain rate), and to produce
Great General points. While for the second point more is indeed better, it is clear that not every single city in your empire will be a unit-producing center - you could just as well designate several key cities as such and build Encampments there. You should still produce enough
Great General points to earn them regularly, if not all the time. Now, an Encampment may also serve a defensive purpose, but this is valid for all civilizations, not just militaristic ones. Consider importantly located cities across your empire, and build Encampments there for additional defense.
As you start having multiple copies of each specialty district type your Great Person points generation will take off, along with all your other stats. But keep in mind that the late game district - the Aerodrome, which allows training and maintaining airplanes - is also a specialty district, depending on Population limits. It unlocks much later in the game (Modern Era), while being just as important as earlier specialty districts! Don't allow a situation when you've built so many specialty districts in each of your cities that you are unable to build these, and have to wait for many turns so that
Population increases.
Aerodromes are important primarily for offensive players seeking a Domination Victory - it is very difficult to attain one without a good air force in the late game. Of course, airplanes for defensive purposes are also important, especially if your neighbors are aggressive and are ahead of you in the science field. However, it is possible to use ground- or sea-based anti-air to defend; they won't serve for offense, though. In short, plan ahead of time to have at least two cities capable of constructing an Aerodrome as soon as you unlock it with Flight. They should be in strategic locations near the borders of your empire, so that their airplanes could be useful.
The Water Park also unlocks late in the game, but since it is virtually a copy of the Entertainment Complex meant for coastal cities, we won't discuss it much. Suffice it to say that it is a good choice to build instead of an Entertainment Complex for empires which have water tiles and not that many land tiles.
Now, the Spaceport could be the most important specialty district in the entire game or the least important one, depending on whether or not you are pursuing a Science Victory. In the first case, you should take care to be able to build it as soon as you research Rocketry, and not just a single one at that! The Spaceport is the most Production-intensive district in the game (it costs as much as most wonders), and you need one for all Science Victory-related projects. Now, despite the fact that most of these projects are prerequisites for the more advanced ones (e.g., Launch Moon Landing requires Launch Earth Satellite) and you can technically complete them all with a single Spaceport, enemy Spies can attack your Spaceports directly, disabling them and halting your progress. Having multiple Spaceports will help with that.
Civilopedia entry[]
In Civilization VI, buildings are no longer trapped in your City Center, but may sprawl across your territory as part of districts. The map is more important than ever as you are faced with important strategic placement decisions. The Campus and Holy Site each receive special boosts from placement near Mountain tiles, but the Campus also benefits from a nearby Rainforest tile.
A city must expand its Population before it can construct multiple districts:
- 1
Population for 1 District
- 4
Population for 2 Districts
- 7
Population for 3 Districts
- Each additional District requires +3
The Aqueduct, Neighborhoods, and Spaceports ignore this Population requirement. Districts which require a certain number of
Population are specialty districts.
When a city is ready to construct something, the Choose Production button will appear. If a district can be constructed, it will appear on this menu. Click on the district to order the city to begin construction, opening the district placement lens. Here, you will be given an overview of the different yield outcomes available on the tiles surrounding your City Center, and you can better make a decision about where to place your district. This lens will also show you which tiles are unavailable, as some districts have very specific placement requirements (for example, the Encampment cannot be built adjacent to a City Center). Furthermore, all districts must be built within 3 tiles of a City Center.
Districts may be placed on top of features such as Woods or Rainforest if you have the technology to remove those features, but for a longer construction time. No District can be built on a floodplain, unless you're playing as Egypt.
Related achievements[]
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District 12
Build every district type in one city and the Colosseum
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Meiji Restoration
Playing as Japan, have a district with 6 adjacent unpillaged districts.
See also[]
- District in other games
Civilization VI Districts [edit] |
Aerodrome • Aqueduct (Bath) • Campus (Observatory1 • Seowon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1 Requires DLC • 2 The Black Death scenario only
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Civilization VI [edit] | |
Rise and Fall • Gathering Storm • New Frontier Pass • Leader Pass | |
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Miscellaneous | |
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