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Faith Faith is one of the main statistics in Civilization VI. It represents an empire's power in matters of the immaterial and the spiritual world. Faith Faith is used as a currency to fuel a civilization's religious pursuits, similar to how Gold Gold is used as a currency for political functions and civilization upkeep. However, now that we have a whole victory type dedicated to Religion, Faith Faith becomes as important as Gold Gold, if not even more important.


Faith Faith accumulates into a pool and is spent mostly on empire level, just like Gold Gold, but unlike it there is nothing that spends Faith Faith automatically. The only exception is the founding of a Pantheon, which the game will prompt you to do automatically when you gather more than 25 Faith Faith. After that the player must decide how to spend accumulated Faith Faith in the best way possible.



Faith Faith is primarily used in Religion and its activities. First, it can be used to found a Pantheon, which requires 25 Faith Faith. After you found a Religion, or after any of your cities with a Holy Site has been converted to a Religion, Faith Faith can be used to purchase religious units there, including:

As with Gold Gold purchases, the Faith Faith price of successive units will rise (except for Warrior Monks, whose price is always 200 Faith Faith). This is more important here, since there is no way to produce religious units - as the game progresses, you will have to necessarily spend more and more Faith Faith for new ones.

Other unit purchases[]

Certain military units can only be purchased with Faith Faith, including:

  • Warrior Monks for 200 Faith Faith. Note that they can only be purchased in a city following the religion with the Warrior Monks Belief.
  • Nihang for 200 Faith Faith. Note that they can only be purchased if you are the Suzerain of Lahore.

In vanilla Civilization VI, Faith Faith can be used to buy land military units if your civilization has adopted Theocracy as its government. In Rise and Fall, Faith Faith can be used to buy land military units if your civilization has built the Grand Master's Chapel in its Government Plaza, making it equal to Gold Gold in this respect.

The Monumentality Golden Age Dedication allows buying civilian units with Faith Faith, including the very important Settler to expand your empire!

Finally, Faith Faith can be used to purchase Naturalists and Rock Bands, which are important for a Cultural Victory.

Building purchases[]

If the Religion your cities follow has certain Beliefs, you will also be able to purchase Tier 3 religious buildings, such as the Cathedral or the Mosque. But, under special circumstances, other buildings and units may also be purchased with Faith Faith - look for the special descriptions of game items! Again, as with Gold Gold, purchasing multiple buildings with Faith Faith won't raise their price.

Divine Architect, a title for Moksha, allows the city he's established in to purchase entire districts with Faith Faith.


Faith Faith can be used at all times to purchase Great Person Great People via Patronage, which makes it useful even to civilizations who didn't found a religion and are not interested in theological combat. Those will simply save up their Faith Faith until the right moment, then spend it to patronize a Great Person Great People.

Recalling Heroes[]

In the Heroes & Legends game mode, dead Heroes may be recalled (or resurrected) using Faith Faith. The amount of Faith Faith needed scales with the passing of eras.


Faith Faith primarily comes from Holy Site districts and their respective buildings, the Shrine (+2 Faith Faith) and the Temple (+4 Faith Faith). The Holy Site is one of the first District Districts in the game, unlocking early in the Ancient Era, and thus is also one of the first sources of Faith Faith for your nascent empire. Additionally, Holy Sites' adjacency bonuses are relatively easy to activate and thus boost your early production; also each Specialist Citizen Citizen grants +2 Faith Faith.

Religious city-states may grant up to +4 Faith Faith in every Holy Site district (+2 Faith Faith for each Shrine and Temple instead of base district in Rise and Fall), depending on the number of Envoy Envoys assigned to that particular city-state, plus an additional +2 Faith Faith in the Capital Capital.

With the Ethiopia Pack and the new Diplomatic Quarter, religious city-states may now grant up to +6 Faith Faith in every Holy Site district (+1 Faith Faith for each Shrine, +2 Faith Faith for each Temple and +3 Faith Faith for each Worship building), depending on the number of Envoy Envoys assigned to that particular city-state, plus an additional +1 Faith Faith in the Capital Capital.


Certain luxury resources grant Faith Faith bonuses. These include:

As with all Luxuries, they are available right from the start, and could turn into an important Faith Faith source early in the game. Their significance wanes later.

Policy Cards[]

There are several policy cards which grant additional Faith Faith boosts and income. These are:

  • God King: +1 Faith Faith in the Capital Capital.
  • Scripture: 100% Holy Site adjacency bonus.
  • Simultaneum: +100% Faith Faith yield from Holy Site district buildings. (R&F-Only Extra Faith Faith from buildings in Holy Sites: +50% if city Citizen Population is 15 or higher, +50% if district has at least +4 adjacency bonus.)
  • Triangular Trade: +1 Faith Faith from all Trade Route Trade Routes.
  • Raj: +2 additional Faith Faith from all city-states you are Suzerain of.

Of these, God King is one of the very first Policy Cards unlocked (earned after developing the very first civic, Code of Laws). It may be used to start producing Faith Faith as early as Turn Turn 10–15, if you have no other sources available.


Many Pantheons grant Faith Faith bonuses related mostly to terrain:

Pantheons are another very important early source of Faith Faith, although their effects can be felt even in the late game, under the right circumstances.

Religious Beliefs[]

Some religious Beliefs grant respective Faith Faith bonuses, including:

  • Lay Ministry: Each Holy Site in cities following this religion receive an additional +1 Faith Faith
  • Pilgrimage: +2 Faith Faith for every city following this religion in other civilizations
  • Divine Inspiration: All Wonders provide +4 Faith Faith

Worship Buildings[]

Even more important than the Beliefs listed above are the Worship Beliefs, which unlock the special class Worship Building. These can be built as level 3 buildings in your Holy Site districts for large amounts of Faith Faith, as well as other bonuses. However, these buildings usually become available later in the game, as you establish and develop your Religion and enhance your cities and Holy Sites. The various different Worship Building Faith Faith bonuses are as follows:


A substantial number of Wonders grant their civilizations Faith Faith bonuses upon completion. These include:

Faith Faith can also be obtained through natural wonders:

Unique Bonuses[]

There are many unique pieces of infrastructure and civ/leader abilities that grant special Faith Faith bonuses:

  • The unique tile improvement of Armagh, the Monastery, provides +2 Faith Faith and, as of Gathering Storm, an additional point for every 2 adjacent districts.
  • The unique tile improvement of Nazca, the Nazca Line, provides +1 Faith Faith to adjacent tiles and an additional +1 Faith Faith if they contain a resource.
  • The unique building of Arabia, the Madrasa, grants bonus Faith Faith equal to the Science Science adjacency bonus of its Campus district.
  • The unique building of the Aztecs, the Tlachtli, grants +2 Faith Faith.
  • The unique building of Georgia, the Tsikhe, grants +3 Faith Faith (+4 Faith Faith in Gathering Storm).
  • The unique tile improvement of Egypt, the Sphinx, grants +1 Faith Faith; +2 Faith Faith if adjacent to a Wonder.
  • The unique tile improvement of India, the Stepwell, grants +1 Faith Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site and +1 Faith Faith with Feudalism.
  • The unique tile improvement of Scythia, the Kurgan, grants +1 Faith Faith and +1 Faith Faith for each adjacent Pasture.
  • The unique tile improvement of Spain, the Mission, grants +2 Faith Faith; +2 Faith Faith if built on a different continent than your Capital Capital.
  • The unique tile improvement of Ethiopia, the Rock-Hewn Church, grants +1 Faith Faith and +1 extra Faith Faith for every adjacent Hills or Mountains tiles.
  • Treasure Fleet, the civ ability of Spain, grants +2 Faith Faith to Trade Route Trade Routes, which is tripled if they travel between continents.
  • Grand Barays, the civ ability of the Khmer, grants them +1 Faith Faith for each point of Citizen Population in cities with an Aqueduct. It also grants Farms +1 Faith Faith from adjacent Holy Sites.
  • Songs of the Jeli, the civ ability of Mali, grants them +1 Faith Faith for every Desert or Desert Hills tile adjacent to the City Center.
  • Aksumite Legacy, the civ ability of Ethiopia, grants them +1 Faith Faith for each copy of improved resources the city owns and Trade Route Trade Routes receive 0.5 Faith Faith for each resource in the starting city.
  • Satyagraha, the leader ability of Gandhi, grants him +5 Faith Faith for each civilization he has met that has founded a religion and that is not at war.
  • Righteousness of the Faith, the leader ability of Saladin, grants him +10% bonus Faith Faith output in cities with worship buildings.
  • Lithuanian Union, the leader ability of Jadwiga, grants her +2 Faith Faith from each Relic Relic and grants Holy Sites an additional 0.5 Faith Faith adjacency bonus from other districts.
  • Exalted Goddess of the Three Worlds, the leader ability of Gitarja, grants her +2 Faith Faith from City Centers adjacent to Coast or Lake tiles.
  • Glory of the World, Kingdom and Faith, the leader ability of Tamar, grants her bonus Faith Faith equal to 50% of the Strength Combat Strength of defeated enemy units.
  • The unique unit of Lahore, the Nihang, has the Trehsool Mukh promotion, which grants Faith Faith equal to 50% of the Strength Combat Strength of each unit it defeats.

R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.

GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.



CIVILIZATION VI - How to Generate Faith

See also[]

Civilization VI Statistics [edit]
Culture CultureDiplomatic Favor Diplomatic Favor GS-OnlyFaith FaithFood FoodGold GoldPower Power GS-OnlyProduction ProductionScience ScienceTourism Tourism
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.
Civilization VI [edit]
Rise and FallGathering StormNew Frontier PassLeader Pass
R&F-Only Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.
GS-Only Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.