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The Gallic Swordsman, introduced with the Celts in Civilization III: Play the World, replaces the Swordsman. It has faster movement at a 3/2/2 attack/defense/movement ratio. It requires Iron in the Strategic Resource box to make. It costs more than a normal Swordsman by 10 shields, being worth 40.

Civilopedia entry[]

While the bulk of a Celtic army would typically consist of poorly armored spearmen, it was the warrior nobles who wielded swords that were the most feared. These Gallic Swordsmen were wealthier than their peers, and could afford to equip themselves not only with their slashing and stabbing sword, but also with a helmet and shield. They often charged into battle bare-chested or completely naked, occasionally wearing vividly patterned pants or cloaks. Similar to the Viking Berserker, Gallic Swordsman began their battles by viciously taunting their enemies, followed by a mad rush against enemy lines. Celtic warriors were also known to serve as mercenaries to numerous armies of the classical period. The best-known instance of this is when Celtic mercenaries joined Hannibal in his invasion of Italy during the 2nd Punic War, contributing to victories against Rome.

Civilization III Units [edit]
Land Ancient CavalryCArcher (BowmanJavelin ThrowerC) • ArmyArtilleryCannon (HwachaP) • CatapultCavalry (CossackHussarC2SipahiP) • Chariot (Three-Man ChariotCWar Chariot) • Cruise MissileCrusaderCExplorer (ConquistadorP) • FlakCGuerillaPHorseman (Mounted Warrior) • ICBMInfantryKnight (Ansar WarriorPKeshikPRiderSamuraiWar Elephant) • LeaderLongbowman (BerserkP) • MarineMech InfantryMedieval InfantryPMobile SAMCModern ArmorModern ParatrooperMusketman (Musketeer) • ParatrooperCPikeman (Swiss MercenaryC) • PrincessP1Radar ArtilleryRiflemanScout (Chasqui ScoutC) • SettlerSpearman (HopliteImpiNumidian MercenaryP) • Swordsman (Gallic SwordsmanPImmortalsLegionary) • Tactical NukeTank (Panzer) • TOW InfantryCTrebuchetCWarrior (Enkidu WarriorCJaguar Warrior) • Worker
Sea AEGIS CruiserBattleshipCaravel (CarrackC) • CarrierCruiserCCurraghCDestroyerFrigate (Man-O-War) • GalleonGalley (DromonC) • IroncladNuclear SubmarinePrivateerSubmarineTransport
Air BomberFighterHelicopterJet Fighter (F-15) • Stealth BomberStealth Fighter
KingP1 AbuP1AlexanderP1BismarckP1BrennusP1CaesarP1CatherineP1Charles VC12CleopatraP1ElizabethP1GandhiP1GilgameshC1HammurabiP1HannibalP1HenryC1HiawathaP1IsabellaP1Joan d'ArcP1LincolnP1MaoP1MontezumaP1MursilisC1OsmanP1PachacutiC1RagnarP1ShakaP1Smoke-JaguarC1TemujinP1TheodoraC1TokugawaP1Wang KonP1William of OrangeC1XerxesP1
P Added in the Play the World expansion pack • C Added in the Conquests expansion pack • 1 Game mode only • 2 Сut from the game