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Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603), also known as the Virgin Queen, Gloriana and coloquially as Good Queen Bess, was queen of England and Ireland from 1558 until her death. During her reign, she established the foundations of Anglicanism, successfully defended England against the Spanish Armada, and sponsored a renaissance of English theatre through figures such as William Shakespeare. She leads the English in Civilization III.


See also[]

Civilization III Leaders [edit]
Abu BakrPAlexanderBismarckBrennusPCaesarCatherineCharles VC1CleopatraElizabethGandhiGilgameshCHammurabiHannibalPHenryCHiawathaIsabellaPJoan d'ArcLincolnMaoMontezumaMursilisCOsmanPPachacutiCRagnar LodbrokPShakaSmoke-JaguarCTemujinPTheodoraCTokugawaWang KonPWilliamCXerxes
P Added in the Play the World expansion pack • C Added in the Conquests expansion pack • 1 Сut from the game