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Egyptian cities are Settlement Settlements that can be founded by the Egyptian civilization during the Antiquity Age in Civilization VII and its expansions. The first Settlement Settlement founded is the Capital Capital, and the names of future Settlement Settlements are chosen at random from the list below.

List of cities[]

City Name Notes
Capital Capital
Waset (𓋆𓏏𓊖 Wꜣst) Also known as Thebes, capital of Egypt mainly during the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom; now Al-Uqṣur (الأقصر) ie. Luxor in Luxor Governorate, Egypt
Settlement Settlements
Men-nefer (𓏠𓈖𓄤𓆑𓂋𓉴𓊖 Mn-nfr) Also known as Memphis, capital of I͗nb-ḥḏ (𓈠) Nome and capital of Egypt during the Old Kingdom
Akhetaten (𓈌𓏏𓉐𓇋𓏏𓈖𓇳 Ꜣḫt-I͗tn) Also known as Amarna, capital of Egypt under Pharaoh Akhenaten, during the eponymous Amarna Period
Djedet (𓊽𓂧𓏏𓊖 Ḏdt) Also known as Mendes, capital of Ḥꜣt-Mḥı͗t (𓈰) Nome and capital of the XXIX dynasty
Djanet (𓆓𓂝𓈖𓏏𓊖 Ḏʿnt) Also known as Tanis, capital of Ḫnty-I͗ꜣbtı͗ (𓈮) Nome and capital of the XXI dynasty
Behdet (𓄑𓂧𓏏𓊖 Bḥdt) Also known as Edfu, capital of Wṯs-ḥrw (𓈷) Nome and main cult center of Horus-Beḥdetı͗
Nekheb (𓇑𓅐𓎟𓃀𓏏𓊖 Nḫbt) Also known as El-Kab or Eileithyias, city in Nḫn (𓈸) Nome in Upper Egypt, main cult center of Nekhbet
Khemenu (𓏽𓏽𓏌𓅱𓊖𓏏𓏤 Ḫmnw) Also known as Khmun or Hermopolis Magna, capital of Wnt (𓉆) Nome and main cult center of Thoth
Nekhen (𓊕𓊖/𓊔𓈖𓊖 Nḫn) Also known as Hierakonpolis, capital of Nḫn (𓈸) Nome and capital of pre-dynastic Lower Egypt
Gebtu (𓎤𓃀𓏏𓏭𓅂𓏏𓊖 Gbtı͗w) Also known as Coptos, Keft or Qift, capital of Ḥrwı͗ (𓈺) Nome and a major cult center of Min
Tjenu (𓍿𓈖𓊖 Ṯn/𓏏𓈖𓏭𓌙𓊖 Ṯnw) Also known as Thinis, capital of pre-dynastic Upper Egypt, and of Tꜣ-wr (𓈽) Nome and main cult center of Anhur
Per-Atum (𓉐𓏤𓇋𓍃𓐝𓏏/𓉐𓏤𓏏𓍃𓅓𓏏𓊖 Pr-I͗tmt) Also known as Pithom or Heroonpolis, capital of Ḥww-gs-ı͗ꜣbty (𓈨) Nome and main cult center of Atum
Abdju (𓍋𓃀𓈋𓊖 Ꜣbḏw) Also known as Abydos or Afūd, city in Tꜣ-wr (𓈽) Nome and main cult center of Isis and Osiris
Zau (𓊃𓅭𓄿𓅱𓊖 Zꜣw) Also known as Sai, Sais or Sa El-Hagar, capital of Nt-mḥtt (𓈤/𓈥) Nome and main cult center of Neith, and the capital of the XXVI Dynasty, the last native Egyptian dynasty before the Persian conquest of Egypt by Cambyses II
Ipu (𓇋𓊪𓅱𓊖 I͗pw) Also known as Akhmim or Panopolis, capital of Mnw (𓈾) Nome and a major cult center of Min
Khito Also known as Rosetta, Rashīd or Bolbitine, city in I͗mntt (𓈢) Nome
Swenett (𓋴𓃹𓈖𓏏𓊖 Swnt) Also known as Aswan or Syene, city in Tꜣ-stı͗ (𓈶) Nome
Per-Hathor (𓉐𓉗𓁷𓅃 Pr-Ḥwt-Ḥrw) Also known as Inerty, Al-Gebelein, Pathyris or Aphroditopolis, city in Nḫn (𓈸) Nome and a major cult center of Hathor
Abu (𓍋𓃀𓅱𓃰 Ꜣbw) Also known as Elephantine, capital of Tꜣ-stı͗ (𓈶) Nome and main cult center of Satis
Hut-waret (𓉞𓏏𓉐𓂾𓏏𓊖 Ḥwt-wꜥrt) Also known as Avaris, city in I͗mty-pḥw (𓈴) Nome and capital of the XV Dynasty, aka. the Hyksos
Djerty (𓇥𓂋𓏏𓏭𓊖 Ḏrty) Also known as El-Tod or Tuphium, city in Nḫn (𓈸) Nome and main cult center of Montu
Per-Bast (𓉐𓅡𓊨𓏏𓊖 Pr-bꜢstt) Also known as Bubastis, capital of I͗mtı͗-Ḫnty (𓈳) Nome and main cult center of Bastet
Nubt (𓎟𓃀𓏏𓊖 Nbt) Also known as Kom Ombo or Ombis, city in Tꜣ-stı͗ (𓈶) Nome and a major cult center of Sobek
Thonis (𓇾𓎺𓏏𓂫 Tꜣ-Ḥnt) Also known as Heracleum or Heracleion, city in Ḥww-gs-ı͗mntı͗ (𓈧) Nome and main cult center of Khonsu, son of Amun
Per-Wadjet (𓉐𓏤𓇅𓆓𓏏𓊖 Pr-WꜢḏt) Two different cities, one, also known as Aphroditopolis, was a city in WꜢḏt (𓈿/𓉀) Nome, the other, also known as Buto, was a city in Ḥww-gs-ı͗mntı͗ (𓈧) Nome, both being major cult centers of Wadjet
Dehenet Shortening of Tꜣ-Dhnt (𓇾𓂧𓉔𓈖𓏏𓁶), also known as Mr-Nfrt (𓌻𓂋𓈘𓄤𓏏𓊖), Pr-I͗mn-Mꜣt-ḫnty (𓉐𓇋𓏠𓈖𓁩𓌳𓁹𓏏𓃬𓏃𓈖𓏏𓏭), or Akroris, city in I͗npw (𓉈) Nome
Per-Amun (𓉐𓇋𓏠𓈖𓁩 Pr-I͗mn) Also known as Pelusium or Sin, city in Ḫnty-I͗ꜣbtı͗ (𓈮) Nome and site of the decisive victory of Cambyses II during his conquest of Egypt
Ta-senet (𓇾𓊃𓈖𓏭𓏏𓊖 Tꜣ-Znyt) Also known as I͗wnyt (𓉺𓈖𓇌𓏏𓊖), Latopolis or Esna, city in Nḫn (𓈸) Nome
Henen-Nesut (𓉗𓏏𓉐𓈖𓇓𓏏𓀔𓈖𓈖𓏏𓊖 Ḥwt-nn-Nswt) Also known as Heracleopolis Magna, capital of Nꜥrt-ḫntt (𓉌) Nome and main cult center of Heryshef
Per-Ramesses (𓉐𓏤𓇳𓄟𓋴𓋴 Pr-Rꜥmssw) Also known as Pi-Ramesses, city in I͗mty-pḥw (𓈴) Nome and capital of the XIX Dynasty following the rule of Ramesses II, as well as of the XX Dynasty

See also[]

Civilization VII Settlements [edit]
1 Requires DLC