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Modern Academic advance (Civ2) Future Technology is a Modern-era advance in Civilization II, available with Fusion Power and Recycling.

Future Tech typically heralds the end of new research options. It is a uniquely repeatable advance, with each iteration providing a 5-point bonus to the civilization's game score.


Although future tech can be researched in perpetuity, a maximum 255 instances will actually contribute to the player's score (for a sum bonus of 1275), after which an integer overflow occurs. The research option "Future Technology 256" instead resolves as "Future Technology 0" and resets the counter, wiping the score bonus and starting the cycle again. Thus, upon completing Future Tech 255, the Science sector is rendered redundant: scientific improvements can be sold, scientists reassigned, and the tax rate reallocated to suspend further research.

Future tech cannot be stolen through espionage or city conquest, nor traded in diplomacy. It is not listed in a civilization's intelligence report, although its discovery will still be announced if an embassy is active.

Integer overflow exploits[]

Future tech can also cause beneficial integer overflows in other mechanics. After researching 256 advances (~Future Tech 168 for a civ with all other research complete and no starting advances), the ramp-up cost is reset, potentially leading to a cascade of multiple discoveries in a single turn from beaker spillover. Likewise, excess advances will reset the difficulty modifier to the civilization's pollution factor.

Civilopedia entry[]

Since the dawn of mankind, human needs and desires have combined to produce ideas and inventions that make life easier and more productive. New technological breakthroughs have become an almost daily occurrence in the modern era, and new ideas will continue to drive human knowledge to higher and higher levels well into the future.

Tech Tree[]

Tech Tree Future Technology (Civ2)


Future Technology is defined in the 90th line of the @CIVILIZE section of Rules.txt. Its internal ID is FT; although labeled ... in the Rules file, this is not recognized by the game and attempting to use it will cause a crash. exclamation mark Future tech MUST be directly accessible within the research tree (i.e. not disabled or dependent on advances only obtainable through scripted events), or the game will crash.

Future tech can technically be used a prerequisite to other advances, but these will not appear as research options to the human player; computer players can research them normally, however. Future tech does not work with the "ReceivedTechnology" event macro.

Future tech does not render units or Wonders obsolete. Items that call it as a prerequisite will not appear as build options for cities.

In original versions of Civilization II through to MGE, the score bonus is fixed to 5 points; in Test of Time, it is customizable at the 28th line of the @COSMIC section of Rules.txt.

See also[]

Advances in Civilization II [edit]
Era Type Advances
Ancient Ancient Military advance (Civ2)
Ancient Economic advance (Civ2)
Ancient Social advance (Civ2)
Ancient Academic advance (Civ2)
Ancient Applied advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Renaissance Military advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Economic advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Social advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Academic advance (Civ2)
Renaissance Applied advance (Civ2)
Industrial Industrial Revolution Military advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Economic advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Social advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Academic advance (Civ2)
Industrial Revolution Applied advance (Civ2)
Modern Modern Military advance (Civ2)
Modern Economic advance (Civ2)
Modern Social advance (Civ2)
Modern Academic advance (Civ2)
Modern Applied advance (Civ2)
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