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Egyptian cities are Settlement Settlements that can be founded by the Egyptian civilization during the Antiquity Age in Civilization VII and its expansions. The first Settlement Settlement founded is the Capital Capital, and the names of future Settlement Settlements are chosen at random from the list below.

List of cities[]

City Name Notes
Capital Capital
Waset (𓋆𓏏𓊖 Wꜣst) Also known as Thebes, capital of Egypt mainly during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, now modern-day Luxor
Settlement Settlements
Men-nefer (𓏠𓈖𓄤𓆑𓂋𓉴𓊖 Mn-Nfr) Also known as Memphis, capital of I͗nb-ḥḏ (𓈠 "White Walls") Nome and capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom
Nekhen (𓊕𓊖/𓊔𓈖𓊖 Nḫn) Also known as Hierakonpolis, capital of Nḫn (𓈸 "Shrine") Nome and capital of pre-dynastic Lower Egypt
Tjenu (𓍿𓈖𓊖 Ṯn/𓏏𓈖𓏭𓌙𓊖 Tni) Also known as Thinis, capital of pre-dynastic Upper Egypt, and of Tꜣ-wr (𓈽 "Great Land") Nome; main cult center of Anhur
Djanet (𓆓𓂝𓈖𓏏𓊖 Ḏꜥnt) Also known as Tanis, capital of Ḫnty-I͗ꜣbtı͗ (𓈮 "Foremost of the East") Nome and capital of the XXI dynasty
Khemenu (𓏽𓏽𓏌𓅱𓊖𓏏𓏤 Ḫmnw) Also known as Khmun or Hermopolis Magna, capital of Wnt (𓉆 "Hare") Nome and main cult center of Thoth
Djedet (𓊽𓂧𓏏𓊖 Ḏdt) Also known as Mendes, capital of Ḥꜣt-Mḥı͗t (𓈰 "Foremost of the Fish") Nome and capital of the XXIX dynasty
Gebtu (𓎤𓃀𓏏𓏭𓅂𓏏𓊖 Gbtı͗w) Also known as Coptos, Keft or Qift, capital of Ḥrwı͗ (𓈺 "Two Falcons") Nome and main cult center of Min
Akhetaten (𓈌𓏏𓉐𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳 Ꜣḫt-I͗tn) Also known as Amarna, capital of Egypt under Pharaoh Akhenaten, during the eponymous Amarna Period
Behdet (𓄑𓂧𓏏𓊖 Bḥdt) Also known as Edfu, capital of Wṯs-ḥrw (𓈷 "Throne of Horus") Nome and main cult center of Horus-Beḥdetı͗

See also[]

Civilization VII Settlements [edit]
1 Requires DLC