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The cost of each facility is given in "rows". The number of minerals for a human player with 0 industry is 10, so an Aquafarm, with its 8-row cost, is usually 80 minerals.

Base facility Prerequisites Mineral rows Maintenance Effects & notes
Aerospace Complex 
Aerospace Complex
Doctrine: Air Power 8 2 Adds +2 morale to air units built at this base, increases base air defense by 100%, repairs air units fully in one turn, allows base to construct and receive the full benefits of satellites.
(Alien Crossfire only)
Progenitor Psych 8 1 Increases the nutrient output of every kelp farm at that base by one.
Bioenhancement Center 
Bioenhancement Center
Neural Grafting 10 2 Adds +2 morale to conventional units and +1 lifecycle to psi units.
Biology Lab 
Biology Lab
Centauri Empathy 6 1 +1 Lifecycle for Native Life, +2 Labs/turn
Brood Pit 
Brood Pit
(Alien Crossfire only)
Centauri Genetics 8 2 The base gets a +1 lifecycle bonus for aliens and decrease cost of breeding aliens by -25%. Negative lifecycle effects are canceled inside this base. Also the base gets +2 police rating.
Centauri Preserve 
Centauri Preserve
Centauri Meditation 10 2 Decreases Eco damage and adds +1 lifecycle bonus.
Children's Creche 
Children's Creche
Ethical Calculus 5 1 Provides +2 Growth and +1 Efficiency. Any units defending the base ignore negative Morale penalties and take +1 Morale instead. Units that already have +1 Morale or better do not benefit.
Command Center 
Command Center
Doctrine: Mobility 4 variable This facility provides +2 Morale to land units produced. Land units end their turn here are automatically restored to full strength the next turn. All units within the base gain a 100% defense bonus against land units.
Covert Ops Center 
Covert Ops Center
(Alien Crossfire only)
Pre-Sentient Algorithms 10 2 Probe Teams get 2 morale upgrades and gets a +2 probe rating.
Energy Bank 
Energy Bank
Industrial Economics 8 1 (0 with discovery of Quantum Machinery) The Energy Bank adds +50% Economy at the base.
Flechette Defense System 
Flechette Defense System
(Alien Crossfire only)
N-Space Compression 12 2 There is a 50% chance that a normal missile will be shot down if it comes near the base. It also can shoot down more powerful missiles like Planetbusters 50% of the time.
Fusion Lab 
Fusion Lab
Fusion Power 12 3 Labs and Economy is increased by 50%.
Genejack Factory 
Genejack Factory
Retroviral Engineering 10 2 You gain an extra 50% minerals at this base, but you get 1 more drone at the base and you're more vulnerable to mind control.
Geosynchronous Survey Pod 
Geosynchronous Survey Pod
(Alien Crossfire only)
N-Space Compression 16 4 Sight Radius of the base is now 3. They also count as sensory array so you get +25% defense. They can be destroyed by Orbital Defense Pods and Probe Teams.
Hab Complex 
Hab Complex
Industrial Automation 8 2 The Hab Complex increases the population limit of the base by seven.
Habitation Dome 
Habitation Dome
Super Tensile Solids 16 4 Allows your base to grow beyond 14. Note: You need Hab Complex first.
5 0 This facility can be moved, you can only have 1. You get +1 energy at the base and you have ZERO inefficiency. And enemy Probe Teams cannot try to Mind Control.
Hologram Theatre 
Hologram Theatre
Planetary Networks 6 3 Adds +50% to Psych, and quells 2 Drones.
Hybrid Forest 
Hybrid Forest
Planetary Economics 24 4 +1 Energy and Nutrient from forests. +50% psych and economy. It removes ecodamage from terraforming 100% (You need Tree Farm first before you can build this).
Homo Superior 24 4 Psych goes up 25%, labs go up 50% and the amount of drones goes down by 1. Helps prevent population loss by disease or genetic warfare.
Matter Editation 32 6 Mineral output goes up by 50%.
Naval Yard 
Naval Yard
Doctrine: Initiative 8 2 This facility provides +2 Morale to naval units produced. Naval units that end their turn here are automatically restored to full strength the next turn. Increases naval defense at this base by 100%.
Nessus Mining Station 
Nessus Mining Station
Self-Aware Machines 12 0 Each of your bases produces +1 additional minerals per turn for each satellite built.
Network Node 
Network Node
Information Networks 8 1 (0 with discovery of Self-Aware Machines) Adds +50% to Labs, allows Alien Artifacts to be linked for tech.
Orbital Defense Pod 
Orbital Defense Pod
Self-Aware Machines 12 0 50% of all missiles will get destroyed if they try to attack ANY base.
Orbital Power Transmitter 
Orbital Power Transmitter
Advanced Spaceflight 12 0 Each of your bases produces +1 additional energy per turn for each satellite built.
Paradise Garden 
Paradise Garden
Sentient Econometrics 12 4 Two extra talents at the base. Sited wisely, you can use these to trigger a golden age at your best bases.
Perimeter Defense 
Perimeter Defense
Doctrine: Loyalty 5 0 Adds +100% to base defense.
Pressure Dome 
Pressure Dome
Doctrine: Flexibility 8 0 Prevents base from submerging when the terrain changes (base will turn into a naval base.) Also counts as a Recycling Tanks.
Psi Gate 
Psi Gate
Matter Transmission 10 2 Allows one unit to teleport to -or- from another base with a psi gate per turn.
Punishment Sphere 
Punishment Sphere
Advanced Military Algorithms 10 2 Quells all drones at this base with the penalty of -50% labs and no talents.
Quantum Converter 
Quantum Converter
Quantum Machinery 20 5 Adds +50% minerals production at this base. Cumulative with similar facilities.
Quantum Lab 
Quantum Lab
Quantum Power 24 4 Adds +50% labs and energy production at this base. Cumulative with similar facilities.
Recreation Commons 
Recreation Commons
Social Psych 4 1 (0 with discovery of Sentient Econometrics) Quells 2 Drones.
Recycling Tanks 
Recycling Tanks
Biogenetics 4 0 The Recycling Tanks provides +1 nutrient, mineral, and energy per turn in the base square of the base in which it is built.
Research Hospital 
Research Hospital
Gene Splicing 12 3 Adds +50% Labs, +25% Psych, quells 1 Drone.
Robotic Assembly Plant 
Robotic Assembly Plant
Industrial Nanorobotics 20 4 Adds +50% minerals production at this base. Cumulative with similar facilities.
Advanced Subatomic Theory 6 1 Building prototype units at this base does not cost extra minerals.
Sky Hydroponics Lab 
Sky Hydroponics Lab
Orbital Spaceflight 12 0 Each of your bases produces +1 additional nutrient per turn for each satellite built.
Stockpile Energy 
Stockpile Energy
0 0 Convert minerals to energy.
Subsea Trunkline 
Subsea Trunkline
(Alien Crossfire only)
Planetary Economics 12 4 Increases minerals by 1 on every square (in the sea).
Subspace Generator 
Subspace Generator
(Alien Crossfire only)
Singularity Mechanics 60 5 Only aliens can build these. If you build 6 generators each in a base with a population of 10 or more, you win the game.
Tachyon Field 
Tachyon Field
Probability Mechanics 12 2 Augments extant Perimeter Defenses, at a higher maintenance cost.
Temple of Planet 
Temple of Planet
Secrets of Alpha Centauri 20 3 The Voice of Planet must have been built by you or any other faction.
Thermocline Transducer 
Thermocline Transducer
(Alien Crossfire only)
Adaptive Economics 8 0 +1 Energy from Tidal Harnesses
Tree Farm 
Tree Farm
Environmental Economics 12 3 Adds +50% Economy, +50% Psych, +1 Nutrient in Forest tiles.