Civilization Wiki

Freight is an Industrial-era trade unit in Civilization II, available with the Corporation advance. Freight is used to establish trade routes between cities, providing a persistent Trade (Civ2) Trade bonus to both cities; Freight provides 50% higher value to both the route, and lump-sum payment of Gold (currency) (Civ2) Gold and Beaker (Civ2) Science to the establishing civilization compared to Caravans.[1]


Upon construction of Freight, the player is prompted to select its commodity from up to four options (three trade goods, or Food (Civ2) Food supplies). The player can consult the "Supply And Demand" submenu to review potential destinations.

Freight has the same Shield (Civ2) Production cost as Caravans, but moves twice as fast and provides a 50% bonus to both the revenue on delivery, and the route's total Trade (Civ2) Trade value.[1] By the time Freight is available, certain technologies will have reduced the lump-sum bonus from establishing trade routes; replacing existing Caravans will help maximize trade value.

Wonder rushing[]

Freight can also be used to hurry production of Wonders: trade units entering a player's own city building a Wonder gain an additional option to convert their entire Shield (Civ2) Shield value to the production box, rather than the 50% provided by manual disbandment. This can be done even by units returning to their home city, and is not dependent on the unit's commodity. Stockpiling freight ahead of time is a useful means of rushing a Wonder as soon as its prerequisite advance is obtained.

Civilopedia entry[]

Freight units are the modern day equivalent of the trade caravans in the ancient world. Whereas in early history raw materials, trade goods, food, and manufactured items were transported by camel or wagon, modern shipments are transported by a variety of methods including trucks and railroads. The speed and convenience of modern transportation methods allows civilizations to set up supply routes and move large quantities of merchandise and trade goods farther and faster than ever.


Freight is defined on Line 50 of the @UNITS section of Rules.txt. Only this unit provides the 50% bonus to trade route revenue. It plays the unique sound effect DIESEL.WAV on delivery.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Stefan Winkler. "Scrolls of Ancient Wisdom: Trade-offs". Civilization Fanatics' Center. Accessed 10 February 2024.

See also[]

Civilization II Units
Ground Alpine TroopsArchersArmorArtilleryCannonCaravanCatapultCavalryChariotCrusadersDiplomatDragoonsElephantEngineersExplorerFanaticsFreightHorsemenHowitzerKnightsLegionMarinesMech. Inf.MusketeersParatroopersPartisansPhalanxPikemenRiflemenSettlersSpyWarriors
Sea AEGIS CruiserBattleshipCaravelCarrierCruiserDestroyerFrigateGalleonIroncladSubmarineTransportTrireme
Air BomberCruise Msl.FighterHelicopterNuclear Msl.Stlth Bmbr.Stlth Ftr.