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The Frigate is a unique ranged naval unit of the Union from the American Civil War scenario in Civilization V: Brave New World. Requires Iron Iron.

Game Info[]

Basic Union naval unit.

  • Common abilities:
    • May Not Melee Attack


Basic naval unit, already outdated by the time of the Civil War. May only be built by the Union.

Civilopedia entry[]

During the "Age of Sail," a frigate was a warship that was smaller than the three-decked "ships of the line" which formed the core of a navy's fighting vessels, but was still large enough to pack a considerable amount of firepower. Frigates were three-masted ships with their guns mounted on a single deck (a ship of the line might have two or even three decks of guns). Depending upon its size, a frigate might carry 25-50 guns. Frigates generally served as escort and patrol vessels, as well as pirate-hunters. During the War of 1812 the United States deployed so-called "super frigates" which carried up to 90 guns. One such vessel, the USS Constitution still survives; she is the oldest commissioned frigate still afloat.

See also[]
