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 "I will to my lord be true and faithful and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns."
– Anglo-Saxon Oath of Fealty


Feudalism allows production of Longbowmen (with Archery). It also enables the Vassalage and Serfdom civics.

Civilopedia entry[]

In the unsettled times following the collapse of Charlemagne's Frankish empire, a new social and political system arose in Europe called feudalism. Derived from the concept of monarchy, feudalism was a hierarchical system in which each descending stratum owed allegiance to those above. The king, whose authority was second only to God, granted tracts of land, or fiefs, to his barons. The barons might then grant smaller estates to knights, who swore to protect and serve the baron. The knights, in turn, might then grant fractions of their fiefs to subordinates who would serve the knights. At the bottom of the feudal pyramid were the serfs, who could not own land, and acted essentially as slave laborers who worked the land for their masters. Feudalism began to decline in the 13th century, when standing armies and mercenaries began to fulfill the protective role once served by the vassals and knights.

Civilization IV Technologies [edit]
Ancient Agriculture Animal Husbandry Archery Bronze Working Fishing Hunting Masonry Meditation Mining Monotheism Mysticism Polytheism Pottery Priesthood Sailing The Wheel Writing
Classical AestheticsB Alphabet Calendar Code of Laws Compass Construction Currency Drama Horseback Riding Iron Working Literature Mathematics Metal Casting Monarchy
Medieval Banking Civil Service Divine Right Engineering Feudalism Guilds Machinery Music Optics Paper Philosophy Theology
Renaissance Astronomy Chemistry Constitution Corporation Democracy Economics Education Gunpowder Liberalism Military ScienceB Military Tradition Nationalism Printing Press Replaceable Parts Rifling
Industrial Artillery Assembly Line Biology Combustion Communism Electricity Fascism Fission Industrialism Medicine Physics Railroad Scientific Method Steam Power Steel
Modern Advanced FlightB Composites Computers Ecology Fiber Optics Flight LaserB Mass Media Plastics Radio Refrigeration Robotics Rocketry Satellites SuperconductorsB
Future Fusion Future Tech Genetics StealthB
B Added in Beyond the Sword
