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Industrial Revolution Applied advance (Civ2) Electricity is an Advance in Civilization II.

Civilopedia entry[]

The phenomenon of electricity in the forms of lightning, static electricity, and magnetism has been witnessed by humans since the dawn of time. Electricity was not seriously studied, however, until the 17th century. Early electrical pioneers studied various electrical phenomena, and built devices both to generate and to measure electrical charges. In 1892, the electron theory was advanced by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, a Dutch physicist. This theory, which explains electricity as a reacton between positively and negatively charged electrons, formed the basis for modern electrical theory. Based on Lorentz's work, early engineers such as Thomas Edison pioneered methods allowing the widespread use of electricity as a power source.

Tech Tree[]

Tech Tree Electricity (Civ2)
Advances in Civilization II [edit]
Era Type Advances
Ancient Ancient Military advance (Civ2)
Ancient Economic advance (Civ2)
Ancient Social advance (Civ2)
Ancient Academic advance (Civ2)
Ancient Applied advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Renaissance Military advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Economic advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Social advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Academic advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Applied advance (Civ2)
Industrial Industrial Revolution Military advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Economic advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Social advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Academic advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Applied advance (Civ2)
Modern Modern Military advance (Civ2)
Modern Economic advance (Civ2)
Modern Social advance (Civ2)
Modern Academic advance (Civ2)
Modern Applied advance (Civ2)
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