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Game info

First ranged naval unit in the game.

May not melee attack; may not enter deep ocean. 


The Galleass is a powerful Medieval Era ship that was used by Countries near the Mediterranean sea in the 1500s and 1600s. These ships are able to bombard enemies with impunity from 2 tiles away, both in the sea and on land. This makes it very dangerous for both naval and land units, and even cities. Use it to support naval and land armies (if the latter are acting sufficiently close to the sea, of course), and lay waste to all that pleases you!

Note that Galleasses are one movement point slower than the standard Trireme. While inferior at combat, Triremes will still be superior at exploration in the Medieval era.

When promoting the unit, you may choose two distinct paths - either anti-naval, or anti-land capabilities. Consider your current enemies' strengths when making the choice.
