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A Fortress is an upgraded fort that can be built when the population of the colony reaches 8 and already has a fort in place. The stout wooden barricade is reinforced and, in critical spots, replaced by stone masonry. Embrasures now house the artillery, which is more extensively used. Well-planned, overlapping fields of fire characterize the exterior approaches. A fortress overlooking the ocean will slow the progress of foreign vessels and open fire on them if they venture too close.

Colony with Fortress (Col)

Colonization Buildings

ArmoryArsenalBlacksmith's HouseBlacksmith's ShopCarpenter's ShopCathedralChurchCigar FactoryCollegeCustom HouseDocksDrydockFortFortressFur FactoryFur Trader's HouseFur Trading PostIron WorksLumber MillMagazineNewspaperPrinting PressRum Distiller's HouseRum DistilleryRum FactorySchoolhouseShipyardStableStockadeTextile MillTobacconist's HouseTobacconist's ShopTown HallUniversityWarehouseWarehouse ExpansionWeaver's HouseWeaver's Shop
